Well siamo arrivati a un momento topico, nuovi minimi raggiunti venerdì che è stato il first notice day per il contratto luglio. I fondi hanno continuato a vendere assieme ai locals , ma l'industria sta comprando molto visto i prezzi a sconto raggiunti. Dal COT di venerdì si evidenzia la grossa esposizione short raggiunta dai fondi e visto che l'inverno brasiliano è iniziato , se per caso dovesse sopraggiungere una gelata improvvisa , lo squeeze sarebbe devastante . La put 57,5 venduta ha dato 1,20 cent (450$).
Friday June 20th 2003, 3:05 PM
ODJ CSCE Coffee Review: Drops; Funds Sell Sep; Jly At New Low
-- 1,009 Jly Notices Posted Friday; Refco And Rand Top Receivers
By Susan Buchanan
New York, June 20 (OsterDowJones) - Arabica coffee futures tumbled on the Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange Friday as funds and locals sold Sep. Jly scored a contract low and Sep a 10-month low. The first Jly notices were posted.
Jly settled 50 points lower at 56.05 cents a pound, while Sep lost 55 points to 58.25c.
Huge Sep volume traded on the lower open, and the market was slow to reopen as brokers straightened out orders. Industry bought on the reopen, "but they didn't chase the market," said Jared Siegel of A&A Coffee, a floor brokerage.
Prices reached positive ground at mid session, where funds were selling.
"Trading was erratic, and people wanted to buy whenever fund selling stopped," said Siegel.
Late in the session, new fund selling in 50-lot clips, mostly in Sep, pounded the market toward the early lows.
The Jly/Sep spread settled at 220 points Jly under, against 225 points Thursday.
Estimated futures volume was 15,957 lots. In the options ring, 2,819 calls and 1,669 puts traded.
"Funds are adding to shorts and those who need coffee are getting it cheap," Siegel said. "We had a few frost scares recently that didn't pan out.
"Tomorrow's the start of Brazil's winter, and if there is cold weather at some point, funds will be caught short with no one to sell it to them," he observed.
Climatempo service in Brazil said temperatures will dip Saturday morning, and frost is possible in southern Minas Gerais, but should stay away from coffee groves.
Temperatures in Brazilian growing areas will be moderate into next week, according to Global Weather Services.
Rain should be below normal in southern Brazil over the next 10 days, and dryness may be more of a concern than potential cold, traders said.
Producers in Brazil and elsewhere are shunning low prices offered by exporters and trying to hold onto beans.
In Colombia, a grower subsidy was raised substantially Friday, and producers will now receive 10,000 pesos (US$1=COP2,823.50) for every 125- kilogram bag of parchment coffee they sell, the National Federation of Coffee Growers (Fedecafe) said. Internal prices plunged Thursday.
One of the top receivers of the CSCE Jly notices Friday is restrained by a speculative limit, and otherwise might have taken more deliveries, traders said.
As the delivery period began, 1,009 Jly notices were posted Friday. Refco and Rand Financial were the top receivers.
This spring, Rand took the bulk of the May notices, rumored to be for a fund or leading money manager.
Chart support for Sep lies at 57.90c, the contract low at 57.30c, 57.00c, 56.50c and 56.00c. Resistance is found at 59.00c, 59.50c, 60.00c, 60.30c, 61.00c, 61.80c, 62.30c, 62.70c and 63.00c, traders said.
Settlement prices in cents/pound, dollars/metric ton
CSCE Change Range Liffe Change
Jly 56.05 dn 0.50 55.80-56.90 Jly 652 unch Sep 58.25 dn 0.55 57.90-59.00 Sep 670 unch