Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (2 lettori)

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Euro-zone Peripheral Sovereign CDS Weigh On Core

LONDON -- The cost of insuring sovereign debt issued by France and Germany using credit default swaps rose Tuesday, as worries about the euro-zone periphery dragged on its stronger core borrowers.
French five-year sovereign credit default swaps were nine basis points wider at 167 basis points, while German five-year CDS were three basis points wider at 85 basis points, according to Markit.
CDS function like default insurance for debt. Sellers pay buyers if a borrower defaults. A one-basis-point widening in five-year CDS spreads equates to a $1,000 increase in the annual cost of protecting $10 million of debt for five years.
CDS written on peripheral euro-zone sovereigns have been widening on worries that demands by Finland for collateral in exchange for taking part in a second Greek bailout and the long process of making changes to the euro zone's bailout fund are increasing the risks of a default.
"On the back of that, we've seen the core widening," said one trader.
Michael Gavin, analyst at Barclays Capital, said in a note Tuesday that "CDS spreads for the larger and more fiscally sound economies' had "responded negatively" to the European Central Bank's move to buy Italian and Spanish bonds this month, "as one would expect if markets viewed the ECB announcement as a move toward a fiscal union in which fiscally stronger governments would make more of their balance sheets available to support stressed governments."


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ASE Plunged Again

Greek Stocks closed just above 900 units on Tuesday, as the General Index slid further, recording a new 15-year low.

National Bank plunged by 9.01% at €3.23 (a session low), while its capitalization now amounts to €3.088 billion.

Greek banks, which post cumulative losses of 52.9% for the year, ended with a fall of 6.56% at 589.69 units, losing 600 for the first time since November 1994. Only Bank of Cyprus closed in positive territory, while Hellenic Postbank posted double-digit losses.

The market anticipates deterioration scenarios of the economy, as Greek FinMin Evangelos Venizelos has already warned of a deeper recession. The domestic market is also “pricing” the problems in the implementation of the EU decisions at the last Summit, analyst note.

They estimate that the uncertainty in these fronts keeps the market from following the upward trend of major stock exchanges.

On the board, the General Index closed with losses of 3.15% at 911.07 units, despite early profits of 1.21% at the opening. Intraday losses reached 4.15%, while the volume stood at 29.66 million units valuing €61.34 million. An amount of 116 shares declined, 28 rose nad 136 remained unchanged.

Analytically on FTSE20, Bank of Cyprus and Titan rose by 1.82% and 1.57% at €1.12 and €12.90 respectively, while Motor Oil, Coca Cola 3E and Hellenic Petroleum posted minor profits of 0.46%, 0.34% and 0.19% respectively.

On the other hand, Hellenic Postbank fell by 10.07% at €1.34, MIG lost 9.68% at €0.28, while National Bank recorded losses of 9.01% at €3.23. Piraeus Bank, Marfin Popular Bank declined by 7.58% and 6.67%, while Alpha Bank and Eurobank retreated by 5.95% and 5.58% respectively. OPAP and OTE fell by 5.56% and 4.31%, PPC and Viohalco moved downwards by 3.93% and 3.82% respectively.



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Gloomy Estimates On Unemployment Rate

Unemployment rate is estimated to soar from 17% to 22% within 2012, scientists say, urging the Greek government, particularly the Labour Ministry to address the problem.

When the tourist enterprises begin to close, because of the end of tourist session, the problem would be seen at its whole. As the recession continues to hit the Greek economy, the unemployment rate is expected to reach unprecedented highs. The sectors, which suffer the heaviest blows, are tourism, trade and building activity.

Experts warn that if not immediate and targeted actions are decided, such as support of the building activity, then the effect would be so rampant, that could even threat social cohesion, condemning hundreds of thousands of people into unemployment, poverty, and even immigration.

According to the Greek federation of builders, unemployment rate has exceeded 50% and reached even 90% locally, while the crisis affects dozens of professions related to this sector.

It is no coincidence that the Finance Ministry announced last Wednesday the suspension of “asset and funds-source declaration” regarding the purchase or construction of any property until December 31, 2013.

Moreover, the Labour Ministry prepares plans to support workers in the industry, as a program on learning modern methods for unemployed builders is expected soon.

According to the Labour Institute of the Greek General Confederation of Greece (GSEE), unemployed persons would exceed 900,000 in the fall of 2011, reflecting an unemployment rate of 18%, while unofficially the rate would be estimated at 22%.


Sempre pesanti le previsioni sul dato occupazionale.


Il mito, la leggenda.
Infatti, non rimane altro che stracciare l'accordo e dimenticare questa "scivolata".

devi considerarlo come un altro episodio della lunga serie "Grecia ...un default annunciato ...ma mai fatto) almeno fino alla fine del 2012 :lol:...

lo swap DEVE funzionare ...se salta lo swap ...è già Default...quindi la Finlandia si farà da parte ...è tutto un tira e molla ...per la politica interna ...di ogni stato...certamente si naviga a vista ...ma si naviga ...questo è l'importante ...io ho orizzonti molto corti sulla Grecia ...da qui ad un anno puo succedere di tutto ancora ...ma credo al 90 % di portare a casa TANTI soldini ...

Se non ci fossero queste incertezze col piffero che compri a questi prezzi...

fa parte del gioco ...fino ad oggi hanno tenuto (parlo) della 5/2012 sopra il mio prezzo di carico oggi sono scivolate sotto...avanti cosi...l'ultima "perditavirtuale" che avevo con la Övag era di 70-80k ...adesso sul denaro sono a - 20 25k ...non mi preoccupo...

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tommy non mi dire che questa scivolata è stata fatta senza prima sentire l'Ue, i crucchi e sarkò? non ci credo

Non ho sottomano il testo di luglio, ma c'era una piccola clausola fatta specificatamente per la Finlandia e per qualche altro piccolo paese "rognoso" per ulteriori salvaguardie, sempre comunque soggetta all'approvazione di tutti gli altri stati che partecipano al salvataggio.

Io ho sempre visto la questione, ma forse anche la stessa Merkel, come una disponibilità di buona volontà della Grecia verso quei paesi che incontrano difficoltà ( a livello parlamentare interno) per far passare alcune decisioni assunte durante le riunioni Eurogruppo ed Ecofin.

Visto tutto il clamore, francamente esagerato, possiamo aspettarci un dietro-front.
Venizelos farebbe bene a metterci una pietra sopra.



Greenspan, go fuck yourself (if you still can).
Una cosa è certa: questa è la prima prova del fuoco vera per la UE.
E' impossibile che tutto fili liscio, Finlandia e gli altri sono solo inciampi dovuti alla mancanza di...Ciò che sappiamo.
Vedremo cosa saprà fare la vecchia UE e, ripeto fino allo sfinimento, qui ormai la Grecia non c'entra quasi più.
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