Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (15 lettori)

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Greek government vice president and Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos arrived Sunday night in Washington, where he will hold on Monday a series of meetings with top US and International Monetary Fund (IMF) officials.

Venizelos begins his contacts with a meeting with Greece's representative to the IMF Panagiotis Roumeliotis, followed by discussions with other IMF officials.
These will be followed by separate meetings with Institute of International Finance (IIF) managing director Charles Dallara, US treasury secretary Timothy Geithner, and new IMF managing
ice president and Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos arrived Sunday night in Washington, where he will hold on Monday a series of meetings with top US and International Monetary Fund (IMF) officials. will meet throughout Monday with US administration officials and Congressional leaders, as well as with the senior officials of the IMF, while he will further give interviews to the American media. director Christine Lagarde. The Greek minister's itinerary further includes meetings with US Senator and chairman of the Senate standing Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Tim Johnson, and Senator John Kerry, chairman of the Senate's standing Committee on Foreign Affairs.
On Monday evening, Venizelos will deliver an address at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on the theme "The Greek crisis: Challenges and Opportunities", during which he will outline the Greek government's policy and the implementation of its reforms programme, as well as progress achieved so far.
Venizelos departs the US late Monday night.
Shortly after his arrival in the US capital on Sunday night, Venizelos attended a dinner in his honor hosted by Greek ambassador to the US Vassilis Kaskarelis.




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Greece's trade balance deficit fell by a further 21.6 percent in May, resulting in an overall reduction of 30.9 percent in the first five months of the year (January-May 2011), according to provisional figures released on Monday by the independent Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT).The deficit of the Trade Balance, excluding oil products, for the 5-month period from January to May 2011 amounted to 7219.7 million euros (9983.2 million dollars) in comparison with 10452.8 million euros (14065.3 million dollars) for the corresponding period of the year 2010, recording a drop, in euros, of 30.9%, ELSTAT said in a report.


Prosegue l'andamento positivo della bilancia commerciale.


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Greek government vice president and Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos arrived Sunday night in Washington, where he will hold on Monday a series of meetings with top US and International Monetary Fund (IMF) officials.

Venizelos begins his contacts with a meeting with Greece's representative to the IMF Panagiotis Roumeliotis, followed by discussions with other IMF officials.
These will be followed by separate meetings with Institute of International Finance (IIF) managing director Charles Dallara, US treasury secretary Timothy Geithner, and new IMF managing
ice president and Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos arrived Sunday night in Washington, where he will hold on Monday a series of meetings with top US and International Monetary Fund (IMF) officials. will meet throughout Monday with US administration officials and Congressional leaders, as well as with the senior officials of the IMF, while he will further give interviews to the American media. director Christine Lagarde. The Greek minister's itinerary further includes meetings with US Senator and chairman of the Senate standing Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Tim Johnson, and Senator John Kerry, chairman of the Senate's standing Committee on Foreign Affairs.
On Monday evening, Venizelos will deliver an address at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on the theme "The Greek crisis: Challenges and Opportunities", during which he will outline the Greek government's policy and the implementation of its reforms programme, as well as progress achieved so far.
Venizelos departs the US late Monday night.
Shortly after his arrival in the US capital on Sunday night, Venizelos attended a dinner in his honor hosted by Greek ambassador to the US Vassilis Kaskarelis.


gli americani hanno chiamato i greci per farsi spiegare come si fanno a ricevere soldi gratis da quei cogl.ioni europei per essere salvati dalla bancarotta :D


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sulla 2019 5%
un MILIONE in denaro 51,50
e un milione in lettera a 56,5
altro scambio "concordato" ?
MAI visto quelle quantita' su quella emissione


Forumer storico
ora riapparsi ma a 53,99 in denaro
# Q.Denaro P.Denaro P.Lettera Q.Lettera #
1 2.000 54,0000 54,0000 4.000 4
1 1.000.000 53,9900 55,0000 2.000 1
1 3.000 50,0000 56,0000 9.000 4
0 0 0,0000 56,5000 2.000 1
0 0 0,0000 57,0000 2.000 1


Oramai le notizie sui debiti sovrani hanno fatto default: un giorno esaltano il piano di salvataggio della Grecia un'altro lo bocciano. Chi diffonde certe notizie cavalca l'onda del panico e della speculazione. Oramai non sono più credibili, cominciando con le agezie di rating. Cosa fare difronte a tanta disinformazione o tempesta speculativa. Stare calmi, attenersi ai fatti, agli accordi ufficiali che non implicano alcun default. Quello selettivo significa che le banche, avendo acquista i titoli greci, propabilmente ad un costo medio ben al disotto di 100, non perderanno alcunchè sia contabilmente che effettivamente. Che la Grecia avrà la possibiità di ridurre notevolmente il costo del servizio del debito e rendere lo stesso debito sostenibile. Questi sono i fatti il resto è ciarpame.

Tutte le Caxxate che dicono fanno alzare o abbassare i Cds,con i quali spostano le quotazioni come vogliono...e da li i guadagni..


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Azz. lo spread italico allarga sempre ... ora a 290 pb. (dopo aver toccato i 295 pb).
In oscillazione, ma più stabile, quello greco.
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