Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1

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solo che non quota 100,50 ma 103 in lettera:
cmq oggi erano illiquide con IW.

PEr la nuova emissione, andando sul sito tedesco della Edel, sembrerebbe possibile prenderla compilando il modulo e rilasciando i propri dati bancari e facendo il bonifico: mi chiedo se tale operazione possa essere eseguita anche dall'Italia. C'è pure il prospettino di quanto versare in base alla data.
Possibile che ti trasferiscano in ptf l'obbligazione da sottoscrizione diretta?!
Chiedo da profano.

Trattandosi di un collocamento, è possibile. Tuttavia, sarei più tranquillo se l'operazione la facesse la banca al posto tuo.
Dal Sole 24h del 25.05.2011

Interessante :up:


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    Junk 25.05.2011.jpg
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Il problema qui è l'eruzione del vulcano in Islanda che ha obbligato molte compagnie a sopprimere i voli. E' solo un problema momentaneo, sicuramente un'occasione.
Attenzione, comunque agli investimenti nelle linee aeree perché il più alto tasso di default si registra proprio lì. Le aviolinee, soprattutto quelle low cost, hanno possibilità di espandersi solo acquisendo nuove rotte, tra l'altro su scali secondari, e solitamente non sono per clientela business. I margini sono ridottissimi, anche per via del rialzo del prezzo dei carburanti. Da maneggiare con cautela, quindi con percentuali basse del proprio portafoglio.
Guarda, io oltre ad Air Berlin ho anche British Airways in GBP e ti posso dire che anche durante la prima tragedia greca è rimasta molto stabile a livello di prezzo.
Certo tu parli di lowcost, che è diverso, ma Air Berlin può essere considerata low cost?
CEDC: Rumours about bid from Roman
Shortly before noon, it was rumoured in the
market that Roman Abramowich would make a
bid for CEDC which has been up against some
adversity recently. The rumours caused a surge
in CEDC’s shares and bonds. The bonds rose by
approx. 5 points but dropped back again when
rumours were laid to rest by a spokesman for
Abramowich, who denied all rumours in respect
of a bid for CEDC. However, the bonds closed the
day up by approx. 1.5 points to two points
compared to the opening level.
che faranno i due ragazzi?

05/25/11 19:16
(Klassa.bg - News)
Brother and sister acquire a 41.85% stake in Petrol JSC

The siblings Dimitrinka (29 years) and Nikolay (27) Petrovi are the new owners of a 41.85% share package of Petrol JSC. Vyand Oil Ltd., the company that they both manage, has purchased the entire share of Naftex Petrol in the company, showed official figures of the Central Depository, reported by blitz.bg. The deal for the ownership transfer of 45,719 shares was concluded on the non-regulated free market on May 16, at a price of BGN 1.30 per share, and the total amount of the transaction was nearly BGN 60 mln. We should bear in mind that, at the same time, the average price per share in regular trade was BGN 5.57.
Moreover, on April 15, there was another deal in shares of the company - 8.24% of its capital was transferred via Repo transaction (shares for short-term financing) to the Corporate Commercial Bank. Nikolay Petrov said that the only reason to deal with the shares of Petrol JSC was his desire to be involved in a new and successful business, Sofia News agency reported. Albena Ivaylova, a public relations official at Petrol JSC, stated that the shares were transferred against short-term financing and will subsequently be bought back, posted blitz.bg.
che faranno i due ragazzi?

05/25/11 19:16
(Klassa.bg - News)
Brother and sister acquire a 41.85% stake in Petrol JSC

The siblings Dimitrinka (29 years) and Nikolay (27) Petrovi are the new owners of a 41.85% share package of Petrol JSC. Vyand Oil Ltd., the company that they both manage, has purchased the entire share of Naftex Petrol in the company, showed official figures of the Central Depository, reported by blitz.bg. The deal for the ownership transfer of 45,719 shares was concluded on the non-regulated free market on May 16, at a price of BGN 1.30 per share, and the total amount of the transaction was nearly BGN 60 mln. We should bear in mind that, at the same time, the average price per share in regular trade was BGN 5.57.
Moreover, on April 15, there was another deal in shares of the company - 8.24% of its capital was transferred via Repo transaction (shares for short-term financing) to the Corporate Commercial Bank. Nikolay Petrov said that the only reason to deal with the shares of Petrol JSC was his desire to be involved in a new and successful business, Sofia News agency reported. Albena Ivaylova, a public relations official at Petrol JSC, stated that the shares were transferred against short-term financing and will subsequently be bought back, posted blitz.bg.

Cambiano i suonatori, ma la musica è sempre quella :band: Il prezzo del bond non si schioda.
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