Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (9 lettori)

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Super Moderator
Quello e' il link alla nota integrativa , le altre parti del bilancio si trovano qui http://www.yioula.gr/investors/fina...atements.cfm?4F5F55E9A019E6D6D7F8BD0E8F4B795B
Quanto alla "bonta'" sarebbe meglio parlare di "stabilita'" , dato che i due milioni di utile nel trimestre non vanno certo a granche' intaccare i 369 milioni di debiti ... siamo sempre nella condizione di chi e' nella ***** fino al collo e grida di continuo "non fate l'onda , non fate l'onda" ... questo trimestre nessuno l'ha fatta , ma sempre nella ***** fino al collo si resta. :titanic:

Beh, finché ci sono utili e i ricavi salgono, c'è speranza. Intanto tiriamo a campà. Quest'anno hanno speso 15 milioni per rimodernizzare gli impianti. Sarà servito a qualcosa, spero


Super Moderator

28 October 2011
Eircom offered help with debt mountain

Eircom, which is in talks with lenders to restructure its E3.75 billion debt, today said it had received an approach from a third party to help restructure its finances.The company, majority-owned by Temasek unit Singapore Technologies Telemedia (STT), did not say who the approach was from.The Sunday Times has reported that Hutchison Whampoa , an Asian conglomerate, had made contact with a co-ordinating committee of eircom's senior debtors in a bid to secure control of the operator. Hutchison Whampoa and eircom both declined to comment on the report. STT has proposed giving first-lien lenders, the most senior in any restructuring, a 20 percent stake in return for a haircut on their 2.4 billion euros of debt, a source close to the negotiations said. Second-lien lenders have also proposed swapping some of their 350 million euros debt for equity in the business, the source said.Talks started after eircom officially recognised a co-ordinating committee representing senior lenders in July. The lenders in September agreed to waive their debt covenants until Dec. 15, averting a possible default. In a trading update today, eircom said its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation for the quarter to Sept. 30 would show a "significant reduction" from a year earlier, but were in line with internal forecasts. It said it was losing market share in broadband delivered by telephone lines to cable and mobile broadband. The company registered a very significant reduction in EBITDA from a year earlier in its mobile operation due to increased costs linked to the roll out of high-end smartphones.It said revenue losses were partially offset by progress on cost reductions.


Listen other's viewpoint avoid conflicts & wars.
Qualcuno di Voi le ha ancora?

Posto, per info, quanto appena ricevuto da IR.
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CEDC financial results will be published on Friday, and they will be commented during conference call at 13:30 Warsaw time, 8:30 US time available via internet, http://www.videonewswire.com/event.asp?id=83093
The reports will be published on our website, in the investor relations section. No special registration is needed.
kind regards
Anna Zaluska
Corporate PR Manager

.....poi, usciti i risultati Q3, mi piacerebbe sapere da Gaudente cosa ne pensa di CEDC (ho già messo l'elmetto).;-).....
Ultima modifica:


Super Moderator
Posto, per info, quanto appena ricevuto da IR.
Magari a qualcuno interessa.

CEDC financial results will be published on Friday, and they will be commented during conference call at 13:30 Warsaw time, 8:30 US time available via internet, http://www.videonewswire.com/event.asp?id=83093
The reports will be published on our website, in the investor relations section. No special registration is needed.
kind regards
Anna Zaluska
Corporate PR Manager

.....poi, usciti i risultati Q3, mi piacerebbe sapere da Gaudente cosa ne pensa di CEDC (ho già messo l'elmetto).;-).....

Mi pare avesse già espresso la sua raccomandazione a "strong buy" :D


Nuovo forumer
Ciao a tutti...ho più di una mezza idea di entrare su fage...
qualcuno sa per caso il debt/equity di questa società e se c'è il rischio che faccia altri buyback del titolo oltre a quelli già fatti?
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