Obbligazioni societarie KTG Agrar DE000A1H3VN9 - DE000A1ELQU9 KTG Biogas DE000A1ML257 (2 lettori)

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KTG AGRAR AKTIEN News | A0DN1J Nachrichten

Chi maneggia bene il tedesco può esercitarsi. Sotto copio e incollo il risultato di google traduttore tedesco-inglese (rende meglio che tedesco-italiano), quindi prendetelo con le molle.
Mi pare di capire che azioni e bonds vengono delistati (penso spieghi la corsa a accaparrarseli per insinuarsi nel passivo), diventa una gallina dalle uova d'oro per gli amministratori, a fronte di 445 milioni di debiti KTG era già una scatola quasi vuota con un patrimonio di 47 milioni, impossibile dire la percentuale di recupero ma a 4 anni possibile un 10%.
Vediamo che ci dicono nella newsletter se hanno ancora soldi per spedirle

KTG Agrar SE - Gläubigerversammlung am 06.10.2016 in Hamburg

The investors were confronted with the disastrous corporate structures at the creditors' meeting of the insolvent KTG Agrar SE. The hopes of an insolvency rate are low.
KTG Agrar SE - faithful gathering on 6 October 2016 in Hamburg
On 06.10.2016, the creditor meeting of the insolvent KTG Agrar SE took place in the Congress Center in Hamburg. Frau Rechtsanwalt Vogt was present for the legal partnership of the law firm Pforr und Kollegen Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB.

As a reminder: On July 4, 2016, the Managing Board of KTG Agrar SE, in particular Mr. Hofreiter, filed a petition for insolvency proceedings in accordance with Section 270 a InsO and Mr. Denkhaus was appointed as temporary expert. Already a week later Mr. Hofreiter laid down the position of the executive committee and Mr. Ockelmann was appointed as a new executive committee.

On 1 September 2016 the ordinary insolvency proceedings were opened and a provisional creditor committee of 8 persons was convened. Herr Denkhaus was appointed insolvency administrator. The self-administration was abolished, which was criticized critically by the media. The insolvency administrator explained that self-administration was initially necessary and meaningful, since the company structure of KTG Agrar SE was too opaque and the company's expertise had to be clarified in the company's network. Furthermore, it was only possible to achieve the continuation of the agricultural sector, which was initially in the forefront in order to catch the current harvest and to secure the new sowing.

The insolvency administrator ordered two external companies, which were charged with setting up a report structure, to investigate the complex group structure, and to submit a solid calculation of the capital adequacy of the KTG Group, on the basis of which the company's continuation and utilization could be decided.

The company was built in three different areas:

On the agricultural market with 12 locations in Germany and two others abroad, in Lithuania and Romania, and secondly in the energy sector through KTG Energie AG with around 21 biogas plants as the main shareholder with 50.02% of shares and food "From the field to the plate", which no longer existed in the middle of this year and has already been sold.

Mr. Ockelmann and Mr. Denkhaus see the causes for the disastrous state of the company clearly in the catastrophic leadership of the company. Above all, the lack of a professional entrepreneurial structure was mentioned as well as the investment processes which were not critically examined and examined. Further points were an inadequate cost structure, too fast growth and high financing costs.

The insolvency administrator explained that Mr Hofreiter, as a former member of the management board of the company, was not subject to any controls on financing and investments were made out of his abdomen without paying attention to the economic viability.

It is agreed that, owing to the failure to respect the principles of sound corporate governance, the liability of the company will play an important role in the subsequent insolvency proceedings. If the company's liability insurance is not applicable, the problem is that Mr. Hofreiter does not have any private assets because he is exposed to a previous insolvency of the execution of several creditors.

The company currently has an estimated assets of 47.3 million euros. Of this, approximately 8 million are liquid, the residual value results from existing land, equipment, interests in Germany and abroad, as well as an estimated amount of 20 million euros in corporate liability.

These liabilities are offset by liabilities of EUR 445 million.

It is not possible for the insolvency administrator at this time to provide a proportional estimate of possible disbursements to investors. The 10% or more of the payment rate is expected for the 4-year insolvency proceedings.

There was also the choice of the faithful's collection. This should decide whether the provisional 8-member creditor committee is to be confirmed. According to a request from the creditor's meeting that the 8-person committee is too cost-intensive and unnecessary, the Assembly should decide whether the number of the committee should be reduced to 5 persons. This request was accepted and confirmed by the meeting. There was then the election of the new Creditors' Committee, to which 11 persons and companies were available for election. After a lengthy election process, the main cooperative Nord AG, the Deutsche Kreditbank AG, Mr. Heyer, the SDK Schutzgemeinschaft and the One Square Advisors were elected to the creditors' committee.

In addition, the meeting had to decide on issues such as the delisting of the shares KTG Agrar SE WKN AODN1J, the bond 2011/2017 Biowertpapier II WKN A1H3VN and the bond 2014/2019 Biowertpapier III WKN A 11 QGQ, as the listing would incur further costs for the debtor These are to be reduced to zero and the laying of interim accounts by the insolvency administrator.

The attorney's office Pforr and colleagues is at your disposal with regard to further proceedings, in particular with regard to the question of possible claims for damages arising from faulty investment advice, prospectus liability or form-related and timely request for the insolvency proceedings.


Forumer storico
Non ho letto altre informazioni, avendo già incassato le minus e mi sono dedicato a valutare quanto il gioco valga la candela, anche sulla base della mia operatività. Una volta delistati i titoli diventa davvero limitante per me rimanere dentro, si può solo partecipare alla procedura tedesca (in tedesco, immagino) e aspettare che si concluda la vicenda senza poter fare molto di più, visto che ogni operatività sarà impossibilitata. Vediamo un pò, se riesco a spuntare un prezzo paria quello a cui sono entrato sperando in una decisione della riunione del 06/10 che decidesse di proseguire con l'attività; mi rivolgo su altri fronti di più agevole gestione
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It's time to play the game
Questa è una bella fregatura da Herr Denkhaus. Dopo il delisting dei titoli rimangono nel mio portfolio della banca? Qualcuno ha sperienza in una situazione del genere? Gradirò qualsiasi spiegazione....

Nell'insinuazione al passivo della banca islandese Islandsbank (poi Glitnir) mi avevano "congelato" i titoli sino alla conclusione della procedura...

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