Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (5 lettori)

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Utente Senior
Current status of negotiations with bondholders
Cognor S.A. (Cognor, the Company) is pleased to report that it has reached agreement with 67,3% of holders on a proposal for the refinancing of the Notes due in February 2014. With the assistance of our legal and financial advisors, the Company expects to progress the structuring and documentation of this proposal in the coming weeks. Within the ongoing process Cognor intends to achieve the agreement with all the remaining noteholders and expects to be in a position to make a further public announcement in the near future.

a quanto sta?


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Codere Coupon Delay Opens $444 Million Credit Swaps Payment Door

Codere SA’s decision to delay a bond coupon payment by two days opened the door for holders of $444 million of credit-default swap contracts to ask for settlement.
The Spanish gaming company said Sept. 13 that it will make a payment on its $300 million of 9.25 percent bonds tomorrow, rather than yesterday when it was due. That enables investors to seek a payout on all outstanding credit-default swaps contracts, according to the rules of the International Swaps & Derivatives Association.
“This will likely be a failure-to-pay credit event for the CDS,” Chris Snow, an analyst at CreditSights Inc., wrote in a note to investors.
There are total of 3,192 contracts covering a net $444 million of Codere’s debt, Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. data show. ISDA’s determinations committee hasn’t been asked to make a ruling, according to the industry group’s website.
The company’s 9.25 percent bonds due February 2019 dropped two cents to 49 cents on the euro, according Bloomberg prices at 9:20 a.m. in London.
To contact the reporter on this story: Abigail Moses in London at [email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Paul Armstrong at [email protected]


Bond..... solo BOND
c'è un call ma non ricordo a quanto e quando

avevo tutto su un altro pc ma l'hard disk ha fatto pufffffff

se trovassi il prospetto postalo, grazie

le altre hanno tassi inferiori se non sbaglioi

AZZ...:eek: e se la call è a 100 nel breve ?

Anleihe kündbar zum 15.07.2013 zu 105,875%, zum 15.07.2014 zu 102,938% und zum 15.07.2015 zu 100%

@ Brizio

secondo te la callano ?
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