Money Never Sleeps
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ed intanto i prezzi :
OnVista: Anleihenanalyse - HELLAS TELECOM. (LXBG) V EO-FLR NOTES 2005(06/12) REG.S - Snapshot
OnVista: Anleihenanalyse - HELLAS TELECOM. (LXBG) III EO-NOTES 2005(09/13) REG.S - Snapshot

OnVista: Anleihenanalyse - HELLAS TELECOMMUNIC.(LUX.) II EO-FLR BONDS 2006(08/15) REG.S - Snapshot

questa è già KAPUT
Wind Hellas Downgraded, May Restructure, S&P Says
June 22 (Bloomberg) -- Wind Hellas Telecommunications SA may restructure its capital “in the immediate term” after announcing a drop-off in liquidity, Standard & Poor’s said today when it downgraded the company three steps to CC. “During the next few weeks or months, Wind Hellas could default on its upcoming debt obligations or have to undergo another capital restructuring -- the second in six months,” the ratings company said in a statement. Greece’s third largest mobile phone operator may seek to exchange debt at a discount under a restructuring, which would be “tantamount to a default,” S&P said. The Athens-based company’s 356 million euros ($440 million) of 8.5 percent notes due 2013 were little changed at 5 percent of face value, close to their lowest level of 4 percent on June 16, according to prices HSBC Holdings Plc prices on Bloomberg. S&P estimates that holders of the subordinated notes could lose all of their investment, while owners of senior notes could end up with as little as 30 cents on the euro. Wind Hellas began talks last week with creditors and its shareholder Weather Investment SpA because of a slump in sales and earnings in April and May caused by the government’s austerity measures. The company emerged from bankruptcy seven months ago after renegotiating 3.2 billion euros of debt through the U.K. bankruptcy courts. Weather Investments is the holding company for Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris.
S&P is the last of the major ratings firms to downgrade Wind Hellas. The company’s debt was cut by Fitch Ratings on June 17 to C, one step above default status. Moody’s Investors Service downgraded its assessment last week to Caa3, nine levels below investment grade and three steps from default. Wind Hellas has about 35 million euros in cash and a 17.5 million-euro amortization payment on its revolving credit facility due at the end of the month, S&P said. It also has a 23 million-euro coupon payment on its bonds due July 15. “We believe it may prove challenging for Wind Hellas to honor its roughly 40 million euros of debt obligations falling due within the next month,” S&P said.
ed intanto i prezzi :
OnVista: Anleihenanalyse - HELLAS TELECOM. (LXBG) V EO-FLR NOTES 2005(06/12) REG.S - Snapshot

OnVista: Anleihenanalyse - HELLAS TELECOM. (LXBG) III EO-NOTES 2005(09/13) REG.S - Snapshot

OnVista: Anleihenanalyse - HELLAS TELECOMMUNIC.(LUX.) II EO-FLR BONDS 2006(08/15) REG.S - Snapshot