Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

Quando il ritardo supera i 5 giorni banca io sollecito. Mi sono capitati (pochi) casi di cedole ottenute solo controllando e dopo numerosi solleciti (anche 20 giorni).
Rivolta in particolare all'amico Gion,compagno di tante latitanze cedolari:
Di fronte all'ennesima latitanza con Credit Suisse formulo per la prima volta questo blasfemo pensiero: e se ce ne fregassimo? Invece del faticoso compito di controllare,incazzarsi per le cedole mancanti,segnalare,incazzarsi ancora perchè non mettono a posto etc...uno se ne frega.Accetta di mettere in conto di perdere un po' di soldi all'anno ,se gli errori restano impuniti,ma almeno non si stressa a controllare tutto.Se ne gioverebbe la qualità della vita.Ci sto seriamente pensando.Pareri?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Saturday that car-maker Tesla and Chief Executive Elon Musk had agreed to pay $20 million each under a settlement that will also see the billionaire step down as chairman after a tumultuous two months for the company.
But Musk, who is synonymous with the Tesla brand, will remain as chief executive under the settlement over tweets he posted on Aug. 7 about taking the company private, the SEC said.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Saturday that car-maker Tesla and Chief Executive Elon Musk had agreed to pay $20 million each under a settlement that will also see the billionaire step down as chairman after a tumultuous two months for the company.
But Musk, who is synonymous with the Tesla brand, will remain as chief executive under the settlement over tweets he posted on Aug. 7 about taking the company private, the SEC said.
su Forbes si dice anche:
The combined $40 million in penalties will be paid to investors who were harmed by the stock price rise Musk triggered under a court-approved process. Those are investors who’d shorted Tesla shares and had to cover the difference when it suddenly surged. That may be particularly galling for Musk, who has a long-running feud with investors who short Tesla.
Ma se il tweet incriminato aveva provocato un balzo del 20% e i titoli shortati fossero solo 1 billion $ dovrebbero dare 1/5 della differenza o forse pagheranno solo a quelli che hanno chiuso lo short in perdita. Sarà interessante vedere come faranno i rimborsi.
Senz'altro son meglio dei nostri regolatori che oltre a fare blanda sorveglianza applicavano solo multe alle banche e le incameravano producendo così ulteriori danni agli azionisti.
BEIRUT/LONDON (Reuters) - Lebanon's worst bond market shock in a decade has raised doubts about whether the country's banks are willing and able to continue to bankroll the government, raising pressure on Beirut to step up reforms or risk a destabilising currency crisis.
In September the cost of insuring Lebanese sovereign debt against default <LBGV5YUSAC=MG> soared to its highest level since the global financial crisis of 2008, implying a more than 40 percent chance of default in the next five years. Many of the government's dollar-denominated bonds hit record lows, while yield spreads over U.S. Treasury debt scaled historic peaks.
The panic was triggered partly by a wider selloff in global emerging market debt. But when Lebanon's international bonds have fallen in the past, local banks could typically be relied upon to buy up the securities. Not so this time.
"When foreign entities found out Lebanese banks were selling their portfolios heavily, they started to dump theirs," said Marwan Mikhael, chief economist at BlomInvest Bank in Beirut.
Anthony Simond at Standard Aberdeen Asset Management, pointed to a shift in the bond holder structure.
"In the past, local banks were the marginal buyers of the Eurobonds, always. So Lebanon used to really outperform in down markets, because you always had that bid as a backstop," said Simond, a London-based investment manager.
Just over two years ago, Lebanese banks held just under $20 billion of the country's Eurobonds. By July, those holdings stood at just over $16 billion, having fallen to $13 billion in April while the overall debt burden has been rising.

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