Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (6 lettori)

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Forumer storico
ragazzi ho chiuso un proficuo shortino su finmeccanica e ho
comprato 5k della monnezza german pellets 5NT a 19,35 :eek: Altro che scommessa...:)

captain sparrow

Forumer storico

posto qui per maggior visibilità. ho ricevuto notizia che ci saranno due udienze al tribunale di Vienna. il 9/2 per nominare un rappresentante di collegamento da affiancare al rappresentante dei bondisti (già nominato) il 16/2 per avere il parere del rap bondisti su una proposta di ristrutturazione che Cholz deve presentare prima del 16/2. a oggi il capo dei bondisti non ha ancora ricevuto alcuna proposta da Scholz. penso che tale comunicazione si trovi anche sul sito scholz, ma se riesco la copio e la posto.

captain sparrow

Forumer storico
The hearing of 9 February 2016 / responsibilities and competences of the liaison
The first of the two hearings, set on 9 February 2016, will be used to interrogate the
bondholders regarding a report to be made by the bondholders' guardian and to elect the
liaison officers and their substitutes. Such office may be undertaken by any person
domiciled at or near the place of the court, and such person need not be him/herself a
holder of any of the relevant bonds. The person getting the absolute majority of the
votes cast will be elected. The majority of the votes cast will be calculated by
the nominal amount of the securities. The outcome of the vote cannot be challenged. A
substitute liaison officer will take the liaison officer's place if the latter ceases
to hold or is prevented from exercising such office.
It is the duty of the liaison officers to obtain, on an ongoing basis, information of
the transactions to be carried out by the joint bondholders' guardian and to support
such transactions.
The joint bondholders' guardian must obtain the views of the liaison officers in all
important transactions. If the bondholders' guardian applies for an approval by the
court s/he needs to sound out the liaison officers and submit their opinions to the
court jointly with the application for approval, except when the liaison officers have
already signed the application. The court's decision must be delivered to the liaison
officers as well who then have the right of appeal.
In the event that the liaison officers differ in their views they need to exercise
their rights and duties separately on their own. The term of office for the liaison
officers and their substitutes ends when the guardianship is terminated. For the above
activities, liaison officers are entitled to have their cash outlays reimbursed, but
there is no further entitlement to compensation or payment.
Given the responsibilities to be undertaken by the liaison officers and their
substitutes it is recommended to elect individuals who have suitable legal and business
know-how and experience.
The hearing of 16 February 2016
The second hearing, to be held on 16 February 2016, will be used to interrogate
bondholders on a report to be furnished by the bondholders' guardian with regard to an
application for a restructuration scheme for Scholz Holding GmbH. In this respect I
need to point out again that I have so far not obtained any information on the
restructuration measures aimed for by Scholz Holding GmbH.
At this hearing I will begin by describing the situation from my point of view as
bondholders' guardian. Subsequently, the bondholders represented at the hearing will be
entitled to make statements. In the event of a dispute, a vote needs to be taken on the
issue in the wording of the court. The court needs to include all of this in the


Forumer storico
posto qui per maggior visibilità. ho ricevuto notizia che ci saranno due udienze al tribunale di Vienna. il 9/2 per nominare un rappresentante di collegamento da affiancare al rappresentante dei bondisti (già nominato) il 16/2 per avere il parere del rap bondisti su una proposta di ristrutturazione che Cholz deve presentare prima del 16/2. a oggi il capo dei bondisti non ha ancora ricevuto alcuna proposta da Scholz. penso che tale comunicazione si trovi anche sul sito scholz, ma se riesco la copio e la posto.

oggi ha scambiato a poco più di 13... è una scommessa, per carità potrebbero fare hard default ... qualcuno le ha comprate a questi prezzi?

captain sparrow

Forumer storico
scusate c'era anche questo pezzo di lettera prima dell'altro post
Please contact your clients and inform them of the following transaction:
On 14 January 2016 Dr. Ulla Reisch was appointed as Trustee of all bondholders by the
Commercial Court of Vienna.
The Trustee notes that Scholz Holding GmbH did not apply for the opening of the
insolvency proceedings in neither Austria nor any other country.
Furthermore, the Trustee also notifies that it is not necessary to file a claim with
the Commercial Court of Vienna or with the Trustee, as any possible distributions to
bondholders will be made through the clearing systems (as it has been done up to now).
Please be advised that the Commercial Court of Vienna has convened two hearings which
will be held as follows:
1st Hearing: 9 February 2016, 10 a.m. 2nd Hearing: 16 February 2016, 1 p.m.
Rooms 707 and 708 Rooms 707 and 708
Handelsgericht Wien Handelsgericht Wien
Marxergasse 1A Marxergasse 1A
A-1030 Vienna A-1030 Vienna
The purpose of the hearings are:
- interrogating the holders represented
- electing three liaison officers
- electing three substitute liaison officers.
For more details regarding the two hearings, please consult the enclosure.
Bondholders may vote in person at the hearings. NOT forward any
voting instructions.
If your clients wish to participate, a certificate of deposit (blocking certificate)
will be sent to them.
To ensure a proper preparation of the hearings, bondholders wishing to attend the
hearings are asked to inform the Trustee prior to the hearings and send a copy of the
blocking certificate to [email protected].
Please note that a notice regarding the appointment of a Trustee of all holders of the
Bonds is available by sending an email to: [email protected]; by stating in the
subject: "OCE SCHOLZ 180116-1"
Any news regarding a possible restructuring will be published on the following
websites: Urbanek Lind Schmied Reisch Rechtsanwälte: index oder redirect
Bondholders who attend the hearing must dispose of a passport or ID card as well as a
blocking certificate. Otherwise, the entrance will be refused.
The participation in this event will imply the blocking of the securities until the end
of the hearings. Please be advised that the postponement of the meeting or the belated
outcome of the results might result in your clients' position being blocked till the
whole event reaches the final stage of the corporate event.
If your clients wish to participate, please order the blocking certificate by no later
than 2 February 2016.
Without your instructions, we shall

dicono anche che Scholz non ha presentato richiesta di insolvenza, il che mi sembra incoraggiante per noi
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