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Italia: c'e' una possibilita' su tre che fallisca

di: WSI Pubblicato il 13 settembre 2011| Ora 09:57

Ingrandisci la foto
Secondo i mercati dei Cds, la probabilita' che l’Italia dichiari bancarotta entro il 2016 sono pari al 34,94%.
Il contenuto di questo scritto esprime il pensiero dell' autore e non necessariamente rappresenta la linea editoriale di Wall Street Italia, che rimane autonoma e indipendente.

New York - Le incertezze sull’efficacia della manovra finanziaria, i perenni ribassi di borsa e la tensione crescente sui titoli di Stato, hanno spinto al rialzo il valore dei Credit default swaps a protezione del debito italiano permettendo a questi ultimi di sfondare per la prima volta quota 500 punti base (assicurare un credito da 10 milioni di euro con l’Italia costa 500 mila euro). Un valore che, formule matematiche alla mano, si traduce in un rischio fallimento da record.

per uno stato che è previsto vada in attivo nel 2014 :-?

però WSI che lo leggiamo a fare?! dice solo putt...
karl forse sul mot...

Si il denaro (blocco da 500k è a 55); rende 45 punti in 6 mesi il che vuol dire 90 punti in un anno +4,3 di cedola ; dividi per 0,55 viene 171 che al netto tasse fa 150%

.. o c'e' un equivoco o proprio non capisco ... stiamo parlando della ggbei 25?

in denaro io vedo 500K a 22,39...
European Commission Task Force Arrives In Athens

A European Commission Task Force, headed by Horst Reichenbach, launches officially today initiatives to support Greece proceed with reforms.

This Task Force is considered more powerful than Troika’s team. This is a group of technocrats with Commissioner Olli Rehn as direct supervisor.
The team would consist of European Commission and EU member states officials, and requests for participation have already exceeded 500, according to Rehn.

Middle-lev el executives have already visited ministries and public organizations seeking issues for technical support. Although, officially the main agenda item is the National Strategic Reference Framework, it is considered clear that the substantial objective is to implement the terms of Memorandum of Understanding and promote necessary reforms.

The meeting between Reichenback and Greek FinMin Evangelos Venizelos is scheduled for Tuesday, the first day of his arrival in Athens, is considered indicative. The former vice president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is a man of Barroso’s absolute confidence, while his team would include also representatives of Greece’s lenders, who can propose measures.

EU officials say that the Task Force’s role would expand as time passes, while there would be increased collaterals in case Greece receives the next aid instalment and the second bailout loan.

The aim is to avoid the repeat of slowdowns and delays in implementation of the memorandum, which provides reforms in public utilities and sector, healthcare system, insurance system, closed professions, etc.

Many government officials anticipated this team in order to overcome intraparty and union pressures in areas of great influence. But there are also government executives who clamour for loss of national sovereignty in exchange for a new loan


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