Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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ciao, si sarà possibile, ma i dettagli li sapremo tra un po'..
Si sa solo che non ci sarà quantitativo minimo..
ritengo che questo sia il principale motivo del ritardo dello swap.

la fineco non sa nulla chi avesse qualche comunicazione da parte della sua banca lo posti
Ultima modifica:
l'ho letta nelle faq dello swap

1.19. Can a private investor, non institutional participate into the PSI; E.g. An investor with eligible GGBs worth, say, 1mn euros; Were is this actually written on the documents; thx in advance. Subject to any applicable securities law restrictions, non-institutional holders will be invited to participate in the transaction.

e ancora:

1.20. What's the minimum size should we hold to be considered as "private volonteer"? Subject to any applicable securities law restrictions, there is no minimum size of holdings for participation in the private sector initiative.
Ultima modifica:
1.36. Further to Q 1.19 , how non-institutional holders be invited to participate in the transaction? Please see response to question 168. The Letter of Inquiry process currently under way is an informatoin gathering exercise only. No offer has yet been made by Greece. If and when a liability management transaction is launched, then, subject to any applicable securities law restrictions, all holders will be invited to participate in the transaction.
Ultima modifica:
Intanto la Borsa di Atene chiude in negativo dopo la bella giornata di ieri.
L'indice ASE segna 886 punti - 4,59%. Volumi scarsi a 48 MLN.

Spread sempre intorno ai massimi a 1853 pb.
l'ho letta nelle faq dello swap:

1.19. Can a private investor, non institutional participate into the PSI; E.g. An investor with eligible GGBs worth, say, 1mn euros; Were is this actually written on the documents; thx in advance. Subject to any applicable securities law restrictions, non-institutional holders will be invited to participate in the transaction.

e ancora:

1.20. What's the minimum size should we hold to be considered as "private volonteer"? Subject to any applicable securities law restrictions, there is no minimum size of holdings for participation in the private sector initiative.


Frma...richiama Fineco.......e digli che ............ :lol:.......

Come fanno proprio loro a non saperlo :-?
perchè ancora il documento ufficiale deve essere redatto.. per questo ci stanno mettendo del tempo..
vogliono chiaramente prendere piu investitori possibili..
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