Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (4 lettori)

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Prima giornata statica, quella di ieri,sui nostri ellenici dopo sei giorni funesti. Vediamo se oggi si inizia a recuperare qualcosa ...
Le banche greche si apprestano a chiedere liquidità supplementare in vista dello swap. Ieri è stato comunicato il raggiungimento del 50% di adesioni sui previsti 90%. Tra qualche giorno ne sapremo di più.
Nessuna novità rilevante da segnale, la BCE continua gli acquisti per tenere a bada gli spread di Italia e Spagna. Attesa per le aste di Roma. L'Irlanda sembra avviata ad un buon recupero mentre il Portogallo sembra sia direttamente legato agli eventi ateniesi.
Ormai settembre è alle porte, le grandi manovre - dopo la tempesta di agosto - sono all'avvio.

Grecia 1603 pb. (1609)
Portogallo 907 pb. (928)
Irlanda 679 pb. (709)
Italia 288 pb. (287)
Spagna 282 pb. (283)
Belgio 176 pb. (176)


Il mito, la leggenda.
Comunque vada mancano 9 mesi per la maggio e 7 per la marzo.
Siccome non è che quoteranno 99.9 l'ultimo giorno, direi che ci sono 4,5 mesi per la maggio e 3,5 per la marzo per vedere come si mettono le cose.
Nel senso che più si va avanti, più il rimoborso è sicuro e meno le bad news fanno effetto.
Insomma non ci vorranno che 3-4 mesi per vedere se il mercato ci crede o no, salvo che non succeda qualcosa prima.

Tutto si gioca nei prossimi 60 giorni alla fine dello swap e all'ok da parte dei governi nazionali ...trovata la formula magica per arrivare all'accordo...collaterale...la strada e' libera...in piu' si avra' la possibilita' di vedsre cosa c'e' di buono che "svendono" in giro ...attendendo il 100/100 di rimborso....:up:;)


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Discounts on illegal properties bill

Minister heralds lighter fines for older homes, storage areas, disabled owners


A bill allowing owners of illegal homes to purchase a demolition amnesty for their properties remained unfinished on Wednesday, following a second reading in Parliament where Environment Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou proposed a series of changes including lighter penalties for older homes, for storage areas in illegally constructed homes and for owners of illegally constructed homes who are disabled.
According to sources, the main conservative opposition party New Democracy was broadly supportive of the spirit of the legislation, adding just a few technical proposals. Papaconstantinou told Parliament that the government would consider further amendments. “The ministry remains open to further changes, if necessary,” he said.
The key amendments proposed by Papaconstantinou are smaller fines for properties that were illegally built prior to 1983. Owners of such properties will be eligible for an 80 percent discount on their fines while owners of homes built between 1983 and 2003 will get a 20 percent discount.
Disabled citizens will also be eligible for a heavily discounted fine on illegally built homes.
Properties that were built illegally prior to 1955 will be exempt from any fines.
As for the proceeds to be gathered from the penalties, Papaconstantinou did not determine what they would be used for.
But he said a section of the funds gathered might go toward boosting the debt-ridden Social Security Foundation (IKA). “We are in talks with the Labor and Social Insurance Ministry regarding the possible allocation of a portion of the total sum of the penalties to social insurance organizations with a particular emphasis on IKA,” Papaconstantinou said.
The aim of the bill is to allow owners of properties that have either not been built within the legal requirements or which have been constructed without a permit to pay a fine to protect their homes from demolition for 40 years.
The size of the fine will depend on the size of the property, real estate values set by the tax offices and the type of offense.

ekathimerini.com , Thursday August 25, 2011 (22:08)

Case abusive.


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PM’s ally resigns in protest

Deputy minister Paboukis cites absence of seperate merchant marine minisry as reason


Prime Minister George Papandreou was dealt a blow on Thursday when Deputy Regional Development Minister Haris Paboukis, who has been a close political associate of the premier’s for 15 years, quit the government and cast doubt on the policies it is following.
Paboukis sent Papandreou his resignation letter after apparently failing to convince the prime minister that he should reform the Merchant Marine Ministry as an independent government department with authority over the coast guard.
“For two months I have tried to re-establish a sector vital to the nation,” Paboukis said in his letter.
He argued that shipping, which accounts for about a fifth of the Greek economy, has a vital role to play in encouraging growth and should, therefore, be overseen by a separate ministry.
PASOK incorporated the ministry into other departments when it came to power in 2009. Paboukis said earlier this week that “everyone” was in favor of a separate merchant marine department. However, his insistence seems to have triggered a fierce row with Citizens’ Protection Minister Christos Papoutsis, who currently has jurisdiction over the coast guard. In his resignation letter, Paboukis made a thinly veiled attack on Papoutsis and the government.
“At a crucial time for the country, it is our duty not to be beholden to dogmatism and personal strategies that do not serve national goals,” he said. “My participation in the country’s politics during this period was driven only by my desire to help overcome the crisis… even when I did not agree with all the decisions that were taken.”
In 2009, Paboukis was appointed minister of state, where he was given the task of attracting foreign investment. He was moved from that post in the summer reshuffle after failing to deliver any significant results.
Paboukis entered politics in 1996 as an adviser to Papandreou, then foreign minister. The two became close associates and his departure is seen as a blow to Papandreou, who is said to have been angered by his former aide’s resignation.

ekathimerini.com , Thursday August 25, 2011 (22:26)

Sempre un pò alto il dibattito interno alla compagine governativa ...


