Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (8 lettori)

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low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Rumours about issue of new HY bonds from

Rumours in the market have it that Ineos has
hired Barclays to head a new high-yield issue
from the company. We assess that it is in
connection with the refinancing of the
company’s bank debt following the joint
venture with PetroChina that Ineos expects to
issue bonds. As it is likely to be the bank debt
that Ineos will refinance we find that it may
very well be senior secured bonds in Ineos.
We expect the coming refinancing to be very
positive for Ineos. Ineos refinanced the
company’s bank debt in the summer of 2009
following the financial crisis and the company’s
breach of several covenants of the bank debt.
The refinancing implied that Ineos saw sharp
increases of the interest-rate margin on the
company’s bank debt. This is the debt that the
company will now refinance. We find that Ineos
will be able to save interest expenses of EUR
110-130m refinancing the bank debt. A
refinancing will therefore be very positive for
Ineos. Hence, we maintain our BUY
recommendation for €7.875% 2016 and €9.25%


Money Never Sleeps

Rumours about issue of new HY bonds from
Rumours in the market have it that Ineos has
hired Barclays to head a new high-yield issue
from the company. We assess that it is in
connection with the refinancing of the
company’s bank debt following the joint
venture with PetroChina that Ineos expects to
issue bonds. As it is likely to be the bank debt
that Ineos will refinance we find that it may
very well be senior secured bonds in Ineos.
We expect the coming refinancing to be very
positive for Ineos. Ineos refinanced the
company’s bank debt in the summer of 2009
following the financial crisis and the company’s
breach of several covenants of the bank debt.
The refinancing implied that Ineos saw sharp
increases of the interest-rate margin on the
company’s bank debt. This is the debt that the
company will now refinance. We find that Ineos
will be able to save interest expenses of EUR
110-130m refinancing the bank debt. A
refinancing will therefore be very positive for
Ineos. Hence, we maintain our BUY
recommendation for €7.875% 2016 and €9.25%

DUBAI 89,50/90,50 :up:
INEOS 100,40/101,00 :up:
SAVCIO no carta
CEDC 91,50/92,00 questa è da prendere :)
NOVASEP 59,60/61,50 :up:
PETROL 74,00/76,00 :D


Super Moderator
ATU: strong buy di Jyske

Alla faccia della tempestività... quei cioccolatai di Jyske hanno scoperto che sul mercato esistono anche i bond ATU Auto :futuro:. Non solo, hanno pure emesso uno "strong buy". La cosa non può che farci piacere. Ma dove cavolo erano quando il bond 2014 valeva 40 e si diceva che ATU era da comprare? :prr:


ATU: Meeting with management confirms the case
We have visited ATU’s headquarters in Weiden, Germany. We met with the company’s management represented by the CFO, Mr Christian Sailer. One of the main points from our meeting was that the implementation of and return to the original strategy are proceeding as planned and are increasingly showing signs of success. This is decisive for the company’s success in the long term. Since ATU is reintroducing the original, thoroughly tested strategy, we see the execution risk as limited.
The management pointed out that the guidance of revenue growth of 1%-2% in both 2011 and 2012 is set on the assumption of an unchanged market share. For several reasons, we see this guidance as slightly conservative. Among other things this is supported by the fact that a strong fourth quarter (like in 2010) is typically followed by a strong second quarter in the following year since more customers than usual will change back to summer tyres.
In future, the dependence on the weather conditions in the winter season will be reduced since a new law from late 2010 requires all cars – regardless of the weather – to change to winter tyres every year.
The meeting with the management confirms our generally bullish view of the company. The recommendation for €11% 2014 is Strong BUY and the 12-month expected return is no less than 13.5%.
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
isin, che questa me la sono persa forse :-?:up:

Zinc Capital 8,875%
Finalmente un taglio da 1K
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