Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (5 lettori)

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Grecia: Regling,avra'difficolta' in 2012

Intervista su Handelsblatt,Spagna non fara' ricorso ad aiuti Ue

ANSA) - ROMA, 2 MAG - La Grecia potrebbe avere difficolta' a finanziarsi nel 2012 e a raccogliere i 25 miliardi previsti dal piano del governo. Lo afferma Klaus Regling, presidente dell'European Financial Stability Facility (Efsf) in una intervista ad Handelsblatt. I progetti di Atene sono ''troppo ottimistici'' ha detto Regling aggiungendo come la Spagna non avra' bisogno di ricorrere all'Efsf e che il mercato ha compreso che la crisi del debito in Europa sara' limitata a 3 Paesi che incidono per il 6% del Pil Ue.


Papaconstantinou ha più volte affermato che vuol ritornare sui mercati, a partire dal 2012, per rastrellare 25 MLD.
Se questo non sarà possibile, per le condizioni proibitive del mercato, farà ricorso all'EFSF che può operare sul Primario.
Non mi paiono in contraddizioni le dichiarazioni di Riegling.

Attualmente l'EFSF è esposto solo verso l'Irlanda.
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Anche Regling (Efsf) guarda con sospetto la Grecia: si rifinanzierà nel 2012 (Handelsblatt)

02 Mag 10:49

(Finanza.com) La Grecia traballa. I mercati da tempo guardano con sospetto Atene: si aspettano una ristrutturazione del debito all'ombra del Partenone. Oggi lo dice chiaramente anche Klaus Regling, presidente dell'European Financial Stability Facility (Efsf). In una intervista rilasciata al quotidiano tedesco Handelsblatt Regling ha segnalato che la Grecia potrebbe avere difficoltà a finanziarsi nel 2012 e a raccogliere i 25 miliardi previsti dal piano del governo. Il numero uno dell'Efsf ha, infatti, definito i progetti di Atene "troppo ottimistici". Mentre a suo avviso la Spagna avrà un destino diverso: non avrà bisogno di ricorrere all'Efsf.

Sempre la stessa notizia.
In realtà Riegling dice solo che la Grecia potrebbe non farcela a ritornare sui mercati nel 2012.
In quel caso i 25 MLD dovranno essere sottoscritti dall'EFSF.


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Qualche tentativo di stringere lo spread: ora a 1293 pb.
La situazione rimane stabile.
Domani Papaconstantinou annuncerà il piano del Governo contro l'evasione fiscale.
Qui ci sarebbero altre risorse da recuperare, ma non mi nascondo le difficoltà. In Italia ne sappiamo qualcosa ... è una lotta di lungo periodo.
Attualmente l'evasione è stimata intorno al 35% del PIL.
Quota, francamente, insopportabile.


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Greece vows tougher tax policy, aimed at raising €11.8 billion through 2013

By Associated Press, Updated: Monday, May 2, 12:19 PM

ATHENS, Greece — Greece’s cash-strapped government promised Monday to raise an additional €11.8 billion through 2013, with a crackdown on tax evasion.
Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou announced the measures a year after his country was granted an international bailout loan package worth €110 billion from the European Union and International Monetary Fund to rescue it from the brink of default.

Papaconstantinou said Greece was in talks with Swiss authorities to monitor Greek deposits — toward reaching an agreement similar to one existing between Britain and Switzerland.
Other measures include creating a speedboat division of fraud inspectors, and appointing a former senior prosecutor who handled terrorism cases to assist with the tax collection effort.
Debt inspectors, due in Athens this week, have warned that Greece needs to improve its tax system to end a weak run in state revenues that is threatening the country’s fiscal rescue program
“Tax evasion is a crime against the country,” Papaconstantinou said, noting that the measures include tougher penalties for bribing tax officials, a radical reorganization of the tax-office structure, and increased use of online tax services.
“This is the first time ever that such a systematic effort has been undertaken,” the minister said.
Greece’s black economy is worth between 25 and 37 percent of the country’s gross domestic product, according to estimates by the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.


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Pressures On Greek Banks Drag ASE Down

Athens market moves in a declining mood on Monday, as the General Index declines towards 1,400 units, while the London Stock Exchange remains closed due to a holiday.

Banks’ fluctuation exceeds 4%, while Ellaktor, OPAP and PPC are the only shares to rise across FTSE20.

Transactions are still on low levels and investing interest reaches a minimum, said Guardian Trust Securities in a report, adding that the Greek markets (stock and bond) seem to be deleted from most of the investors’ planning.

Many shares are traded around their nominal value, without being considered an opportunity, according to Guardian. The Greek government bonds incorporated spreads that have recorded historical highs, but there is a mismatch with the BB- and B1 Greek debt ratings, said Guardian, which considers that the continued failures of Greece’s fiscal forecasts led the country to lose its credibility.

The publication of financial results of domestic listed companies this week would improve the news flow, which has been focusing monotonously recently on the developments regarding fiscal figures and debt managements, commented Pegasus Securities.

Across the board, the General Index is at 1,415.32 units, down 1.35%, despite early profits of 0.94%. Turnover stands at just €25m, while a total amount of 70 shares decline, 47 rise and 41 remain unchanged.

