Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (4 lettori)

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Euro FinMins Meet, ECB Intervenes

French and German FinMins Francois Baroin and Wolfgang Schauble are meeting on Tuesday to discuss the implementation of the ...long-term plans by Merkel-Sarkozy, which disappointed everyone –even their voters- by their indecisiveness.

Formally, the agenda includes the decisions of EU Summit on July 21 and the medium- and long-term approximation of European economy.

However, unofficially they would focus on how to convince capital markets that the Eurozone could address recession and monetary turmoil, and how to support the European banking system, which is under severe pressure, after FED decided to raise the issue of European banks’ liquidity.

It is said that the reason for the decision was the fact that a large –probably French- bank needed $500 million and no other bank was willing to lend it. Thus, a process of “conciliation” launched, with no one knowing its ending.

However, it is certain that it has caused a “freeze” in the international banking system, which reminiscent the period of 2008-2009.

As expected, the ECB has entered the game, proceeding with emergency measures to provide liquidity and using euro-dollar exchange tools, agreed with the FED a year ago. But, the problem still exists: European banks are still in the centre of attention.

According to Basil III treaty, they would require about €700 billion in extra funds, if the new capital adequacy rules are applied.

Currently, the ECB provides liquidity and removes it with auctions. This is why the euro maintains a high exchange rate.

But, for how long? This question is becoming more intense day by day, since the debt crisis is spreading and the recession deepens.

Under these circumstances, the developments regarding the Greek debt and the domestic banking system are drops in the ocean, however they still threaten to pour fuel to the fir



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Greek FinMin Faces Three Fronts

Greek FinMin Evangelos Venizelos seeks to address three fronts, in order to implement the agreement on Greece without new measures and strikes, which would jeopardize the targets of medium-term fiscal plan.

The key issue is to continue the financing of Greece and bring in actual collaterals by the European Financial Stability Facility to Greek banks, which are under market pressures once again.

Available cash is now just over €4 billion, after the repayment of a five-year bond of €6 billion and €2 billion treasury bills, and should be renewed shortly. The sixth tranche of €8 billion, scheduled to be disbursed on September 15, is more likely to be released in October, while the new support package is still under negotiation, provided that the troika would approve Greece’s progress.

Meanwhile, after the agreement with Finland on collaterals, Greece is facing another front, as Austria, the Netherlands, Slovakia and –quitter- Estonia has also raised similar requirements.

The first front is the European one. Venizelos has urged European executives for a political solution to the euro.

He seeks to achieve an intervention, so that the Euro-working group, meeting at the end of the week, would endorse the agreement between Greece – Finland. The minister also asks for action to prevent similar requirements from other countries, and seeks implementation of decisions made on July 21.

Regarding the troika’s review, Greece’s challenge is to avoid new measures, after the completion of the assessment.

Ministry’s argument is based on estimates for a deeper than expected recession from 3.9% to 4.5% of GDP, caused by the global economic downturn. Venizelos would attempt to convince the troika that the budget would return on track in the fall with additional measures of €6.7 bullion. If he succeeds, there would be an upward revision of state deficit from 7.6%, otherwise there would be an additional measure package.

The last front has to do with the strikes, which the Greek union plan for the autumn. At his meetings with the workers’ representatives, Greek FinMin would seek to ensure milder reactions by promising better days after the implementation of the new aid package.



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I Bond danno l'addio allo scenario attendista

22 Aug 2011




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Cds, periferici allargano, Italia +10 pb a 368 pb

lunedì 22 agosto 2011 11:15

LONDRA, 22 agosto (Reuters) - E' in salita il costo per assicurarsi dal rischio di un default dei paesi periferici. Alla base dell'allargamento sono citate le preoccupazioni circa la continua opposizione della Germania alla realizzazione di eurobond e i dubbi circa la capacità delle autorità europee di risolvere la crisi del debito.
Secondo Markit, il credit default swaps italiano a 5 anni con quello italiano che sale di 10 punti base a 368 pb. Ciò significa che costa 368.000 euro assicurare 10 milioni di debito italiano dal rischio di default.
In salita anche i Cds a 5 anni della Spagna, che allargano di 9 punti base a 373 punti base, del Portogallo, di 39 pb a 935 pb, della Grecia, di 71 pb a 2.000 pb, dell'Irlanda, di 19 pb a 815 pb.


Lo spread si alza troppo

Lo spread Siffredi.
Saranno costretti a fare l'Eurobond a meno che non si inventino qualcos'altro, tipo la pietra filosofale o il moto perpetuo.
In caso contrario si va a zampette all'aria perchè sul breve alla crescita zero non c'è soluzione.
Sull'Eurobond mi ci gioco una palla, una sì due no.
Ultima modifica di un moderatore:


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Lo spread Siffredi.
Saranno costretti a fare l'Eurobond a meno che non si inventino qualcos'altro, tipo la pietra filosofale o il moto perpetuo.
In caso contrario si va a zampette all'aria perchè sul breve alla crescita zero non c'è soluzione.
Sull'Eurobond mi ci gioco una palla, una sì due no.

Non lo faranno


Non lo faranno

Non so per quanto la BCE ed altri organi istituzionali possano continuare a comprare (ce li hanno i trilioni che servono?).
Poi arrivano gli emergenti e altri loschi figuri a bussare alla porta...A quel punto la scelta è obbligata perchè è più difficile commissariare finanziariamente / politicamente tutta la UE che il singolo stato.
Oltre agli eurobond faranno pure un programma di adozione: adotta un europeo


Forumer storico
Non so per quanto la BCE ed altri organi istituzionali possano continuare a comprare (ce li hanno i trilioni che servono?).
Poi arrivano gli emergenti e altri loschi figuri a bussare alla porta...A quel punto la scelta è obbligata perchè è più difficile commissariare finanziariamente / politicamente tutta la UE che il singolo stato.

Dimentichi il ruolo che può (e deve) giocare l'EFSF.
La battaglia sarà tutta lì ...

L'Eurobond addavenì ...
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