Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (4 lettori)

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Straordinaria ONO Finance, peccato per il taglio minimo da 100K :(


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Forumer storico
Development after 31 March 2012
The temperatures in April were considerably cooler again than in March, with frequent frost at night and unsettled, rainy weather. Many motorists therefore delayed switching to summer tyres. The proportion of summer tyres taken out of A.T.U’s warehouses was considerably down on the level in the previous year. Sales therefore declined year-on-year in April. However, it is likely that some of these sales have only been postponed and will be made up in May. Nonetheless, the tyre changeover business this spring will not match the level of the previous year.

klassika minkiata x naskondere le proprie inkapacità ... inece di spendere i sordi in un sito ke sembra quello della Apple, ke andassero in giro kol karretto a vendere filtri porta a porta :D

Dall'A21 si vede il punto vendita di Bozen :) Ein Tirol


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Sulla valutazione patrimoniale di ATU le banche si erano già espresse un anno fa, allorchè l'intero debito fu scaricato sul mercato con una manovra peraltro svaforevole ai bondholders subordinati. A livello di conto economnico, però, le cose stanno meglio adesso di prima. L'azienda rappresenta un marchio storico per la Germania, è in mano a KKR che l'ha messa a posto a livello industriale e ora il debito non pesa più in maniera eccessiva sui conti. Abbiamo un 5,5x rispetto all'ebitda che ATU dice di portare a 100 mln entro fine anno. Paradossalmente, la spina nel fianco dei costi finanziari è rappresentata dai bond secured che pagano interessi da capogiro ancora per due anni. Se la liquidità del gruppo dovesse migliorare ulteriormente quest'anno, non è esclusa una tender offer per qualche decina di milioni sui bond (almeno alla pari per i secured e a sconto sui subordinati) cosa che permetterebbe ad ATU di rifinanziarsi tranquillamente prima del 2014.

Concordo pienamente. Un qualche dubbio sulla tender offer .....


low cost high value
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Interessante analisi

The euro zone government bonds - an asset class in tatters
Christophe Bernard, chief strategist at Vontobel Group
"Eat well with stocks, bonds with good sleep," according to the old stock market adage government bonds are equivalent to a secure facility. Given the turmoil in the European Monetary Union (EMU), but nothing seems to be reality stranger than this estimate. Thus, for Euro investors, the question of what to do with the supposedly safe part of the portfolio.

After the introduction of the euro in 1999, aligned with the interest rate and cross-border lending soared. The differences in productivity and the gross domestic product per head seemed to decrease, while the European Union witnessed an ever closer economic integration - to the bursting of the credit bubble in 2008, the unpleasant truth brought to light: A large part of the economic miracle, especially in the so-called peripheral countries, based on indebtedness, to lead unsustainable imbalances. 2012, Greece's private debt not serve more, Ireland and Portugal take an international bailout in demand and the economic situation in Spain is alarming. Moreover, in the political debate in France and the Netherlands asked the question whether cost-cutting measures pay off without concurrent growth.

€-risk underestimate
underestimated in our view, market participants, the political risks in the euro Zusammenhangmit project. The major advantages of a common currency have less and less inventory: instead of being smaller, the interest rate differential between Germany and is the other countries of the euro area increases. Cross-border loans, there are now no more. The swings in the markets are so large that investors sometimes ask whether they should invest at all. On the one hand, the return on ten-year German government bonds 1.7 percent - a rate level that is not about the strong German fundamentals, but the logical fears of a collapse reflects the EMU -, on the other hand, many markets are directly or indirectly on the drip of the European Central Bank, to Extraordinary measures have resorted to in order to increase liquidity. In such an environment to keep international investors, of course . back Excluding Germany from, so have government bonds of Euro area - a market in the amount

of four billion euros -. on a rating of A + at a current yield of 3.9 percent bonds of France, Italy and Spain make up over 70 percent of the volume. For comparison, the external debt of emerging countries (JPMorgan EMBI Global diversified) is rated at BBB-, the current yield is 5.4 percent. We advise investors therefore strongly relevant to emerging market debt as an alternative account. Among the advantages of such systems include a high degree of diversification, a positive rating momentum and higher returns. This asset class is denominated in U.S. dollars, there are therefore no costs for hedging of exposures.

focus on corporate and emerging market bonds

In general, we advise caution in equities, since risk and return in a relationship are unattractive. The (at least compared with the expectations), especially in the U.S., solid corporate earnings for the first quarter have contributed to the onset of the correction in early April was so far limited. Loss risks appear to be limited for the same reason. We doubt, however, that the U.S. companies the impending budgetary adjustments that are noticeable in 2013 to withstand, without damage. As for European companies, the impact of government austerity measures come in the form of higher taxes or more stringent government regulations all too obvious. Government bonds from developed countries are not an acceptable alternative for us, so we maintain our underweight position and hold it in anticipation of higher than average cash investment opportunities. We provide the unique high-yield corporate bonds and bonds of emerging countries


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
GionMorg ciao,

niente ancora per l'isin del nuovo Europcar?
Ero curioso di capire di quanto va sotto 100 ed il livello di subordinazione ma non ho trovato questi dettagli in rete.

Grazie e ciao.
Master Data

ISIN XS0779246478
Symbol -
Market Segment Open Market
Denomination 100,000
Issuer Europcar Bond Funding Ltd.
Issue Date 14/05/2012

Se vieni al meeting mi devi una birra ;)


Bos 4 Mod
Anno su anno è disastroso, ma credo che il turnaround iniziato a metà 2011 abbia iniziato a dare qualche frutto. Perdita 2011 è di 81 mln, ma la perdita del IV trim 2011 è di soli 2 mln (contro una perdita di 19 mln nel IV trim 2010).

La PFN è peggiorata drasticamente 2011 vs 2010 (dicono per acquisto real estate e finanziamento del magazzino), ma è migliorata nel IV trim 2011 rispetto al III trim 2011.

Vediamo se l'inverno rigido migliorerà i conti del I trim 2012. Per me quella sarà la prova del 9....

E' un ciofecone, ma credevo peggio.

Avevo scritto questo post dopo i risultati del IV trim 2011. La società è un po' migliorata, ma il cash bruciato non è stato recuperato. Per cui desumo che il peggioramento della PFN non fosse dovuto al finanziamento del circolante... Se poi ci mettiamo che l'outlook per aprile non è buono...

Ad ogni modo, trattandosi di un subordinato corporate (tipo lighthouse per intenderci), mi fido molto poco e ho preferito uscire a 56.
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