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1.25. Which options are available with regard to those securities which have matured prior to the date of the Anticipated Liability Management Transaction? Obviously those bonds could no longer be subject to a bond exchange - is the securities holder restricted to Option 2 for these securities?
Holders whose bonds have matured before the anticipated liability management transaction (e.g. 20 Aug 2011, 8 Sep 2011) and who wish to choose Option 1, 3 and 4, would be expected to purchase any other maturity of eligible GGBs in replacement of the bonds they originally held and deliver in the exchange the same total nominal amount as per their holdings on June 30, 2011. Alternatively, such holders may select Option 2 (Committed Financing Facility) for the total nominal of eligible GGBs they no longer own, as such option does not require the delivery of eligible GGBs.
1.28. What happens to holders of the 3.9% 20-Aug 11 bond holder?ISIN: GR0114019442
See response to question 1.25.
p.s. Mi confermate che questo delirio non potrebbe mai essere applicato in modo forzoso in seno a un default applicando questo piano come brogliaccio operativo per organizzare una tender "offer" fallimentare con pistola puntata alla tempia? Al default se avviene, ognuno ci va con i titoli che gli sono rimasti in mano e BASTA! Giusto?
Per me se escono dall'euro fanno ciò che vogliono questi...Una volta fuori si inventano tutto ciò che vogliono, anche che usano patate per pagarti al posto degli Euro....Il tutto dipenderà se restano in EUrolandia o fanno in dracmalandia