Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1

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certo, bisogna essere consapevoli della rischiosità del bond in questione.
Però, a 35, pur considerando i rischi, ci sono delle eventuali prospettive di upside da considerare, oltre ai rischi...

Penso che il business dell'acciaio, dopo un 2008 e 2009 tenebrosi, possa solo risalire la china. Inoltre Zlomrex ha detto che intende riacquistare il bond distressed sul mercato per ridurre il debito. E di solito le operazioni di buy back sono sempre ben apprezzate dal mercato.
Penso che il business dell'acciaio, dopo un 2008 e 2009 tenebrosi, possa solo risalire la china. Inoltre Zlomrex ha detto che intende riacquistare il bond distressed sul mercato per ridurre il debito. E di solito le operazioni di buy back sono sempre ben apprezzate dal mercato.
c'è anche questa: 02/1/2010
Zlomrex SA intends to divest redundant assets and reduce its debts. Krzysztof Zola, member of the board at Zlomrex said: "At the current stage of development and in view of the market situation, we are suspending takeovers for a while." The company has already started divesting its non-core assets. The company intends to divest some of its properties worth millions of zlotys and minority stakes in Cognor SA's business abroad. He added: "We will continue to reduce the debt as we acquire more cash."
c'è anche questa: 02/1/2010
Zlomrex SA intends to divest redundant assets and reduce its debts. Krzysztof Zola, member of the board at Zlomrex said: "At the current stage of development and in view of the market situation, we are suspending takeovers for a while." The company has already started divesting its non-core assets. The company intends to divest some of its properties worth millions of zlotys and minority stakes in Cognor SA's business abroad. He added: "We will continue to reduce the debt as we acquire more cash."

Difatti, a fine gennaio hanno venduto un immobile commerciale per circa 4,9 mln di euro
Poland’s Zlomrex remains cautious on Q2 outlook

Thursday, 04 March 2010

Polish steelmaker Zlomrex anticipates a decrease in production in the second and third quarters of this year, and does not see the expected upswing in steel demand from infrastructural investments in Poland materialising.

The situation [in the market] is still difficult,” Zlomrex president Przemyslaw Sztuczkowski told industry journal WNP. “Numerous people were saying that infrastructural investments will translate into a significant increase in demand for steel products but we do not see this,” he said.

We are waiting to see what Q2 and Q3 will bring,” said Sztuczkowski. “There is no shortage of opinions that production rates will be reduced by about 15%,” he continued. “In the steel sector, everyone is waiting for firms to start investing because the crisis is a consequence of lack of investments,” he added.

Zlomrex’s steel production facilities are currently experiencing mixed fortunes. Billet, bar and rebar producer Ferrostal Labedy has gained new orders in several African and Asian countries, and is operating at 70-100% of capacity depending on the month.

The situation at Huta Stali Jakosciowych is more difficult. “HSJ is utilising about 60% of capacity,” said Sztuczkowski. “Here we are dealing with a different range of products: armoured sheet, abrasion-resistant sheet aimed at the needs of the machinery industry or heavy goods vehicles. We are seeing the first signs of recovery in this market segment,” he commented.

Zlomrex sold its only production facility outside Poland, rebar mill Zeljezara Split in Croatia, last September, as reported by Steel Business Briefing.
Tre società, interessate a Zeljezara Split

Croatia’s Ministry of Economy and the State Secretary, Ruder Friganovic has held discussions with representatives of Zeljezara Split d.d., the privatization fund HFP, and Zlomrex SA in order to establish best solution for Zeljezara Split’s current position. Croatia will announce a public tender to find a buyer to acquire Zlomrex's position in Zeljezara Split. Till now Mechel OAO, Techcom Consulting GmbH and AFV Acciaierie Beltrame S.p.A. have expressed interest in Zeljezara Split.
Azione in crescita del 5% :V , (un motivo ci sarà!) siccome bisogna credere ai numeri più che alle notizie :eek: io ho incrementato di un'altro cippetto :D

comunque i calcoli che ho letto sopra son giusti
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