Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (6 lettori)

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Greece-Troika Negotiations Start From Scratch

The Greek government launches a new round of negotiations with the troika focusing on privatizations and 2011 measures.

The several billion deficits must be covered by additional measures and bold structural reforms, after the Eurogroup meeting, which showed that the new load and even the fifth instalment are not certain.

Political opposition will enter negotiations, as European member states asked for political consensus as a prerequisite for the agreement. It remains unclear when the decisions will be finalized but the procedure has already been announced.

During a long meeting on Tuesday, Finance Ministry officials have analyzed the points of dissent in order to begin a new round of talks with the troika:

-Privatization: International lenders required massive sales of state-owned listed companies and the publications of real estate assets for development. The plan, which will be announced to troika on Friday, includes a full schedule of movements and decisions within the next two month, aiming the raising of a large part of €15b in 2011-2012.

The country’s legal obligations should also be finalized, with the government seeking legal adviser in Great Britain.

-€26b package: Several measures planned for 2012-2013 are now attached in 2011 program in order to cover the gap of €6b. Arbitrary regulation, new objective values and heating oil taxation will not be sufficient. Tougher and permanent interventions are launched regarding payroll and social benefits. Approximately 150,000 civil servants will be sacked, insurance system will be revised, while announcements regarding the shutdowns of public enterprises and institutions are expected soon.

-Bold structural reforms: The government seeks for clear solutions, proving that passed laws are carried out.

-Expenditure restraint and fighting against tax and contribution evasion: The troika asks for solid interventions, which would suggest that anyone –especially a celebrity- stealing state money would be sent to prison.


L'avanzamento della discussione.


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Why Banks “Bet” On Greek Debt Reprofiling

The possibility of a voluntary refinancing of Greek debt expiring in 2011-2013 through new government bonds of longer duration and adjusted interest rates has now matured and is now discussed in the Eurogroup as a part of package, which will be put for approval at the European Summit in June.

The reprofiling (reform of the bond characteristics) has been adopted as a term at the Eurogroup meeting regarding the proposed arrangements of the Greek debt as part of a package that would also include two other features: the expansion of the medium-term program and the enhancing of the privatization program which will be collateral to the reprofiling.

The large investment banks appear positive towards this possibility in the discussions with holders of Greek debt (banks, insurance companies and pension funds) and recommend this very solution, ruling out any consideration of debt restructuring through a haircut of the nominal value.

There reasons are obvious, banking sources comment.

This process will not result in losses to their balance sheets or there will be minimal losses, as the main feature of the reprofiling will be the preservation of the nominal debt with the minor increase (or preservation) of bonds’ total return at maturity.

The majority of bonds, which banks, insurance companies and pension funds hold, are registered in investment portfolios, while only a small proportion remains in their commercial portfolio.

This means that replacing under the suitable legislation won’t work any changes on their balance sheets.

However, is remains unsolved what will guarantee the new bonds, that would replace the ones that mature in 2012-2013. The first solution was the temporary rescue fund (EFSF) but it faced Germany’s bold opposition. Angela Merkel’s position, supported by the Netherlands, Finland and Austria refers to the establishment of a Fund, which would carry properties owned by the Greek state.

This solution would face many legal and political problems at national level. For this reason, a “national consensus” is required by European member states at the Eurogroup meeting.

However, the planning run into difficulties with the unexpected arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn in New York.

Strauss-Kahn has been playing a distinctive but clear role of coordinator among European leaders, who were facing internal political and economic problems.

In his scheduled meeting last Sunday with Angela Merkel, he was supposed to coordinate the political constraints of the German Chancellor regarding the euro currency survival, in order to present a comprehensive proposal about the Greek problem at the Eurogroup’ meeting.

Now, European leaders have to reach an agreement without the facilitator and the authority of the IMF.


Da leggere.


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Buongiorno anche a Te.

La civiltà greca... la mitologia e i miei studi classici...

Forza Hellas che c'e' la puoi fare.
benvenuto, anche da parte mia; mi sembra di aver capito che anche tu hai qualche ggb in tasca. Mi sembri abbastaza positivo sulla situazione della grecia; anch'io mi auguro e mi aspetto che l'europa con una supervisione tecnica, possa alla fine coordinare aiuti e piano di privatizzazione.
toro2002 quindi ragionevolmente positivo?...


Nuovo forumer
benvenuto, anche da parte mia; mi sembra di aver capito che anche tu hai qualche ggb in tasca. Mi sembri abbastaza positivo sulla situazione della grecia; anch'io mi auguro e mi aspetto che l'europa con una supervisione tecnica, possa alla fine coordinare aiuti e piano di privatizzazione.
toro2002 quindi ragionevolmente positivo?...

Grazie Maratoneta. si sono ragionevolemnte positivo. mi allaccio a Bini Smaghi; non si può non intervenire su un Paese membro e lasciarlo al suo destino. Che Europa sarebbe?.

Propongo un quesito al Ministro Greco: Perchè non comincia a rastrellare sul mercato con un piano di Buy back le prossime scadenze da qui al 2013 in modo da risparmiare sul rimborso delle cedole a prezzi estremamente a loro favorevoli ? Cosa ne pensate?


Forumer storico
Grazie Maratoneta. si sono ragionevolemnte positivo. mi allaccio a Bini Smaghi; non si può non intervenire su un Paese membro e lasciarlo al suo destino. Che Europa sarebbe?.

Propongo un quesito al Ministro Greco: Perchè non comincia a rastrellare sul mercato con un piano di Buy back le prossime scadenze da qui al 2013 in modo da risparmiare sul rimborso delle cedole a prezzi estremamente a loro favorevoli ? Cosa ne pensate?
credo che sarebbe una ottima idea; per farlo, comunque credo che la grecia avrebbe necessità di un finanziamento ad ok...


Forumer storico
credo che sarebbe una ottima idea; per farlo, comunque credo che la grecia avrebbe necessità di un finanziamento ad ok...

Potrebbe farlo attraverso i fondi dell' EFSF ... se c'è la sensibilità politica per farlo. Questo è il solo modo per abbattere il debito, il resto sono parole.
Il reprofiling non risolve nulla, se non prendere un pò di tempo sino a metà 2013.
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