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Domestic tourism is flagging

By Stathis Kousounis
The financial crisis has taken a toll on domestic tourism as the number of arrivals from flights within Greece dropped by 11.6 percent in the January-to-July period this year compared to 2010.
Arrivals amounted to 3.26 million in the year to July against 3.69 million last year, vindicating estimates for a significant decline in domestic tourism. Sector professionals estimate the drop this year to amount to 20 percent from last year.
The decline is moderated thanks to the foreign tourists who use domestic flights while in Greece. Notably, the decline was only at 1 percent in July, from July 2010.
As far as foreign arrivals are concerned, in the year’s first seven months they grew by 8.3 percent from last year, reaching 7.86 million against 7.25 million in 2010. An even greater growth, of 13 percent year-on-year, was recorded in arrivals by charter flights.
Tourism experts stress that the growth in foreign arrivals would have been greater had it not been for the riots in Athens this summer and the 18-day taxi strike.

ekathimerini.com , Thursday August 25, 2011 (23:17)


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Bond euro aprono in calo in attesa Bernanke,focus su aste Italia

venerdì 26 agosto 2011 08:43

LONDRA, 26 agosto (Reuters) - Inizio di seduta in flessione
per i futures Bund ma il mercato obbligazionario, come tutti gli
altri d'altra parte, trascorre queste ore nell'attesa
dell'intervento di oggi pomeriggio del presidente della Fed Ben
Bernanke da Jackson Hole.

Intervento da cui - si è notevolmente speculato in settimana
- potrebbe arrivare l'annuncio di nuove misure di stimolo
mometario a favore dell'economia Usa, come ad esempio un terzo
round del programma Fed di acquisto bond, anche se nelle ultime
ore le attese sono andate progressivamente a raffreddarsi.

Al termine di una settimana segnata dalla volatilità le
prospettive di breve termine del Bund sembrano legate
all'andamento dei mercati azionari, dove appunto le attese di un
intervento della Fed si sono asssottigliate.
"I mercati sono stati instabili ieri e non ce la sentiamo di
eslcudere altri movimenti strani oggi, data la scarsa liquidità
e con la maggioranza degli operatori riluttante a prendere
posizioni di rischio prima del discorso di oggi pomeriggio" si
legge in una nota degli strategist di Credit Agricole.

Secondo molti osservatori, ora, la possibilità è che
Bernanke delinei le opzioni di intervento in mano alla Fed per
dare nuovi stimoli all'economia Usa, aggiungendo però che il
loro utilizzo sarà condizionato ad un ulteriore peggioramento
del quadro di crescita.

In attesa di Bernanke, la mattinata riserva l'appuntamento
con le aste a breve italiane (8,5 miliardi di Bot semestrali e 2
miliardi di Ctz), assaggio di quelle a medio lungo termine di
martedì prossimo. I recenti interventi della Bce sulla carta
italiana dovrebbero favorire oggi un decremento dei rendimenti
in asta.


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Grecia invia lettera formale di richiesta swap debito

venerdì 26 agosto 2011 08:48

ATENE, 26 agosto (Reuters) - La Grecia ha inviato una lettera formale di richiesta ai ministri delle finanze di tutto il mondo in preparazione di un piano di swap del debito, quale parte del suo secondo piano di salvataggio.
Nella lettera, la Grecia prevede che almeno il 90% dei detentori privati di bond greci con scadenza entro il 2014 o 2020 devono partecipare al piano.

"Se queste soglie (o una di essi) non saranno soddisfatte, la Grecia non procederà a nessuna parte della transazione descritta in questa lettera, se essa determina che il contributo totale dei creditori del settore privato per soddisfare le esigenze di finanziamento della Grecia e la sostenibità del debito della Grecia risultante da questa operazione non fosse sufficiente a consentire al settore pubblico di sostenere il nuovo programma pluriennale di aggiustamenti annunciato nel luglio scorso", dice la lettera, secondo una dichiarazione sulla Borsa di Atene.


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UPDATE 1-Greece sets minimum take-up rate for debt swap plan

Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:03am EDT

* Greece sets 90 pct take-up rate as condition for debt swap * Greece sent formal letter to finance ministers

ATHENS Aug 26 (Reuters) - Greece said on Friday it would not go ahead with a debt swap crucial to its second bailout if holders of less than 90 percent of its debt to the private sector agreed to participate, failing to satisfy its international partners.
The statement comes after signs that the debt swap plan is facing delays, with between 60 and 70 percent of bondholders participating so far.
Greece and banking lobby group IIF, which jointly coordinate the debt swap talks, had so far presented the 90 percent participation rate as a simple target and not as a condition.
The condition applies to the holders of Greek bonds maturing by 2014 or 2020, the government said in a letter sent to finance ministers around the world, according to a statement it posted on the web site of the Athens Stock Exchange.
"If these thresholds (or either of them) are not met, Greece shall not proceed with any portion of the transaction described in this letter if it determines, in consultation with the official sector, that the total contribution of private sector creditors towards the financing needs of Greece and Greece's debt sustainability resulting from this transaction is insufficient to permit the official sector to support the new multi-year adjustment programme for Greece announced on July, 2011," the letter said.

Una prova di forza ...
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