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EURO GOVT-Spanish bonds under pressure before auction

Thu Sep 1, 2011 4:20am EDT

(Adds quotes)
By Ana Nicolaci da Costa

LONDON, Sept 1 (Reuters) - Spanish government bonds fell on Thursday ahead of a sale of new 5-year debt, while weak manufacturing data from the euro zone helped German bonds, seen as a safe haven by investors, to recover early losses.
Spain will test market appetite for its bonds at its first auction since the ECB started buying Spanish and Italian debt last month in a bid to halt the spread of the euro zone's debt crisis.
A sale of Italy's bonds this week saw only relatively weak demand, reigniting concerns about market pressure on two of the currency bloc's biggest economies.
A key business survey showed euro zone manufacturing activity contracted for the first time in almost two years in August, adding to worries that at least some countries may slide back into recession. .
"Our view is that the situation in Europe is not stable enough, so in that sense we expect market sentiment to deteriorate again," Elwin de Groot, senior market economist at Rabobank said.
"We still have the collateral issue with Finland being unresolved, we still have the EFSF plans that need to be (approved) and we have the latest developments in Italy which are also not very positive for market sentiment."
The Italian government backtracked on parts of its widely criticised austerity package on Monday. Analysts also fear a row over Finland's deal with Greece to obtain collateral in exchange for loans could jeopardise a second Greek bailout. .
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet approved new powers for the euro zone's bailout fund on Wednesday, but some members of her centre-right coalition are threatening to oppose such a boost when the Bundestag (lower house) votes on Sept. 29. .
The German Bund future FGBLc1 was up 7 ticks on the day at 134.65, having opened down 31 ticks.
"We will closely monitor the auction (from) Spain," a trader in Germany said. "I think it will be like the Italian auction, not very convincing but not very depressing."
Ahead of the auction, 5-year bonds traded slightly lower in the secondary market, with yields up 5.5 basis points at 4.33 percent.
Ten-year Spanish yields rose 5.5 basis points at 5.11 percent, while the Italian equivalent gained 3.4 basis points at 5.18 percent.
France wraps up the week's supply with an auction of 6.5-8 billion euros of fixed-rate five-, 10- and 30-year bonds -- the first non-German triple-A rated paper to be sold since late July.
"We are confident that today's auctions, especially the Spanish one, will be well received courtesy of the ECB as it attempts to keep 'control' of the country's yields, hence maintaining refinancing levels at sustainable levels," Lloyds bank said in a research note.

After the Spanish auction, attention is likely to turn to the United States where recent mixed data raised hopes that the world's largest economy could dodge a recession.
The U.S. Institute for Supply Management's national manufacturing index is due later on Thursday, followed by a key U.S. employment report on Friday.
Investors will keep a close eye on the data to try to assess if the U.S. central bank could opt for a third round of quantitative easing after Fed minutes this week showed the central bank in early August had discussed a range of unusual tools it could use to help the economy.
De Groot said more evidence was needed to say that the U.S. economy had avoided a recession.

Un'occhiata ai bond dell'eurozona.


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ

Tommy......hai chiesto di non dare rilievo o inportanza a questo:

Germania/ Anche Schmidt contro la Merkel: gravi errori

Per colpa sua la Germania perde la fiducia degli europei

Roma, 1 set. (TMNews) - Anche l'ex cancelliere tedesco Helmut Schmidt attacca Angela Merkel. In un'intervista a Die Zeit ripresa da repubblica l'anziano politico socialdemocratico (93 anni) si allinea al suo ex grande avversario di un tempo, Helmut Kohl, e rimprovera alla Merkel di aver commesso una serie di gravi errori a causa dei quali "la Germania sta perdendo la fiducia degli europei".

Indipendentemente dai "motivi psicologici" dell'attacco di Kohl alla sua ex delfina, Schmidt si dichiara d'accordo sulla sostanza delle critiche. "Per me il nocciolo essenziale della critica di Kohl è il seguente: è necessario che il mondo si fidi dei tedeschi. E attualmente questo non è il caso, nè a Parigi, né a Londr né in altre capitali europee...il tedeschi hanno dato all'Europa e al mondo l'impressione che la pace e all'accordo all'interno della Cdu-Csu o le elezioni regionali siano più importanti della certezza che l'integrazione europea vada avanti".

Schmidt si dice d'accordo anche con un altro aspetto delle osservazioni di Kohl, quelle relative al processo di unificazione monetaria europea. Se per Kohl è stato prematuro far entrare nella zona euro la Grecia, Schmidt va più in là e dice che lui avrebbe tenuto fuori anche "una serie di altri stati" e poi aggiunge che in ogni caso "l'errore decisivo du commesso già nel 1991 a Maastricht". E qui il vecchio leone socialdemocratico dà la sua zampata: "allora fu deciso di prevedere la partecipazione alla moneta unica di tutti gli stati che riempivano i cosiddetti criteri di convergenza. La Grecia fu inclusa, mentre Gran Bretagna e Danimarca espressero le loro riserve. I negoziati sul trattato di Maastricht si svolsero ancora sotto il cancellierato di Kohl".

Per me è abb. difficile.......



Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Reuters - 01/09/2011 10:28:25


Forumer storico

Tommy......hai chiesto di non dare rilievo o inportanza a questo:

Germania/ Anche Schmidt contro la Merkel: gravi errori

Per colpa sua la Germania perde la fiducia degli europei

Roma, 1 set. (TMNews) - Anche l'ex cancelliere tedesco Helmut Schmidt attacca Angela Merkel. In un'intervista a Die Zeit ripresa da repubblica l'anziano politico socialdemocratico (93 anni) si allinea al suo ex grande avversario di un tempo, Helmut Kohl, e rimprovera alla Merkel di aver commesso una serie di gravi errori a causa dei quali "la Germania sta perdendo la fiducia degli europei".

Indipendentemente dai "motivi psicologici" dell'attacco di Kohl alla sua ex delfina, Schmidt si dichiara d'accordo sulla sostanza delle critiche. "Per me il nocciolo essenziale della critica di Kohl è il seguente: è necessario che il mondo si fidi dei tedeschi. E attualmente questo non è il caso, nè a Parigi, né a Londr né in altre capitali europee...il tedeschi hanno dato all'Europa e al mondo l'impressione che la pace e all'accordo all'interno della Cdu-Csu o le elezioni regionali siano più importanti della certezza che l'integrazione europea vada avanti".

Schmidt si dice d'accordo anche con un altro aspetto delle osservazioni di Kohl, quelle relative al processo di unificazione monetaria europea. Se per Kohl è stato prematuro far entrare nella zona euro la Grecia, Schmidt va più in là e dice che lui avrebbe tenuto fuori anche "una serie di altri stati" e poi aggiunge che in ogni caso "l'errore decisivo du commesso già nel 1991 a Maastricht". E qui il vecchio leone socialdemocratico dà la sua zampata: "allora fu deciso di prevedere la partecipazione alla moneta unica di tutti gli stati che riempivano i cosiddetti criteri di convergenza. La Grecia fu inclusa, mentre Gran Bretagna e Danimarca espressero le loro riserve. I negoziati sul trattato di Maastricht si svolsero ancora sotto il cancellierato di Kohl".

Per me è abb. difficile.......


Ho consigliato di non fare commenti intorno alle ultime vicende della "manovra" del nostro governo onde evitare diatribe che sarebbero più opportune in altre discussioni.
Questa sottolineatura era a commento della panoramica giornaliera sugli spread dei periferici.


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Reuters - 01/09/2011 10:38:25


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Troika Requests Immediate Measures

Greek FinMin continues negotiations with the troika senior officials, with the international lenders asking for rigorous implementation of the memorandum and new interventions to reduce the deficit to at least 8% of GDP.

Sources note that they estimate the deficit to exceed 8.5% (against a target of 7.6%) even if all measures of the memorandum are implemented. According to the troika, the main cause of the deficit is the recession revised around 5% and new government failures. The troika also requests additional expenditure measures as revenue collection does not pay off.

The auditors also require the immediate implementation of interventions regarding privatization, uniform payroll, SOEs shutdowns and mergers, grant reduction, arrears, supplementary pensions, labour relations, profession liberation etc.

The issues were raised at a 3-hour meeting on Wednesday afternoon, scheduled to resume later on Thursday.

Meanwhile, the parliamentary budget committee estimates that the deficit target is unreachable. The government attempts to implement what was agreed but also to attribute the new gap in the deficit to the deepening of recession.



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Greek Budget Deficit Seen Exceeding Target

ATHENS -- Greece's budget deficit this year is estimated to reach 8.8% of gross domestic product, exceeding the 7.6% government target, a Greek newspaper reported Thursday.
Citing unnamed sources, Kathimerini newspaper said Greece's Finance Ministry and the heads of a visiting troika of international inspectors have revised higher their 2011 deficit estimate due to the deepening recession, failure by the government to meet budget targets and delays in implementing structural reforms.
"[The] troika is finding it difficult to come out with a positive review for the approval of the sixth [aid] tranche," the paper reported.

The forecast for the deficit overhang opens up a EUR2.5 billion budgetary hole that the government will now have to cover, the paper added.
Inspectors from the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank arrived in Athens earlier this week and are expected to decide by mid September on whether Greece can receive the next EUR8 billion tranche of a bailout loan.
In May 2010, Greece narrowly avoided default with the help of a EUR110 billion bailout from its fellow euro-zone members and the IMF in exchange for measures to bring down its deficit. Since then, European leaders have pledged EUR109 billion in fresh financing.

-By Stelios Bouras, Dow Jones Newswires


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Troika Requests Immediate Measures

Greek FinMin continues negotiations with the troika senior officials, with the international lenders asking for rigorous implementation of the memorandum and new interventions to reduce the deficit to at least 8% of GDP.

Sources note that they estimate the deficit to exceed 8.5% (against a target of 7.6%) even if all measures of the memorandum are implemented. According to the troika, the main cause of the deficit is the recession revised around 5% and new government failures. The troika also requests additional expenditure measures as revenue collection does not pay off.

The auditors also require the immediate implementation of interventions regarding privatization, uniform payroll, SOEs shutdowns and mergers, grant reduction, arrears, supplementary pensions, labour relations, profession liberation etc.

The issues were raised at a 3-hour meeting on Wednesday afternoon, scheduled to resume later on Thursday.

Meanwhile, the parliamentary budget committee estimates that the deficit target is unreachable. The government attempts to implement what was agreed but also to attribute the new gap in the deficit to the deepening of recession.


Guai in vista :sad:
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