Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Ciato Tommy, essendo in questo periodo con la testa altrove, mi fai un riassunto della situazione rapido? Cioè che cosa chiede l'europa in aggiunta per concedere la sesta tranche?

Essenzialmente chiede una accelerazione delle misure economiche strutturali concordate ed un rispetto degli obiettivi di deficit/PIL.
Per questo ha interrotto venerdì scorso la visita (doveva concludersi lunedì).
Torneranno verso metà mese, dando modo all'esecutivo ellenico per presentare le sue proposte di correzione.
Poi in mezzo a questo ci sono le solite pressioni e minacce.
Greece Sold Additional €155m Of T-Bills

Greece’s Public Debt Management Agency said that it accepted €155 million in non-competitive bids of the 26-week treasury bills auction it conducted on Tuesday.

The price was €97.63, while the authorized amount for Thursday was another €300 million which the debt agency didn΄t fully allocate.


Ed intanto qualcuno sottoscrive ...

Come sostiene ilmigliore, non pare affatto una cosa positiva, se non eventualmente per forzare la mano e accelerare gli eventi al limite, essendo le casse vuote.. sull'altro forum era citato questo articolo:

Prospect of empty coffers looms large
The government is facing the possibility of not being able to pay wages and salaries in October if its international creditors do not approve the pending 8-billion-euro sixth installment immediately.
The country’s foreign lenders have made disbursement conditional on the government’s adoption of new measures that will target the collection of at least 1.7 billion euros. Without the sixth tranche, the public purse will be 1.5 billion euros short on October 17.
The prospect of a freeze in payments appeared even more serious on Thursday, after Greek commercial banks failed to cover the sum of 300 million euros of supplementary, noncompetitive bids for Tuesday’s auction of T-bills, providing only 155 million. The shortfall is interpreted as a clear message by banks to the government that they are unwilling to fund future issues of T-bills.
The gravity of the situation is indicated by the fact that the government has frozen all disbursements apart from salaries and pensions.

ekathimerini.com | Prospect of empty coffers looms large
Ultima modifica di un moderatore:
ma cosa è successo ai CDS greci???????

Greece 4721.95 +811.97 +20.77
sono esplosi....quasi a 5.000 bps....Ma c'è stata qualche dichiarazione? qualcuno ha detto qualcosa...? 5000bps sono da pre-default azz....QUalcuno sa qualcosa????

Concordo con la risposta di Bosmelt.
I CDS, secondo Bloomberg, segnano 2824 punti.
A 5000 non ci sono mai arrivati, mi segnalano un max di 3031. Poi in ripiego.
Essenzialmente chiede una accelerazione delle misure economiche strutturali concordate ed un rispetto degli obiettivi di deficit/PIL.
Per questo ha interrotto venerdì scorso la visita (doveva concludersi lunedì).
Torneranno verso metà mese, dando modo all'esecutivo ellenico per presentare le sue proposte di correzione.
Poi in mezzo a questo ci sono le solite pressioni e minacce.

Secondo te ci riusciranno a proporre qualcosa di concreto?
Come sostiene ilmigliore, non pare affatto una cosa positiva, se non eventualmente per forzare la mano e accelerare gli eventi al limite, essendo le casse vuote.. sull'altro forum era citato questo articolo:

Prospect of empty coffers looms large
The government is facing the possibility of not being able to pay wages and salaries in October if its international creditors do not approve the pending 8-billion-euro sixth installment immediately.
The country’s foreign lenders have made disbursement conditional on the government’s adoption of new measures that will target the collection of at least 1.7 billion euros. Without the sixth tranche, the public purse will be 1.5 billion euros short on October 17.
The prospect of a freeze in payments appeared even more serious on Thursday, after Greek commercial banks failed to cover the sum of 300 million euros of supplementary, noncompetitive bids for Tuesday’s auction of T-bills, providing only 155 million. The shortfall is interpreted as a clear message by banks to the government that they are unwilling to fund future issues of T-bills.
The gravity of the situation is indicated by the fact that the government has frozen all disbursements apart from salaries and pensions.

ekathimerini.com | Prospect of empty coffers looms large

Ho detto che non mancano i compratori...
L'Asta ha avuto un bid/cover molto alto.
Alla riapertura sono stati offerti 300 MLN, non pienamente assorbiti.
Forse c'è un pò troppo nervosismo, ma cosa dobbiamo dire quando le riaperture dei BTP vanno deserte?
Che le banche italiane non sottoscriveranno più il debito italiano?
Secondo te ci riusciranno a proporre qualcosa di concreto?

L'hanno fatto in questi giorni, Venizelos ha predisposto nuove misure.
Le prime risposte, da parte UE, sono state positive.

Mentre invece sul deficit/PIL la partita si giocherà a livello "tecnico": tireranno un pò di qua e un pò di là ... probabilmente spalmeranno il rientro negli obiettivi riaggiustando il 2012.
Personalmente aspetto i dati del terzo trimestre che dovrebbero essere buoni. Le entrate in agosto sono cresciute per la prima volta, da tempo immemore, del 3%.
Greece importing olive oil from Germany

Data released by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) suggested that Greece imported 1.5 million euros’ worth of olive oil -- once a staple of its agricultural production -- from Germany in 2010, Skai reported on Thursday, adding that the General Confederation of Greek Agrarian Associations (GCGAA) believes that much of this oil came from Greece to begin with.
GCGAA member Giorgos Goniotakis said the reason for the high level of imports was that domestic olive oil production has slumped below demand due to the drop in price.

ekathimerini.com , Thursday September 8, 2011 (22:28)

Novità ... :lol:
Gov’t rules out eurozone exit

Spokesman insists reforms moving forward after Germany intensifies tough talk


Government spokesman Ilias Mossialos insisted on Thursday that the country’s position within the eurozone was safe after German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble toughened his stance against Greece, saying that it would be left to the mercy of the financial markets if it fails to meet the conditions for billions of euros in emergency loans.
“There is no threat of Greece exiting the eurozone,” Mossialos said. “We are proceeding with reforms quickly.”
The comments came after Schaeuble told German state radio that a sixth installment of emergency aid to Greece - an 8-billion-euro loan on which the country’s solvency depends - would only be disbursed “if Greece actually does what it agreed to do.”
The German minister was referring to reforms the government has pledged to enforce in order to raise sorely needed revenue and plug a yawning budget deficit.
If Greece fails to meet these conditions - subject to an assessment by foreign creditors - then the payments will stop and Greece will face the markets alone, Schaeuble said. “In that case, Greece has to see how it will gain access to financial markets without help from the eurozone,” he said. “That’s Greece’s problem.”
Schaeuble’s tough talk on Thursday reflected a growing sense of anger and frustration among Greece’s peers in the eurozone but prompted the immediate intervention of the European Commission.
Once again, EC spokesman Amadeu Altafaj-Tardio struck a conciliatory tone. Responding to reporters’ questions about a possible eurozone exit by Greece, Altafaj-Tardio remarked, “There is no debate at all on that.”
However he echoed Schaeuble in emphasizing the importance of Greece meeting the strict conditions of the bailout. “It is clear that the provision of financial assistance has always been - for the first program and the successive program - linked to a strong conditionality,” Altafaj-Tardio said, referring to the first bailout granted to Greece by the EC, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund in May last year and a second bailout hammered out in July in Brussels.
The second bailout has been hanging in the balance due to a demand by Finland, subsequently repeated by other member states, that Greece provide collateral as a guarantee for any loans it receives.

ekathimerini.com , Thursday September 8, 2011 (22:41)
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