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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2
Sears Wins Liquidation Plan Approval as Lengthy Bankruptcy Nears End
Judge said he would sign off on creditor repayment plan despite company’s admission it doesn’t have the cash to pay essential bills
WSJ (contenuto riservato)
1.000 euro su TLX. Hanno detto che il Q3 non sarà buono, quindi forse è bene aspettare la pubblicazione prima di metterci lo zampino. Questa segue un po' Schmolz + Bickenbach, 2022
Sears Wins Liquidation Plan Approval as Lengthy Bankruptcy Nears End
Judge said he would sign off on creditor repayment plan despite company’s admission it doesn’t have the cash to pay essential bills
WSJ (contenuto riservato)