Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1

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ha fatto il 60% in un giorno!
mah... secondo me invece non ha fatto un bel niente.
A quanto stava la lettera ieri ?
Comunque sei sempre in tempo ad accattarti a 19 un titolo che magari domani puoi rivendere a 13 :lol:


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Se fra qualche giorno pagano ancora in natura (notes), il titolo scenderà per forza, zavorrato com'è. Siamo già a 600 mln di flottante, rispetto a un'emissione iniziale di 425 mln (vado a memoria). E questi fra 7 anni devono restituire il capitale. Non so mica come andrà a finire. :mmmm:
STT rivela il piano di rifiananziamento di Eircom

(Lunedì 9 Agosto 2010) - Alla fine STT, contrariamente a quanto dichiarato lo scorso mese di marzo, ha rilevato che esiste un piano di rifinanziamento di Eircom e che STT sta sondando diverse società interessate al business dello sviluppo della banda larga. Fra queste, la società di fibre ottiche FTTH che già sta testando per Eircom la trasmissione del segnale a 150 Mb, e che potrebbe entrare nel capitale di Eircom, quale socio di minoranza. Tutto, però, pare sia ancora molto nebuloso.

STT looks for new ways to refinance Eircom's debt
(FierceTelecom) Eircom's major stakeholder Singapore Technologies Telemedia (STT) is considering how it's going to refinance the Irish service provider's $4.4 billion of debt. This latest development contradicts an earlier report in May where Peter Cross, Eircom's CFO, said he had no plans to refinance its debt. However, Ireland's Communications Minister Eamon Ryan spent time talking to Terry Clontz, STT's managing director and CFO Stephen Miller, about refinancing plans prepared by Gleacher Shacklock and JP Morgan. A combination of new telecom competition and the global recession attributed to the telco's revenue decline from $2.0 billion to $1.7 billion in the nine months that ended March 31. As has been the trend of many incumbent service providers, Eircom's wireline service revenue was down 9 percent year-on-year to about $1.3 billion. Included in these figures was the addition of 12,000 DSL lines, a decline from the 19,000 it added during the same period last year, while it only lost 15,000 landline subscribers versus the 21,000 it lost in Q2 2009. Along with the refinancing of its debt, one service that could become a potential boost to Eircom's sluggish wireline revenue base could be its ongoing Fiber to the Home (FTTH) investments.
Ultima modifica:
(Lunedì 9 Agosto 2010) - Alla fine STT, contrariamente a quanto dichiarato lo scorso mese di marzo, ha rilevato che esiste un piano di rifinanziamento di Eircom e che STT sta sondando diverse società interessate al business dello sviluppo della banda larga. Fra queste, la società di fibre ottiche FTTH che già sta testando per Eircom la trasmissione del segnale a 150 Mb, e che potrebbe entrare nel capitale di Eircom, quale socio di minoranza. Tutto, però, pare sia ancora molto nebuloso.

STT looks for new ways to refinance Eircom's debt
(FierceTelecom) Eircom's major stakeholder Singapore Technologies Telemedia (STT) is considering how it's going to refinance the Irish service provider's $4.4 billion of debt. This latest development contradicts an earlier report in May where Peter Cross, Eircom's CFO, said he had no plans to refinance its debt. However, Ireland's Communications Minister Eamon Ryan spent time talking to Terry Clontz, STT's managing director and CFO Stephen Miller, about refinancing plans prepared by Gleacher Shacklock and JP Morgan. A combination of new telecom competition and the global recession attributed to the telco's revenue decline from $2.0 billion to $1.7 billion in the nine months that ended March 31. As has been the trend of many incumbent service providers, Eircom's wireline service revenue was down 9 percent year-on-year to about $1.3 billion. Included in these figures was the addition of 12,000 DSL lines, a decline from the 19,000 it added during the same period last year, while it only lost 15,000 landline subscribers versus the 21,000 it lost in Q2 2009. Along with the refinancing of its debt, one service that could become a potential boost to Eircom's sluggish wireline revenue base could be its ongoing Fiber to the Home (FTTH) investments.
grazie delle news.stiamo a vedere ,intanto il 15 dovrebbero arrivare le nuove obbligazioni.
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