
Forumer storico
Intanto novità da Amsterdam.

In pratica viene annunciata la seconda distribuzione per chi optò per il cambio, i cosiddetti titolari di note sostitutive.

LBT will make its second distribution to holders of Substitute Notes on 30 July 2019(the "Distribution Date").The Distribution Date may be delayed should market circumstances so dictate.

The Available Cash to be distributed to Holders of Substitute Notes is US$49,694,290.

The Aggregate Nominal Amount of Substitute Notes on issue for the purpose of this second distribution to holders of Substitute Notesis US$19,648,952,905.

The indicative distribution rate of this second distribution to holders of Substitute Notes, calculated as Available Cash to be distributed expressed as a percentage of the Aggregate Nominal Amount of the Substitute Notes on issue (both denominated in U.S. Dollars), is 0.2529%

Siamo praticamente in linea con la nostra del 18 Luglio 2019!!!


Forumer storico
Docket # 59849

Filed Jul 29 2019

Balance Sheet : Quarterly Financial Report as of April 4, 2019 Filed by Garrett A. Fail on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. (Fail, Garrett)
Debtor: 08-13555 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.


Forumer storico
Honorable Shelley C. Chapman

Monday, August 12, 2019

2:00 PM
08-13555-scc Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Ch. 11
Doc #59622 Plan Administrators Objection to Certain Amended Claims (Reduce and Disallow Claims)

Incredibile che si parli ancora di questi argomenti a distanza di circa 11 anni.


Forumer storico
Docket # 59855

Filed Jul 31 2019

Certificate of No Objection Pursuant to LR 9075-2 / Certificate of No Objection Under U.S.C. 1746 Regarding the Plan Administrators Five-Hundred Thirtieth Omnibus Objection to Claims (Satisfied Guarantee Claims) (related document(s)[59745]) Filed by Garrett A. Fail on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. (Fail, Garrett)
Debtor: 08-13555 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related Dockets

Questo Docket potrebbe essere molto importante per chi possiede titoli azionari Lehman Brothers.

Ma, a ben vedere, potrebbe essere importante anche per quelli che, come noi, possiedono ancora titoli obbligazionari.

Una certa idea in merito me la son fatta ma è ancora presto per esplicitarla.

Continuiamo a seguire anche questo aspetto della vicenda.

Buon weekend a tutti.

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