Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (4 lettori)

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Nuovo forumer
tra i miei appunti ho trovato questo downgrade:

NEW YORK (Standard & Poor's) July 2, 2013--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
said today that it lowered its issue-level rating on Arch Coal Inc.'s senior
secured bank debt to 'BB-' (one notch above the corporate credit rating) from
'BB'. We also revised the recovery rating on the debt to '2' from '1',
indicating our expectation for substantial (70%-90%) recovery for holders in
the event of a payment default.

Our reassessment of the recovery rating stems from the proposed sale of the
Canyon Fuel Co. assets, which generate about $90 million of annual EBITDA on
9.3 million tons of sales. For the updated recovery analysis, see Standard &
Poor's recovery report on Arch Coal Inc., to be published on RatingsDirect
shortly after this report.

The 'B+' corporate credit rating and negative outlook on St. Louis-based Arch
Coal reflect what we consider to be the combination of its "fair" business
risk profile and "highly leveraged" financial risk profile. The ratings
reflect the company's size and scope as the second-largest U.S. coal producer,
its relatively efficient mines, and basin diversity. The ratings also reflect
the current weak market conditions for both metallurgical and steam coal and
the company's high debt levels and weak credit measures. As of March 31, 2013,
debt to EBITDA was about 9x, and we expect that measure to be about 10x by
year end. However, we expect that demand for thermal coal in most basins will
pick up later in 2013 and that performance will improve somewhat as natural
gas prices remain above cyclical lows, which should bring inventories at
utilities to more normal levels and result in improved pricing. For the
corporate credit rating rationale, please see our summary analysis on Arch
Coal Inc. published on RatingsDirect on June 13, 2013.

Grazie mille Tobia. Ho dato un'occhiata al Q2 2013, l'EBITDA è in ripresa sul Q1 2013. Rispetto al 2012 la situazione complessiva è in peggioramento e la ciclicità del business non appare favorevole.
In merito alla liquidità: As of June 30, 2013, Arch had a total liquidity position of approximately $1.2 billion, with nearly $900 million of that liquidity in the form of cash and short-term investments. The company had no borrowings under its revolving credit facility at June 30, and has no long-term debt maturities until August 2016.

Tra i produttori di carbone statunitensi, segnalo anche i bond Alpha Natural Resources US02076XAB82 e US02076XAC65 (taglio minimo 2.000$).


Bond..... solo BOND

io l'ho in ptf da novembre pmc 94,25, mi sembra l'abbia anche fabri, d quello che vedo la lettera è quasi sulla pari, ciò non toglie che con il cross a questi livelli, e considerata la cedola, il rendimento è di tutto rispetto.

Ci faccio un pensierino. A quanto ammonta la quota amortizing trimestrale? E quanto è al momento il coefficiente di rettifica?

Trovato prospetto :up: Sì, hai ragione: ammortizza 1% fino a Dic. 2014, poi 3,5% fino a Dic. 2020

potreste gentilmente spiegarmi....:mmmm:

ogni tre mesi restituisce il 3,5% + il rateo maturato della cedola annuale prevista ? :specchio:


Super Moderator
potreste gentilmente spiegarmi....:mmmm:

ogni tre mesi restituisce il 3,5% + il rateo maturato della cedola annuale prevista ? :specchio:

Esatto. Non è tanto: su base annuale è un 14% del nominale (P. Buenos Aires 8,50% 17 rimborsa il 20%), ma il bello è che ciò avviene su base trimestrale e, se il prezzo è sotto la pari, si possono fare bei giochetti con questo bond :)
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