La Bund-Bond Band vuol ciapar l' OVo PuVo -vm 69y (1 Viewer)


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*DJ Fed: Firms Need To Boost Overall Capital Levels
*DJ Fed: Delay Should Help Firms Meet Capital Requirements
*DJ Fed: Limits Would Have Burdened Financial Firms
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collegio dei patafisici


collegio dei patafisici
Sui TIC data di ieri per specificare meglio:

le vendite sono arrivate soprattutto dai centri offshore segno di liquidazione degli hedge piuttosto che di vendita dei paesi direttamente correlati agli USA come Cina e altri.
Qualche vendita dal paesi del medio oriente ma questo per sostenere le loro istituzioni finanziarie in difficoltà.
Per il momento quindi deleveraging dall'estero che compensa i movimenti di chiusura dei debiti in dollari, poca fiducia nei titoli agencie e sull'azionario che sono venduti.

Crescenzi at Miller Tabak: “Foreign investors were in liquidation mode in January, selling $43 billion of long-term U.S. securities. Large amounts of sales took place in tax havens, including Caribbean banking centers and Luxembourg, somewhat reducing the implications of today’s data.
The sales reek of hedge fund selling and quite possibly from investors who were “Madoff-ed.” News stories have documented the closing by officials of Luxembourg-based hedge funds that are said to have lost money in the Madoff scandal.
Caribbean banking centers shed $20.9 billion of Treasuries in January, more than any other nation or nation bloc. The sale was a bit more than 10% of the center’s holdings. Luxembourg shed $10.2 billion of its Treasury holdings, second to the Caribbean banking centers. Luxembourg’s sale was also a bit more than 10% of prior holdings.
Countries far more important to the ultimate direction of interest rates were net buyers of Treasuries in January. China purchased $12.2 billion and Japan bought $8.8 billion.”

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