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Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance filed by David Dunn on behalf of Westernbank Puerto Rico. (Dunn, David) Debtor 08-13555 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
/s/ Garrett A. Fail WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP
767 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10153
Telephone: (212) 310-8000
Facsimile: (212) 310-8007
Garrett A. Fail
Attorneys for Lehman Brothers Holdings
Inc., and Certain of Its Affiliates
Consiglio a tutti coloro i quali hanno difficoltà con la propria banca a farsi riconoscere i relativi accrediti a stampare questo link a futura memoria.
A panel of New York appeals court judges on Wednesday appeared reluctant to undo a bench trial loss Lehman Bros.' bankrupt European unit suffered last year in a suit attempting to clawback nearly half a billion dollars from Assured Guaranty over alleged losses on credit default swaps tied to the...
Lehman Bros. Int'l (Europe) (In Administration) v. AG Fin. Prods.
The parties are to attend a conference on March 20, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. over Microsoft Teams, to discuss next steps, including entry of judgment and calculation of attorney's fees.
NB Aurora, nata nel 2017, è una Sicaf di diritto lussemburghese quotata all’Euronext MIV Milan, il segmento di Piazza Affari dove sono quotate le società d’investimento, e gestita da NB AIFM sarl, asset manager anch’esso basato nel Granducato, a sua volta parte di Neuberger Berman, ovvero l’ex ramo d’azienda nella gestione di investimenti di Lehman Brothers.