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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2
Io ho due obbligazioni :
Eletson 2022 isin USV32257AA10 e MONITRONICS 2020 isin US609453AG02 di entrambe non trovo ne prezzi ne negoziazioni mi sapete dire qualcosa ? Grazie
Io ho due obbligazioni :
Eletson 2022 isin USV32257AA10 e MONITRONICS 2020 isin US609453AG02 di entrambe non trovo ne prezzi ne negoziazioni mi sapete dire qualcosa ? Grazie
Sears (NASDAQ:SHLD) has started to miss payments to vendors, according to Reuters, as it prepares to file for bankruptcy in the coming days.
It's not immediately clear how widespread the issue was and how it would affect Sears' supply chain ahead of the holiday shopping season, but vendors could stop shipments if they are worried about the U.S. department store operator's payments.