Obbligazioni societarie KTG Agrar DE000A1H3VN9 - DE000A1ELQU9 KTG Biogas DE000A1ML257

Ma è arrivato solo a me?
Nessuna anima pia che conosce questa lingua (per me) assurda?
Ho guardato sulle Q&A del site dove mi sono registrato ed ho trovato questo:

Step 1 (registration on this site)

If you are submitting your claims without prior registration on this website with the trustee, produced a significant overhead that will delay the proceedings.

therefore Please use, if not already done, the possibility to register on this site until the end of September!

Step 2 (letter of the administrator)

All here on the website registered creditors (or their specified representative) will be asked by mail to lodge claims. Please wait the letter from the trustee from first before you make your claim application. By letter of the administrator to obtain a suitable form for filing claims and a form for authorizing a representative, in addition envelope for return. It also explains to you what documents you should submit with the claim registration form so that your claim application can be processed properly.

Step 3 (return of form and documents)

The form and the documents required for filing claims to send the return envelope to the trustee. Claims submitted by e-mail are invalid for formal reasons.

Sicuramente trattasi del "Step 2"......

Ma a me non e arrivato ancora nulla.
Ho guardato sulle Q&A del site dove mi sono registrato ed ho trovato questo:

Step 1 (registration on this site)

If you are submitting your claims without prior registration on this website with the trustee, produced a significant overhead that will delay the proceedings.

therefore Please use, if not already done, the possibility to register on this site until the end of September!

Step 2 (letter of the administrator)

All here on the website registered creditors (or their specified representative) will be asked by mail to lodge claims. Please wait the letter from the trustee from first before you make your claim application. By letter of the administrator to obtain a suitable form for filing claims and a form for authorizing a representative, in addition envelope for return. It also explains to you what documents you should submit with the claim registration form so that your claim application can be processed properly.

Step 3 (return of form and documents)

The form and the documents required for filing claims to send the return envelope to the trustee. Claims submitted by e-mail are invalid for formal reasons.

Sicuramente trattasi del "Step 2"......

Ma a me non e arrivato ancora nulla.

Di sicuro è quello, ma solo in tedesco?
Questi sono fuori come balconi...
Il 6/Ottobre c´è una riunione informativa per dei creditori col rappresentante comune. Magari è relativo a questo...

The report date is a (non-public) meeting of creditors, at the lawyer in January Ockelmann as CRO and lawyer Stefan Denk house as administrator will report to creditors that may be present on the current status of the proceedings and in the decisions (inter alia for the election of the creditors' committee) are adopted.

The report date will take place on 06/10/2016 at the CCH - Congress Center Hamburg (Hall 2) instead. The meeting begins at 11:00; the intake occurs at 9:00.

Notes for all creditors:

Due to the number of expected creditors is to expect a substantial wait at the entrance. Please therefore appear as early as possible to date.

For the filing of claims (see. Question 6) to participate in the creditors' meeting is not necessary. Travel expenses / are -spesen not be refunded.

Please also note the bondholders:

A vote for the voting in the Assembly can only be granted bondholders if you submit the appointment a deposit certificate with blocking notice, on your name, address, the affected bond and the face value of your bond in EUR is listed in your account and when you do must have this loan until the end of the reporting date is not. Such blocking certificate, please contact your custodian bank.

Trovi la data scadenza per la risposta?

Le date che vedo sono queste...

Die Anmeldefrist fur die Fordeungsanmeldung ist der 17.03.2017. Verspatete Forderungsanmeldungen werden (gebuhrenpflichtig) in einem nachtraglich anzuberaumenden Termin gepruft.

Die Prufung der rechtzeitig angemeldeten Forderungen erfolgt in einem schriftlichen Prufungstermin. Der Stichtag, der dem Prufungstermin entspricht, ist der 13.06.2017.

Poi vedo che c'è un Glaubigerversammlung (Berichtstermin) il 6/10 prossimo al CCH-Congress Center di Amburgo

P.s. Perdonami per gli eventuali errori, ma per me è aramaico antico...
Cmq di sicuro vogliono una forderungsanmeldung (con San Google vedo che è una registrazione di credito) e una terminsvollmacht (boh?)
se non ho capito male tutto questo "papeleo" solo per essere ammessi alla riunione dei creditori che deciderà quello che i maggiori creditori (fondi) vorrano quindi noi del parco buoi che facciamo li?

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