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Greece's Shot at Salvation


Could Greece's tragedy yet have a happy ending?
Many investors think the country has little chance of avoiding a default at some point. Its slim hopes of avoiding that depend on an ambitious €50 billion ($71 billion) privatization and real-estate development program by 2015, with €12 billion to €17 billion of receipts now promised by 2013. Wednesday's announcement of a raft of advisers for privatizations ranging from gambling companies to motorways suggests it may finally be serious. Still, execution risk remains high.
Greece has no shortage of assets. It has state-owned enterprises alone valued at €44 billion, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. These include ports, power, transport, water and gambling companies. In addition, the government owns real estate with an estimated value of €200 billion to €300 billion, including 2004 Olympics facilities, military property and land used for uncontrolled private development.
But despite commitments given to the International Monetary Fund and European Commission, Greece has been dragging its feet, partly for fear of sparking further domestic protests. Unlike the U.K. privatizations in the 1980s, Greece seems likely to have to sell mostly to foreign investors rather than to its own public, heightening the sensitivities. But attitudes are changing: A recent poll showed more than seven out of 10 Greeks support privatization, and the Socialist government can count on support from the right-wing opposition for asset sales.
The challenge now is to find investors willing to put money into Greece. Spain's Gas Natural has indicated it may bid for a stake in gas company DEPA; Athens International Airport also looks set to draw international interest, though the deal's value will depend on the terms of a new concession agreement.
Hurdles remain. Financial buyers may find it difficult to borrow against Greek assets. And on the real-estate side, progress may be slow. Even now, Greece is only just establishing a single land registry; its banks are cataloguing its real-estate assets; and the country is having to develop surface rights and long-term leaseholds. Conditions for developers remain unclear. Yet Greece is relying on real estate to generate €35 billion of the €50 billion target. This is hugely ambitious.
Still, the prize is worth it. If it succeeds in raising the full €50 billion—equivalent to 20% of gross domestic product—Greece's debt-to-GDP would fall to 134% in 2015 from a current forecast of 151%, according to the IMF, and its debt would be on a clear downward trajectory, raising hopes it would be sustainable. That estimate excludes other economic benefits, including increased foreign investment elsewhere in the economy, higher productivity and the opportunity to buy back debt at sky-high yields.
What Greece is confronting is nothing less than a Thatcher-style revolution. But the comparison is a reminder that what is promised is achievable—providing one has a Thatcher.

Greece's Shot at Salvation - WSJ.com


New Membro
Azz. ci voleva uno studio legale londinese per capire di far pressione sugli Istituzionali tramite l'utilizzo del collaterale ... :rolleyes:.
E magari gli hanno rifilato una parcella mega per la consulenza ...

Ma se quella parcella la dessero a noi?:D:D:D

quello che noi diciamo da sempre....l'unica via per ottenere qualcosa senza defaultare....tra l'altro questa soluzione sarebbe troppo bella per noi...


Forumer storico
Ma se quella parcella la dessero a noi?:D:D:D

quello che noi diciamo da sempre....l'unica via per ottenere qualcosa senza defaultare....tra l'altro questa soluzione sarebbe troppo bella per noi...

Rientra sempre nell'arco degli scenari...
Dato che il debito è in mano massivamente ad "Istituzionali" che se ne servono tramite operazioni di finanziamento presso BCE, basterebbe inibire questi titoli come collaterale sostituendoli con altri riscadenziati.
Gli istituzionali sarebbero costretti ad accettarli mentre il Parco Buoi potrebbe tranquillamente andare per la sua strada.
Ipotesi non nuova ... ma gli "avvocati" sono lì per spillare parcelle :D.


Forumer storico
Merkel wants Greeks to have less vacation time

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Greece needs to raise the retirement age and reduce vacation days in order to help solve its economic problems.
In a speech at an event held by her party, the conservative Christian Democratic Union, in the western German town of Meschede, Merkel said that keeping debt under control is not the only priority.
"It is also important that people in countries like Greece, Spain and Portugal are not able to retire earlier than in Germany -- that everyone exerts themselves more or less equally. That is important,» she said, according to Germany’s Spiegel online version.
She added: «We can't have a common currency where some get lots of vacation time and others very little. That won't work in the long term."
"Of course we want the euro and of course we don't want to see that a country goes broke, so to speak, and that we all then follow,» she added. «But we can't just show solidarity and then say that these countries can continue as before."

ekathimerini.com , Wednesday May 18, 2011 (14:59)


Utente Senior
interessante articolo prima pagina Financial times Deutschland:
ve lo riassumo prossimamente;
c'è anche allegata tabellina che mostra che quasi tutto il debito non è in mano retail.
Cmq conferma per riprofilamento del debito come volontario. Rimane aperto se con o senza taglio cedole.


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Strauss-Khan si dimette: sono innocente

Lettera all'Fmi: voglio proteggere il Fondo, accuse false

19 maggio, 07:28

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Il direttore dell'Fmi Strauss-Khan, accusato di violenza sessuale, si è dimesso ed ha assicurato che proverà la sua innocenza. "Lascio per proteggere il Fondo, ma nego ogni accusa contro di me", scrive in una lettera. Oggi per lui una nuova udienza, davanti a un altro giudice rispetto a quello che aveva disposto la sua carcerazione. I legali dell'ex direttore dell'Fondo monetario internazionale presenteranno una nuova richiesta di liberazione su cauzione.
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