Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (5 lettori)

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Il calo del PIL previsto per il 2011 non è del 3,9%, ma del 4,5% ... però potrebbe arrivare al 5,3% ... e tuttavia, precisa Venizelos, io non avevo detto che sarà del 4,5%, perché sarà più del 4,5%, ma secondo me non si arriverà al 5,3% ... più chiaro di così... :-o

La revisione del target comporta che le nuove misure già concordate il mese scorso per portare comunque il deficit/PIL al 7,6% mancheranno l'obiettivo anche se la Grecia, per una volta, riuscisse effettivamente ad ottenere gli incrementi di entrate ed i tagli di spesa concordati...

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Greece Sees Economy Shrinking 4.5% To 5.3% In 2011

Greece's economy is expected to plunge deeper into recession than previously forecast, the country's finance minister says, adding that this may complicate efforts to achieve budget targets for the year.
ATHENS -- Greece's economy is expected to plunge deeper into recession than
previously forecast, the country's finance minister said Monday, adding that
this may complicate efforts to achieve budget targets for the year.

Speaking in a news conference, Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said the
government now expects Greece's economy to shrink by between 4.5% and 5.3% this year--against an officially forecast 3.9% decline.

"Finance Ministry estimates now see the 2011 recession between 4.5% and 5.3%,"
Venizelos said. "I don't adopt the 5.3% estimate, but I have said that the
recession will be deeper than 4.5%

Greece's economy is now stumbling through a third year of recession, which
many analysts expect to continue next year. As a result, the government is
scrambling to meet its deficit targets even as tax collections slip on account
of the slowdown and social spending, such as for unemployed workers, rises.

Senior government officials, say a sharper-than-expected slowdown could push Greece's 2011 budget deficit to between 8% and 8.5% of GDP, compared with an official target of 7.6%.

"In the last quarter we must achieve our fiscal targets, which is becoming
more difficult due to a deeper recession," Venizelos said.

But he added that recent spending cuts and tax increases voted on by the Greek
parliament in June, should help the country achieve its budget goals.

"If we apply all of the measures that have been voted, we will be exceedingly
close to our goals," Venizelos said.


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Grecia, visione Moody's su collaterali ha un peso - Venizelos

lunedì 22 agosto 2011 16:17

ATENE, 22 agosto (Reuters) - La prospettiva di Moody's sul tema dei collaterali a garanzia dei prestiti concessi alla Grecia ha un suo peso. Lo ha detto il ministro delle Finanze greco Evangelos Venizelos, assicurando che la prossima tranche di prestiti, prevista per settembre, arriverà senza ritardi.
In mattinata Moody's aveva paventato il rischio di ripercussioni sul rating della Grecia e dei Paesi della zona euro destinatari di bailout nel caso la Grecia fosse stata costretta a versare dei collaterali a garanzia dei prestiti ricevuti dai partner della zona euro.
Venizelos ha inoltre assicurato che le trattative sullo swap dei titoli sono in stato avanzato. "I colloqui [sullo swap dei titoli] sono in fase avanzata e stanno andando bene" ha sottolineato Venizelos ai giornalisti.


Forumer attivo
Il calo del PIL previsto per il 2011 non è del 3,9%, ma del 4,5% ... però potrebbe arrivare al 5,3% ... e tuttavia, precisa Venizelos, io non avevo detto che sarà del 4,5%, perché sarà più del 4,5%, ma secondo me non si arriverà al 5,3% ... più chiaro di così... :-o

La revisione del target comporta che le nuove misure già concordate il mese scorso per portare comunque il deficit/PIL al 7,6% mancheranno l'obiettivo anche se la Grecia, per una volta, riuscisse effettivamente ad ottenere gli incrementi di entrate ed i tagli di spesa concordati...

Dal DJN online di oggi...

Greece Sees Economy Shrinking 4.5% To 5.3% In 2011

Greece's economy is expected to plunge deeper into recession than previously forecast, the country's finance minister says, adding that this may complicate efforts to achieve budget targets for the year.
ATHENS -- Greece's economy is expected to plunge deeper into recession than
previously forecast, the country's finance minister said Monday, adding that
this may complicate efforts to achieve budget targets for the year.

Speaking in a news conference, Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said the
government now expects Greece's economy to shrink by between 4.5% and 5.3% this year--against an officially forecast 3.9% decline.

"Finance Ministry estimates now see the 2011 recession between 4.5% and 5.3%,"
Venizelos said. "I don't adopt the 5.3% estimate, but I have said that the
recession will be deeper than 4.5%

Greece's economy is now stumbling through a third year of recession, which
many analysts expect to continue next year. As a result, the government is
scrambling to meet its deficit targets even as tax collections slip on account
of the slowdown and social spending, such as for unemployed workers, rises.

Senior government officials, say a sharper-than-expected slowdown could push Greece's 2011 budget deficit to between 8% and 8.5% of GDP, compared with an official target of 7.6%.

"In the last quarter we must achieve our fiscal targets, which is becoming
more difficult due to a deeper recession," Venizelos said.

