Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (29 lettori)

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Crisi: Grecia, proseguono ad Atene incontri Troika-governo

sul tavolo concessione quionta tranche piano aiuti

(ANSA) - ATENE, 12 MAG - Proseguono oggi ad Atene gli incontri fra i rappresentanti della ''troika' (Fondo Monetario Internazionale, Unione Europea e Banca Centrale Europea) e i funzionari del ministero delle Finanze ellenico per la concessione della quinta tranche del prestito da 110 miliardi di euro concesso alla Grecia un anno fa per salvare la sua economia dal fallimento.
Secondo la stampa greca, dai controlli gia' effettuati risultano significative deviazioni dagli obiettivi del programma varato dal governo di Atene in accordo con la troika. Oltre il ''buco nero'' di 1,3 milioni di euro - secondo dati del ministero delle Finanze - registrato nel bilancio dello Stato per i primi quattro mesi del 2011, sono stati riscontrati grandi ritardi nell'attuazione del programma delle privatizzazioni, dalle quali lo Stato si e' impegnato a incassare circa 50 miliardi di euro che dovranno essere destinati alla riduzione del debito.
Ritardi sono stati riscontrati dagli esperti della troika anche per quanto riguarda l'andamento delle riforme strutturali di cui piu' volte ha parlato lo stesso primo ministro George Papandreou.
Al termine dei controlli, che proseguiranno ancora per per qualche giorno, si decidera' anche se la Grecia ha davvero bisogno di nuovi aiuti e in quale misura.


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Gli spread/bund sul decennale dopo aver allargato questa mattina di una decina di pb. rispetto alla mediana di ieri, si mantengono su alti livelli di differenziale: ora a 1283 pb.

L'indice ASE della Borsa di Atene segna un arretramento a 1381 punti con -0,47%.


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Europe Plays With Time On Greek Debt Problem

A decision on whether Greece needs a second financial bailout will be made "a few weeks," according to European Union Economic Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn.

IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn may attend the Eurogroup summit next Monday, at a meeting that the overall debt crisis in Eurozone will be discussed, focusing on the impact of alternative scenarios to address the problem of Greece and Portugal.

The provisional data available to the Eurogroup show with certainty that Greece will need an additional loan next year to meet payments of bond maturities. Given that, alternative scenarios for the measures to be decided in the European Summit in late June or no later than September, according to a European Commission official.

Meanwhile, troika with European Commission’s initiative insists that the situation in Greece has been further deteriorating, and therefore the European Council (and the Eurogroup) should take up the addressing of the problem, as data regarding both Greek debt’s sustainability and state deficit’s course are ominous.

In addition, the German government has decided on a step-by-step tactic in order to gain time that would allow Chancellor Angela Merkel to address internal opposition related to the Greek problem. According to Merkel, no further decisions can be made until the report of the EU Commission, the ECB and the IMF on the state of Greece is released.



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PM to attend Progressive Governance conf'

ANA-MPA/Prime Minister George Papandreou is due in Norway on Thursday to participate in a major Progressive Governance Conference themed "A post-crisis agenda for the centre -left: securing shared prosperity" that opens in Oslo on Thursday.
The two-day conference is organised by Policy Network in partnership with the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) and the participation of the Norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg.
At 8:00 p.m., Papandreou will attend a working dinner hosted for the conference participants, while on Friday morning he will address a plenary discussion on the "Future jobs and growth: How can centre-left governments make a difference?"
The Greek premier will further have a bilateral meeting with his Norwegian counterpart and conference host Jens Stoltenberg.



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Nationwide labour strike staged on Wed.

ΑΝΑ-ΜPA/Greeks took to the streets on Wednesday to protest against the government's austerity measures during a 24-hour nationwide labor strike called by the country's two largest umbrella federations GSEE and ADEDY representing the private and public sector respectively.
Although turnout for the main strike rally in Athens was relatively small, participation in the strike was extensive, reaching up to 100 percent at the countries refineries, shipyards and ships, 95 percent in ports, 90 percent in construction, 80 percent in banks, and 85 percent in public utilities and state organisations (DEKO), according to the General Confederation of Workers of Greece (GSEE).
The main rally, organised jointly by GSEE and the federation of civil servants' unions ADEDY, was held at the Pedion tou Areos Park in downtown Athens, followed by a march to parliament where the GSEE and ADEDY presidiums handed a resolution to the parliament president and representatives of the political parties.ana-mpa
The resolution stressed that the working people, pensioners and unemployed will continue their fight against the policies that bring recession, unemployment, poverty and social exclusion, and demanded that the tax "thieves" pay.



