Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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I tecnici, a volte, fanno di testa propria.
Dovevano concludere la visita lunedì e l'hanno interrotta venerdì.

Generalmente il FMI rilascia le tranche solo dopo essersi assicurata che il debito è sostenibile per i prossimi 12 mesi.
Non capisco come abbia potuto dire: default a "marzo 2012" ...

si, si...un tecnico doveva cambiare le gomme all'auto e aveva appuntamento col gommista venerdì, quindi ha fatto di testa propria...:D
Greece needs more bank consolidation - Alpha head

ATHENS | Sun Sep 4, 2011 10:07am IST

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece cannot afford more than two and half banks and there should be further consolidation in the sector, said the chairman of the country's third-largest lender Alpha which sealed a merger with bigger rival Eurobank earlier this week.
Alpha and Eurobank on Monday rubber-stamped the deal to form the largest bank in southeast Europe, aided by a capital injection from the Qatar Investment Authority, sparking expectations more mergers were in store.
"It's true that there is no room for more than two and half banks in Greece," said Alpha Bank's Chairman Yannis Costopoulos, who will chair the new entity's board, in an interview with To Vima newspaper.
"With the Alpha-Eurobank merger from one side and National Bank (NBGr.AT) from the other, there are the necessary conditions for a third core," he added.
Asked whether the new merged bank will cut its workforce, Costopoulos said: "There won't be layoffs from the very first day...but there should be a more rationalised network sometime."
Costopoulos dismissed concerns that debt-choked Greece would have to quit the euro.
"There is no way that Greece will quit the euro, because neither we nor our European partners would like such a thing," he said. "It would give the impression that the eurozone is falling apart."
sentiment negativo ad una settimana dallo swap non è cmq negativo
... sia mai che gli indecisi si decidano

In vista di appuntamenti importanti le pressioni aumentano in maniera proporzionale.

Probabilmente il FMI ha concluso prima la sua visita perchè non c'era più nulla da fare e da dire.
Attenderanno tutti l'esito dello swap, poi arriveranno i primi dati della "stagione estiva".
Credo che tra quindici giorni, quando la delegazione tornerà, sarà tutto più chiaro per assumere le iniziative più consone per effettuare la "manovrina" di rientro.
Greek cenbank provided emergency funding to banks

Sat Sep 3, 2011 12:42pm EDT

* Greece's cenbank provided emergency funding in August-central bank governor
* Central bank ready to provide further liquidity if needed-governor
* He urges faster structural reforms (Add more cenbanker quotes, details)

ATHENS, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Greece's central bank provided emergency liquidity to some Greek lenders in August and it is ready to provide further funding if needed, its governor George Provopoulos said on Saturday.
Emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) is effectively loans by the national central bank to illiquid but solvent banks.
Greek banks have become dependent on the ECB for liquidity after being shut out of wholesale funding markets due Greece's sovereign debt crisis.
Some are now strapped for eligible collateral after a series of sovereign credit downgrades, with Piraeus Bank (BOPr.AT) the second Greek lender to admit the need for emergency funding.
"Since the beginning of the fiscal crisis, as part of the Eurosystem, Bank of Greece is providing significant support to the liquidity of the banking system," Provopoulos said in an interview with Sunday's Kathimerini newspaper.
"Bank of Greece also provided emergency funding in August," he said, adding the central bank was ready to provide more funding if needed.
On top of Greece's debt woes, domestic banks were also hit by significant write downs in their Greek government bonds portfolios in the first half for their participation in a voluntary debt exchange programme (PSI) aimed at relieving Greece's debt burden.
Provopoulos said that after this and a test of their loan books by BlackRock Solutions, commissioned by the central bank and expected to be completed later this year, some Greek lenders will have to strengthen their capital.
"Some banks will have to boost their capital adequacy...in order to secure international confidence and access to world markets," Provopoulos said. "It is the only way for them to play the role that is required to finance the recovery of the Greek economy."
Sovereign debt downgrades, deposit outflows and rising loan losses in a deepening recession have forced Greek banks to explore tie-ups to bolster their financial strength in a bid to regain access to wholesale funding markets.
On Monday, Greece's second- and third-largest lenders Eurobank (EFGr.AT) and Alpha Bank (ACBr.AT) agreed to merge to form the largest bank in southeast Europe, sparking expectations of further deals in Greek banking.
Provopoulos said the move was a very positive step towards Greek banking sector consolidation and said more mergers would follow.
He also called on the Greek government to speed up structural reforms to kickstart the economy.
"Recession would have been milder, if reforms had moved faster, if fiscal deficits had been cut more drastically and if competitiveness had been improved significantly," he said. "Efforts should focus on these crucial areas now."
Dove arriveremo intanto che questi si fanno i cocktail di lavoro?
Secondo me qua di problemi, tra america, UE, Grecia, governo (nostro) che il mercato spinge per cambiare, di ragioni per cui ci dovremmo trovarci tra un paio di mesi gli indici a 10000 ce ne sono a bizzeffe e non è che si possono risolvere tutti contemporaneamente.
Tra l'altro gli indici di tutte le piazze europee da un po' di tempo oscillano al ribasso e basta.
sentiment negativo ad una settimana dallo swap non è cmq negativo
... sia mai che gli indecisi si decidano

sentiment negativo è sentiment negativo. Altrimenti ricadiamo nell'illusione che solo noi siamo svegli, che noi siamo più avanti, gli unici che di fronte a rendimenti del 70% continuano a ballare nelle proprie certezze di superiore conoscenza........ che stanno facendo tutto questo casino, scombussolando i mercati mondiali per indurre due stolti e sprovveduti banchieri ad aderire ad uno swap...
anche le notizie hanno una gerarchia di credibilità in base a chi le pubblica. Altrimenti finiamo tra le sharkate....

Quanti sono i senior economist? Mah, una trentina?

Come a livello politico ci sono divergenze di vedute, non mi stupirei che a livello di tecnici ci possono essere opinioni diverse.

Sappiamo che molti stati "emergenti" presenti nel FMI non vedono di buon occhio gli aiuti elargiti alla Grecia.
Contestano la diversità di approccio tra il paese europeo ed altri casi analoghi che hanno portato conseguenze più pesanti in America Latina o in Asia.
Ritengono, insomma, che la Grecia abbia una corsia preferenziale.
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