anche io.......

se lavorassi come Gianni sarei già rovinato finanziariamente......

oggi entrata sguaiata corta sul bundolo a 135,20.....di 1 (:D) ma lo avrei lasciato li anche fino a 138......:D:D:D

se mi dissanguano stoppo......sennò lascio li......

oggi ero pronto per aprire short sul 100 visto che ieri avevano rotto il minimo precedente sul giornaliero ma la salita così violenta ha negato il segnale, se avessi operato su time frame + corti ero già dentro da ieri e oggi mazzuolato...
1,45 un'altra volta......:D

massì......merkelona e superciuck......

lasciategli demolire l'europa pezzo per pezzo e aiutateli anche.....:D

voglio sentire domani il francioso dire che monitoritonano "very closely" l'inflazione........:D:D:D:D:D

Merkel: Markets Won’t ‘Blackmail’ Euro Leaders

By Tony Czuczka - Aug 26, 2011 5:33 PM GMT+0200

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said investors are trying to “blackmail” governments into helping debt-strapped European countries, underscoring the need for all euro-area governments to reduce debt.
“After the states bailed out the banks, the financial markets are again trying to blackmail states and tell them,‘You’ve made so much debt,’” Merkel said today at a rally of her Christian Democratic Union in the eastern city of Brandenburg, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from Berlin.
The solution is to press “countries that are highly indebted to really do their homework and get their debt down,”she said. “A Europe with a common currency requires common duties.”
Merkel is underlining her stand on the euro region’s debt crisis in local election rallies in August before national lawmakers vote next month on a second aid package for Greece and an expansion of the powers of the European Union’s crisis fund.
She stood firm in rejecting euro bonds, joint debt issuance by euro countries, which is supported by Germany’s two main opposition parties, the Social Democrats and Greens.
“That’s where we have to put up a clear stop sign and say we won’t do that,” Merkel said. “Everybody has to do their homework. Responsibility has to be pointed out.”

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