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15:34 03 SET 2011

(AGI) Atene - Il primo ministro greco, George Papandreou, si e' detto "sicuro" che Atene riuscira' a uscire dalla crisi.
"Stiamo continuando la battaglia, non solo perche' sappiamo che non c'e' altra strada ma perche' abbiamo fede nei nostri poteri, i poteri dell'Ellenismo, nelle possibilita' del nostro paese - ha dichiarato Papandreou alla conferenza nazionale del suo partito, il Pasok - sono sicuro che ce la faremo".
Il premier ha inoltre smentito le voci di elezioni anticipate e ha accusato il governo conservatore al potere in precedenza di essere il principale responsabile della crisi del debito.
PM opens PASOK National Council

In his keynote speech at the PASOK National Council that began on Saturday morning at the Faliro Sports Pavilion on the southern coast of Athens, Prime Minister George Papandreou tried to inject a sense of unity into his fragmented government, which has appeared split over the past few weeks in regards to contentious reforms that are the cornerstone of the debt-wracked country’s midterm austerity program.
Senior officials of the socialist party described Papandreou’s address as an effort to “reboot” the party, which has come under fire for prevaricating over measures agreed with its creditors – the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, or the so-called “troika” – in order for Greece to receive the sixth tranche of its first bailout package by the end of this month.
Today, our party will extract the country from a state of supervision and dependence, and make it stand back on its own two feet,” Papandreou told a large gathering of PASOK officials and members.
The citizens of this country will judge us in 2013 and until then not only will we have achieved to pull Greece out of the crisis, but we will have also completed the changes needed to lay the foundations for a new path in the future,” the prime minister said in a rejection of speculation regarding the possibility of the country going to snap elections.
In reference to the eurozone crisis, Papandreou called on the European Union formulate a “new and dynamic growth strategy,” stressing that if things continue as they are, “even with our austerity programs – Greece, Ireland, Portugal and others – will find themselves in great difficulties.”
The prime minister dedicated a good part of his address to express his support for a thorny education reform law that was voted through Parliament in late August with overriding support from the opposition New Democracy party, the rightwing Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) and the center-right Democratic Alliance, and which has provoked strong reactions from politically affiliated student unions, the parties of the left and certain key members of the academic community.
“Whether they like it or not, universities will be opened up because they are no one’s fiefdoms. They are the property of the Greek people,” Papandreou said.

ekathimerini.com , Saturday September 3, 2011 (14:47)
Model proposed for 500,000 new jobs by 2021

Study says Greece needs to be more productive and extrovert


A study made for the Federation of Hellenic Enterprises recommends the adoption of a new National Growth Model that can create half a million new jobs in the next decade.
Conducted by McKinsey and Co counsellors and entitled “Greece 10 years ahead,” the study suggests that the emphasis should be placed on four pillars: Competitiveness, productivity, the extrovert character and bolstering of investment.
It goes on to identify the five main sectors of the economy, tourism, retailing, energy, industry and agriculture, that can offer a fresh impetus on the economy and give it an average annual growth rate of 3 percent for the next 10 years.
The businesspeople, says the study that will be officially presented on Monday in Athens, will need to seek the creation of major enterprises through mergers and acquisitions, and the adoption of more efficient production methods.
The promotion of Greek brands in goods and services in foreign markets must be done in a systematic and timely fashion, the report argues, adding that Greece will need to dramatically increase the inflow of foreign capital, and take it above the European average. The privatization program can help in this direction, it concludes.

ekathimerini.com , Saturday September 3, 2011 (19:49)
sarebbe bello fare un bel sondaggio sul topic in cui affermare quando si pensa che avverrà il default, se ci sarà e se avverrà lo swap o meno...
infatti sembrerebbe che la troika se ne sia andata perchè ad Atene faceva troppo caldo: "torneremo quando rinfresca un po", avrebbe detto un senior ECB...:-o

I tecnici, a volte, fanno di testa propria.
Dovevano concludere la visita lunedì e l'hanno interrotta venerdì.

Generalmente il FMI rilascia le tranche solo dopo essersi assicurata che il debito è sostenibile per i prossimi 12 mesi.
Non capisco come abbia potuto dire: default a "marzo 2012" ...
... said a person with direct knowledge of the talks.
... said a senior IMF economist who is keeping close tabs on the situation

Nomi e cognomi non esistono.
Il controllo delle fonti è la base della storiografia moderna.

Perchè il WSJ dovrebbe mettere in circolo delle bufale senza alcuna fonte credibile?
Stiamo parlando del Wall Street Journal, una delle testate più diffusa ed autorevole a livello mondiale...mica parliamo de Il Giornale....
Perchè il WSJ dovrebbe mettere in circolo delle bufale senza alcuna fonte credibile?
Stiamo parlando del Wall Street Journal, una delle testate più diffusa ed autorevole a livello mondiale...mica parliamo de Il Giornale....

Non è una bufala ... è solo una notizia riportata. Tra le tante.
Al FMI quanti "senior economist" ci sono?
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