But he added that recent spending cuts and tax increases voted on by the Greek
parliament in June, should help the country achieve its budget goals.

"If we apply all of the measures that have been voted, we will be exceedingly
close to our goals," Venizelos said.

quindi secondo te ormai è solo questione di tempo, ma


Forumer storico
quindi secondo te ormai è solo questione di tempo, ma

A livello di opinione personale, lo sanno tutti qui che resto pessimista sull'esito finale della vicenda ... che genere di ristrutturazione vorranno fare ovviamente non lo so... poi diciamo che tu hai espresso il concetto in maniera particolarmente colorita... :-o :D

Però qui siamo alla toppa da praticare ad ottobre sulla pezza messa a luglio al piano di salvataggio varato l'anno scorso...

Mi chiedo quanto a lungo si potrà andare avanti in questa maniera... secondo me, poco ... libero di sbagliare, ovviamente... ;)


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Venizelos: Greek People Cannot Afford Additional Measures

Despite deeper recession, Greece can achieve its goals without adopting additional measures, FinMin Evangelos Venizelos said on Monday.

“We must not adopt new measures, people can not afford new measure, but we can achieve our goals by implementing what is already adopted”, Venizelos said.

He admitted that recession would be definitely over 4.5% of GDP, but he does not anticipate the most pessimistic prediction of 5.3% to fulfil.

Regarding the arrival of the troika, the minister said that there would be discussions but no negotiations about the impact of deeper recession on the medium-term fiscal plan.

He explained that the troika endorsed the estimate of deficit of 7.6%, while the recession of 3.9% of GDP was also a troika prediction.

For these reasons, Evangelos Venizelos noted that the government would discuss with the troika representatives the causes of deviations before any negotiation on new measures.

Responding to the issue of collaterals that has arisen after the Greek-Finnish agreement, the minister called for a political solution. He claimed that the agreement was politically imperative, but stressed that the implementation of July 21 agreement is a vital issue for the euro.

Venizelos, also Deputy Prime Minister, revealed that apart from his own letter to top European executives, the head of the IIF Charles Dallara also sent a similar letter to Eurogroup’s head Jean-Claude Juncker and European Commissioner Olli Rehn.



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S&P: Greece Is Likely To Default Later This Year

David Beers, head of global sovereign ratings at Standard & Poor΄s, said that Greece that it is likely to be in default later this year, according to Dow Jones Newswires.

There is likely to be another restructuring, even after an agreement for debt relief and an extension of maturities of debt, he said.

That rescue package is already in danger of being undermined by a separate deal under which Finland would receive collateral in exchange for extending new loans to Greece, as other countries have asked for similar treatment, according to Beers.

Finally, he defended S&P’s decision to downgrade the U.S.΄s sovereign credit rating and said market volatility would not deter it from other rating cuts when justified.

Beers said the U.S. Treasury Department was "disingenuous" in claiming the firm made a $2 trillion miscalculation.

"There was no math error" as the Treasury Department suggested, he said, adding that the $2 trillion in question had not affected the downgrade decision as it reflected longer term calculations that were actually beyond the timeframe of its assessment.


Secondo S&P, come già riportato questa mattina, default greco entro la fine dell'anno ...

Io seguo Dallara ... :-o.


Forumer storico
ASE: Losses In August Exceed 20%

In one of the weakest trading sessions in recent years, the ASE General Index was forced into a new slide on Monday, following four consecutive weeks of losses.

After sign changes and fluctuations into a margin of 34 units (3.51%), the General Index closed just above the session low, below 950 units, while the turnover barely exceeded €33 million. After Monday’s sessions, total losses of the General Index in August now exceed 20%.

Similarly, Greek banks fell by 3.47% at 631.06 units, after a fluctuation of 5.6%. Proton Bank plunged by 10.26% at €0.35, while National Bank ended at session low (€3.33) with losses of 4.05% and volume of 2.2 million units.

Market analysts speak of a frustrating image across the board, as the Greek market is still trapped between the uncertainty about international developments and a series of problems domestically, such as deep recession, high unemployment rate, risk of fiscal derailment and delay of the negotiations on the Greek debt rollover.

The outlook for the coming meetings remains unclear, as the characteristic of low trading activity would most likely remain, although the accumulated recent losses could provide an upward reaction, compound with any supportive new flow.

On the board, the General Index ended at 940.72 units with losses of 2.21%. Approximately 20.43 million units worth €33.35 million traded on Monday, while a total amount of 89 share declined, 49 rose and 142 remained unchanged.

Jumbo topped FTSE20 with profits of 4.72% at €3.77, while PPC recorded marginal gains of 0.16% at €6.10. MIG remained unchanged.

On the other hand, National Bank suffered the heaviest losses, while Hellenic Postbank, Coca Cola 3E and Bank of Cyprus fell by 3.87%, 3.65% and 3.51% respectively. Marfin Popular Bank, Eurobank also lost more than 3%, Piraeus Bank, Alpha Bank and Ellaktor declined by 2.94%, 2.33% and 2.12% respectively.

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