Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (13 lettori)

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The European Bankers’ Final Plan On Greek Issue

European bankers have reached to the final draft of a solution to the Greek problem, ahead of the European Union Summit on Thursday, according to Greek daily Ethnos.

The newspaper reported that the project on the voluntary participation of private investors in the new support package is a proposal tabled by the head of the Institute of International Finance Charles Dallara. The plan is expected to be finalized during the week in order to reach to an agreement that would be formalized at the Summit.

The plan includes a menu of options and along with additional funding from the EU and the IMF would give breath to the sustainability of the debt. Ethnos reports that the IIF proposed three solutions, which could be activated also in combination:

-Extension of repayment for 30 years for all Greek bonds expiring until 2020 at par value with lower interest rate than current market prices.

-Swap of all Greek bonds with new 30-year bonds, which would have the same nominal value or would suffer a “haircut”. The process would be guaranteed by the EU.

-Repurchase of debt with cash from the secondary bond market, where the Greek bonds are traded at much lower than nominal value. It is proposed to create a fund with initial capital of €30-40 billion.

According to the same publication, besides the voluntary participation of private investors, which should not trigger a credit event, Greece should also be financed by the other Eurozone countries and the IMF with an amount of €60 billion


Da leggere.


Si e poi vuole la patrimoniale. Non vedi come sono già tutti allineati: Montezemolo, Abete, Fini, Camusso, Bersani, Di Pietro, Formigoni e Casini?

Secondo me stanno cercando di fare in fretta. E' ovvio che ormai la gente ha sensazione che ci tartasseranno a sangue per cui chi ha qualcosa pian piano lo stà togliendo. Più passa il tempo più ci sarà meno da prendere.
Saremo penso l'unico paese europeo che fa una patrimoniale, tutti gli altri tagliano lo spreco e la spesa pubblica...

Sulla patrimoniale lasciamo perdere che se ci penso vado a mettere le bombe.


The European Bankers’ Final Plan On Greek Issue

European bankers have reached to the final draft of a solution to the Greek problem, ahead of the European Union Summit on Thursday, according to Greek daily Ethnos.

The newspaper reported that the project on the voluntary participation of private investors in the new support package is a proposal tabled by the head of the Institute of International Finance Charles Dallara. The plan is expected to be finalized during the week in order to reach to an agreement that would be formalized at the Summit.

The plan includes a menu of options and along with additional funding from the EU and the IMF would give breath to the sustainability of the debt. Ethnos reports that the IIF proposed three solutions, which could be activated also in combination:

-Extension of repayment for 30 years for all Greek bonds expiring until 2020 at par value with lower interest rate than current market prices.

-Swap of all Greek bonds with new 30-year bonds, which would have the same nominal value or would suffer a “haircut”. The process would be guaranteed by the EU.

-Repurchase of debt with cash from the secondary bond market, where the Greek bonds are traded at much lower than nominal value. It is proposed to create a fund with initial capital of €30-40 billion.

According to the same publication, besides the voluntary participation of private investors, which should not trigger a credit event, Greece should also be financed by the other Eurozone countries and the IMF with an amount of €60 billion .


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Daje che cominciamo a carburà.


Forumer storico
Sulla patrimoniale lasciamo perdere che se ci penso vado a mettere le bombe.

Purtroppo se non si vuole tagliare la spesa pubblica l'unica soluzione è tassare. Io penso ormai che la spesa pubblica sia fuori controllo e anche una patrimoniale possa dar solo un breve respiro. Bisognerebbe tagliere almeno del 8-10% annuo le nostre uscite ma probabilmente non lo faranno mai


Confusion reigns over solution to Greek debt crisis

....."We are against euro bonds," German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Friday, repeating Berlin's concern that a common bond for the single currency area would provide no meaningful incentives for national governments to pursue prudent budget policies ....

So' proprio crucchi.
Perchè adesso senza eurobond sono tutti in pareggio, è chiaro.


Forumer storico
The European Bankers’ Final Plan On Greek Issue

European bankers have reached to the final draft of a solution to the Greek problem, ahead of the European Union Summit on Thursday, according to Greek daily Ethnos.

The newspaper reported that the project on the voluntary participation of private investors in the new support package is a proposal tabled by the head of the Institute of International Finance Charles Dallara. The plan is expected to be finalized during the week in order to reach to an agreement that would be formalized at the Summit.

The plan includes a menu of options and along with additional funding from the EU and the IMF would give breath to the sustainability of the debt. Ethnos reports that the IIF proposed three solutions, which could be activated also in combination:

-Extension of repayment for 30 years for all Greek bonds expiring until 2020 at par value with lower interest rate than current market prices.

-Swap of all Greek bonds with new 30-year bonds, which would have the same nominal value or would suffer a “haircut”. The process would be guaranteed by the EU.

-Repurchase of debt with cash from the secondary bond market, where the Greek bonds are traded at much lower than nominal value. It is proposed to create a fund with initial capital of €30-40 billion.

According to the same publication, besides the voluntary participation of private investors, which should not trigger a credit event, Greece should also be financed by the other Eurozone countries and the IMF with an amount of €60 billion .


Da leggere.

Ma queste opzioni (le prime due ovviamente) riguarderanno solo i privati istituzionali (banche per intenderci) o saranno proposte anche al retail?


Forumer storico
Magari, allo sgroppino.
Comunque ho una malsana voglia di fare come Bud Spencer ed acchiappare insieme le teste dei vari leader per sfracassarle l'una sull'altra con gesto atletico.
Che perfetto esempio di inettitudine.

Figurati che questo era il mio stato d'animo già a dicembre.
Ora no...ormai è cambiato!
Ora sono di una calma serafica. Direi che ho un punto di vista Gandhiano sulla faccenda. Ho una pazienza incrollabile.
A tratti rasento visioni mistiche di pace e amore universale.
Potrei anche arrivare a dire, che so: "Tedeschi, vi voglio bene, so che lo fate per il nostro bene, che siamo indolenti e scansa fatiche...è giusto che ci vogliate punire...ce lo meritiamo". Così...per dire....

In altre giornate di fuoco come queste avrei colto con grande disappunto l'avere il mot totalmente paralizzato, ad ulteriore detrimento della già precaria liquidità di questi titoli, con spread denato/lettera da paura.
Ora no, dico...non fa nulla....

Pax Vobiscum!

Pax Vobiscum!
:angel: :benedizione:

e se proprio vogliamo far loro un buffetto scherzoso...cosa possiamo dirgli...

Tutto qui....

p.s. non fateci caso, sto solo seguendo alla lettera i consigli del mio psicoterapeuta.
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