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STT nomina JP Morgan advisor per Eircom
Piano piano ST Telemedia sta scoprendo le carte relative all'affare Eircom. E' di oggi la notizia che l'azionista di maggioranza ha nominato JP Morgan e Gleacher Shacklock advisors per trovare una soluzione al mostruoso debito da 3,3 mld di euro che incombe sulla compagnia telefonica irlandese. Benché STT non lasci trasparire nulla di drammatico, la scelta dell'advisor è indicativa di come il tempo stringa. Solo due mesi fa S&P aveva ammonito che Eircom rischia di violare i covenants già entro la fine del 2010 se non verranno presi provvedimenti urgenti sul debito.
ST Telemedia seeks Eircom $4.4b debt shield
(11 Agosto 2010) - ST Telemedia, the majority shareholder of Irish carrier Eircom, is considering refinancing the telecoms company’s intractable €3.3 billion ($4.35b) debt. The company has hired boutique financial advisors Gleacher Shacklock and JP Morgan to execute a deal for Ireland’s largest fixed line carrier, as one of several refinancing options it is considering for the carrier. Details of the plans have just been made public, after ST Telemedia Europe managing director Terry Clontz revealed its plans to Irish communications minister Eamon Ryan in June, the Irish Independent reports. Privately-held ST Telemedia - the prime shareholder of Singapore’s StarHub and Malaysian 3G provider U Mobile - acquired a 57% stake in Eircom for €140 million late last year, but despite major cuts has been unable to substantially reduce its debt levels. Eircom is facing tough conditions in Ireland with revenues down 7% to €455 million during calendar 1Q10, and ebitda falling 3% to €170 million. The company is battling to maintain its dominance in Ireland, with its share of the fixed-line market share falling to 49.7% in 1Q10 from 50.3% in Q409, according to regulator ComReg.
Piano piano ST Telemedia sta scoprendo le carte relative all'affare Eircom. E' di oggi la notizia che l'azionista di maggioranza ha nominato JP Morgan e Gleacher Shacklock advisors per trovare una soluzione al mostruoso debito da 3,3 mld di euro che incombe sulla compagnia telefonica irlandese. Benché STT non lasci trasparire nulla di drammatico, la scelta dell'advisor è indicativa di come il tempo stringa. Solo due mesi fa S&P aveva ammonito che Eircom rischia di violare i covenants già entro la fine del 2010 se non verranno presi provvedimenti urgenti sul debito.
ST Telemedia seeks Eircom $4.4b debt shield
(11 Agosto 2010) - ST Telemedia, the majority shareholder of Irish carrier Eircom, is considering refinancing the telecoms company’s intractable €3.3 billion ($4.35b) debt. The company has hired boutique financial advisors Gleacher Shacklock and JP Morgan to execute a deal for Ireland’s largest fixed line carrier, as one of several refinancing options it is considering for the carrier. Details of the plans have just been made public, after ST Telemedia Europe managing director Terry Clontz revealed its plans to Irish communications minister Eamon Ryan in June, the Irish Independent reports. Privately-held ST Telemedia - the prime shareholder of Singapore’s StarHub and Malaysian 3G provider U Mobile - acquired a 57% stake in Eircom for €140 million late last year, but despite major cuts has been unable to substantially reduce its debt levels. Eircom is facing tough conditions in Ireland with revenues down 7% to €455 million during calendar 1Q10, and ebitda falling 3% to €170 million. The company is battling to maintain its dominance in Ireland, with its share of the fixed-line market share falling to 49.7% in 1Q10 from 50.3% in Q409, according to regulator ComReg.