Ho guardato sulle Q&A del site dove mi sono registrato ed ho trovato questo:
Step 1 (registration on this site)
If you are submitting your claims without prior registration on this website with the trustee, produced a significant overhead that will delay the proceedings.
therefore Please use, if not already done, the possibility to register on this site until the end of September!
Step 2 (letter of the administrator)
All here on the website registered creditors (or their specified representative) will be asked by mail to lodge claims. Please wait the letter from the trustee from first before you make your claim application. By letter of the administrator to obtain a suitable form for filing claims and a form for authorizing a representative, in addition envelope for return. It also explains to you what documents you should submit with the claim registration form so that your claim application can be processed properly.
Step 3 (return of form and documents)
The form and the documents required for filing claims to send the return envelope to the trustee. Claims submitted by e-mail are invalid for formal reasons.
Sicuramente trattasi del "Step 2"......
Ma a me non e arrivato ancora nulla.