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Demonstrator in serious condition

ΑΝΑ-ΜPA/A 31-year-old demonstrator who suffered head wounds in violence in the center of Athens during a 24-hour nationwide labor strike on Wednesday was reported in critical and stable condition on Thursday after undergoing emergency surgery.
In a related development, a police officer was injured after being attacked by a group of approximately 50 people at Nikaia hospital on Thursday where went, together with two colleagues, for a preliminary investigation into the serious injury of the demonstrator.
The police officers managed to escape the livid crowd in their patrol car.



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EURO GOVT-Bunds rise as stocks fall; Greece under pressure

Thu May 12, 2011 5:01am EDT

* Stocks, commodities retreat boosts core euro zone bonds
* Portuguese yields fall after Finland backs bailout
* Greek yields rise on uncertainty over fresh aid

By Emelia Sithole-Matarise

LONDON, May 12 (Reuters) - German government bonds rose on Thursday as a rout in commodities and stocks spurred demand for safe-haven assets but gains were limited as Irish and Portuguese debt rallied after Finland backed a bailout package for Lisbon.
Greek bonds bucked the trend on the periphery, with its two-year yields hitting fresh euro-era highs above 27 percent and seen rising further on a growing belief a European Union meeting next week will not deliver fresh aid for Athens.
Portuguese yields extended this week's falls, led by the two-year bonds, which slid 18 basis points after Finland's Prime Minister-elect Jyrki Katainen secured agreement from the country's second biggest party for Portugal's aid package.

"It looks increasingly likely Finland will ratify the bailout for Portugal alongside all the other members of the EU and that should provide some temporary support for Portuguese sovereign bonds," RIA Capital Markets strategist Nick Stamenkovic said.
"By contrast it looks unlikely that an agreement to provide further financial support for Greece to cover its financing gap next year will come as early as next week."
Germany piled the pressure on Greece, with Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble saying any fresh aid to Athens would have to be tied to clear conditions.
He said Germany would only decide on further Greek aid after inspectors from the IMF and EU completed their reports on the country's compliance with the conditions of its bailout.

Comments by Finland's Social Democrats that they would look to ensure any further EU bailout would incorporate greater burden sharing between private investors and the region's taxpayers could also complicate the extension of additional aid to Greece, Rabobank strategist Richard McGuire said.
"This stance, meanwhile, perhaps raises the odds we will see some form of term extension for Greek debt accompanying any further EFSF support," McGuire said.
"For now, though, we continue to see term extension as a later rather than sooner event with an additional bailout likely to defer this outcome...The uncertainty besetting this outlook is, though, of course very high."


German Bunds followed gains in U.S. Treasuries after oil prices fell more than 4 percent the previous session, spurring a rout in commodities and a retreat in share markets with European shares .FTEU3 falling 0.8 percent in early trade.
"Stock markets performed poorly in Asia following the sell-off we saw in the U.S. last night and as a result we are seeing the flight to quality into German government bonds," Stamenkovic said. The Bund future FGBLc1 was last t 124.23, up 30 ticks from Wednesday's settlement close but in line with levels reached in after-hours trading in Europe as U.S. stocks fell.
A break above Monday's high of 124.44 could see the contract heading for 125.02-10, FuturesTechs analyst Clive Lambert said, levels last reached in mid-January. Cash 10-year Bund yields were down 2.9 percent at 3.11 percent DE10YT=TWEB while the two-year Schatz yielded 1.72 percent DE2YT=TWEB, flat on the day.
These moves left the 2/10-year yield gap three bps tighter at 139 bps with the short-end under pressure from expectations the European Central Bank will raise interest rates in July after leaving them on hold at 1.25 percent last week.


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EU Juncker: Greek Restructuring Could Destabilise Euro-Zone

MAINZ (Dow Jones)--A restructuring of Greece's debt could destabilise the euro zone and poses considerable risks for inflation in the currency bloc, Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the Euro-Group of European finance ministers, said Thursday.
The impact of a Greek restructuring on inflation and on stability in the whole euro zone is very "uncertain and unresearched," Juncker, who is also Luxembourg's Prime Minister, said in a speech.
Greece needs to take "very considerable" further steps to consolidate its budget and assure the long-term stability of the euro, Juncker said.
These steps include privatization and structural reforms, he said.
If these reforms are implemented, Greece has a "reasonable chance" of bringing its debt woes under control, he said.
Greece has a "classic competitiveness problem," while Portugal has an economic growth problem and Ireland a banking problem, he added.
Juncker argued for the introduction of automatic sanctions for countries that break European fiscal rules.
The recently-agreed European competitiveness pact has less content than might have been hoped, he said.
Still, Juncker said the euro zone would have weathered the crisis less well without the euro due to currency fluctuations.
The re-regulation of financial markets is not over, he added.
Europe is "still very far" from transparency in regulation of many products, he said.
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