Banks fall by 2.28% at 1,060.10 units. Only Geniki Bank rises, with profits of 1.59%, while Eurobank bears the heaviest pressures with 3.95%. Alpha Bank and Proton Bank decline by 3.55% and 3.51% respectively, while Hellenic Postbank, Marfin Popular Bankd, Attica Bank and ATEbank post losses of 3.10%, 2.44%, 2.30% and 2.17% respectively.



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EU Rehn: Debt Restructuring Not Part Of EU Strategy

BRUSSELS (Dow Jones)--Debt restructuring isn΄t currently, and will not become, part of the European Union΄s strategy to contain its sovereign debt crisis, said the EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Monday.

"It is not part of our strategy," said Olli Rehn at a conference in Brussels.

"The proponents of debt restructuring seem to ignore the potential devastating financial stability implications," said Rehn.

He said the aim of the EU΄s strategy is to prevent another cardiac arrest in financial markets and to safeguard the ongoing economic recovery. Rehn said the EU has been able to largely contain the distress in sovereign debt markets to three more vulnerable economies--Portugal, Greece and Ireland.

"Spain is decoupling from these three countries," he added, thanks to economic reforms being pursued by the country΄s government.

Rehn also said bank stress tests will be a key step to resolving the crisis, as well as "a litmus test" for the EU΄s new financial sector supervisory authorities, such as the European Banking Authority.


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Regling: Banks Fuel Greek Restructuring Talk To Make Profit

The head of European Financial Stability Facility Klaus Regling told German newspaper Handelsblatt that banks are fuelling the debate about a possible Greek debt restructuring with the aim of making a profit.

"Banks have made very high profits with the restructuring of state debt in Latin America and Asia in the 80s and 90s. They would like to repeat that in Europe," Regling said in an interview published on Monday.

The head of Europe’s current rescue fund said that there are risks for Greece, but it΄s too early to draw conclusions about a possible debt restructuring, a
nd added that possible alternative ways out of Greece΄s predicament would be to hasten its privatization program, cut state expenditure more or raise taxes.

Regarding Spain, Regling said that the country won’t need a euro-zone bailout, as the government is lowering the deficit and reforming the economy.

He added that the estimated cost of restructuring the Spanish banking sector diverge, but are within manageable limits in any case.


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Economic issues dominated the headlines in Athens' newspapers on Monday.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "All opposition parties lambasted the government, in May Day messages".

AVRIANI: "Powerful interests pressuring Samaras (main opposition New Democracy-ND leader)".

DIMOKRATIA: "PM the leader of the chaos".

ELEFTEHEROS: "Seizure of property and bank accounts of those who owe contributions to social security funds".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "The government a simple spectator of the dissolution of state and society".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "The worst is coming".

ESTIA: "Those who undermined the economy".

ETHNOS: "Black hole in all the auxiliary pension funds".

IMERISSIA: "90 foreign Funds focus on Athens Stock Exchange, privatisations".

NAFTEMPORIKI: "Second interest rate increase in eurozone on the horizon".

TA NEA: "How the Memorandum has changed our lives".

VRADYNI: "Red card to the government's policy of unemployment".



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Grecia: la ristrutturazione del debito potrebbe avere effetti devastanti sulla stabilità dell’Eurozona

02 maggio 2011 ore 13:02

La ristrutturazione del debito greco potrebbe avere effetti devastanti sulla stabilità finanziaria della zona euro e non fa parte della strategia dell’Unione Europea. Questo è quanto ha dichiarato oggi Olli Rehn, commissario europeo agli Affari economici e monetari. “Chi propone una ristrutturazione del debito greco sembra ignorare le implicazioni potenzialmente devastanti per la stabilità finanziaria della stessa Grecia e dell’area euro nel suo complesso”, afferma Rehn a margine di una conferenza stampa sulla stabilità finanziaria. “Lo ripeto, non fa parte della nostra strategia nè lo farà in futuro”, aggiunge.
Il commissario ha inoltre ribadito che, secondo le analisi della Commissione Europea, se Grecia e Irlanda hanno implementato le riforme economiche e le misure di austerità fiscale concordate con l’Unione Europea, il loro debito si stabilizzerà prima di cominciare poi a scendere. Rehn ha osservato che i differenziali sulla carta spagnola hanno messo in evidenza che il paese iberico si sta allontanando da Grecia, Irlanda e Portogallo agli occhi dei mercati, grazie alle riforme strutturali, all’aiuto nei confronti del settore finanziario e al consolidamento fiscale.

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Greece hopes for bailout repayment extension

ATHENS | Mon May 2, 2011 7:06am EDT

ATHENS May 2 (Reuters) - Greece's finance minister ruled out again on Monday a debt restructuring, adding that he had just "expressed the hope" that the EU and the IMF would agree to extend repayment of a bailout loan.
"There must be no haircut, no restructuring," Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou told a news conference.
Referring to an interview in French newspaper Liberation, in which he suggested that the EU and the IMF give Greece even more time to repay the 110 billion euro bailout after agreeing in March to extend repayments, Papaconstantinou said:
"The European Council decided (in March) to extend the repayment of the 110 billion euros. There is nothing new on this," he said. "I just expressed the hope that we will be able at a later stage to have an even better arrangement of this specific debt of 110 billion euros, nothing more," he added.
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