Sicurezza informatica L'exploit per bucare il DEP di Windows è già pronto...


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Il DEP è tutta fatica sprecata, l'exploit è qui. Dite buonanotte ai suonatori dell'NX Bit di Microsoft... buonanotteeee :lol:
E ora aspettiamo qualche mese che arriva anche la privilege escalation sugli account limitati :corna:

March 1st, 2010
Googler ships exploit to defeat DEP

A prominent security researcher has released an exploit that uses a new technique to defeat DEP (Data Execution Prevention) on Microsoft’s Windows operating system.

The exploit, released by Google security researcher “SkyLined,” uses the ret-into-libc technique to bypass DEP and launch code execution attacks on x86 platforms.

SkyLined (real name Berend-Jan Wever) is best known for introducing heap-spraying in Web browsers, a technique used in exploits to facilitate arbitrary code execution. He previously worked at Microsoft before leaving in 2008 to work on security Google’s Chrome browser.

“I am releasing this because I feel it helps explain why ASLR+DEP are not a mitigation to put a lot of faith in, especially on x86 platforms,” SkyLined wrote on his blog. ”32-bits does not provide sufficient address space to randomize memory to the point where guessing addresses becomes impractical, considering heap spraying can allow an attacker to allocate memory across a considerable chunk of the address space and in a highly predictable location,” he added.

The code in this exploit shows how to abuse this to perform a ret-into-libc attack when you can predict or, through information leakage, determine the location of modules (exe, dll) in the process’ memory.

The source code for the Internet Exploiter 2 exploit has been posted online [zip file].

Microsoft introduced ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) + DEP in Windows Vista, touting them as significant anti-exploit mechanisms but researchers have spent the better part of the last year finding ways around these mitigations.

At the 2008 Black Hat conference, hackers Mark Dowd and Alex Sotirov demonstrated the new methods to get around ASLR and DEB by using Java, ActiveX controls and .NET objects to load arbitrary content into Web browsers.

Googler ships exploit to defeat DEP | Zero Day |
uhuh non è che ora Fiber ci va in crisi ? :D

c'è un .zip con l'exploit, ho provato a farlo girare, da me fallisce:

Creating exploit string...(128x4 bytes filler = 512 bytes) done.
Creating parent element...done.
Creating child elements and appending to parent...done.

ah già, ma io sto usando Linux :B:ciapet:

sinceramente vedere uno che gode per ste boiate mi fa godrei di piu' con la mia fidanzata :lol:

sappi che la tecnologia DEP NX e' una protezione implementata da piu' OS in abbinamento alle CPu Intel & AMD ...nn di Microsoft quindi dove tu ridi come un fessacchiotto:lol:

=si sta andando contro uno standard ...come ad esempio andare contro l' SSL3.0

Googler ships exploit to defeat DEP | Zero Day |

Berend-Jan Wever wrote in to make it clear that this exploit does not bypass ASLR. He also stressed that there is nothing in the exploit that is not public knowlege or easy to produce from public knowledge.
“It’s an example of how to implement a known attack, not a new technique,” he said.
He also made it clear that he did not release the code as a Google employee, but as an individual.
Vista & Win7 use DEP +ASLR Win Xp SP3 oltreche' al DEP attivo di default volendo si implementa anche l'ASLR con WehnTrust Free


e sappi che queste stesse tecniche anti exploitation sono usate su Linux e da poco anche su Osx ...quindi fossi in te non riderei l'andare contro uno standard anti expolitation di protezione aree di memoria che legge la CPU contro heap,buffer & stack overflow... ...

Rido eccome. Assistere alla lenta agonia di Microsoft mi dà molto piacere, ben sapendo che il peggio non è ancora arrivato.
A proposito, ho scoperto che Zeus funziona anche con il limited account.

- Works in limited accounts Windows (work in the guest account is not currently supported)

In pratica ti frega la password della banca mentre ti illudi di essere protetto.
fico eh ?

questo è grave...:(:(
non leggono::lol:

Berend-Jan Wever wrote in to make it clear that this exploit does not bypass ASLR. He also stressed that there is nothing in the exploit that is not public knowlege or easy to produce from public knowledge.
“It’s an example of how to implement a known attack, not a new technique,” he said.
He also made it clear that he did not release the code as a Google employee, but as an individual.
Vista & Win7 use DEP +ASLR Win Xp SP3 oltreche' al DEP attivo di default volendo si implementa anche l'ASLR con WehnTrust Free


sono contenti che si potrebbe bucare la tecnologia DEP..un po' come bucare lo standard multipiattaforma SSL3.0 sulle connessioni HTTPS criptate..:lol::lol:
cosa devo leggere ?
io la randomizzazione ce l'ho già di default

>sysctl -a | grep randomize
kernel.randomize_va_space = 2

ma si vede che non sai come funziona, altrimenti sapresti che anche quella è facilmente bucabile, anche con metodi semplici come un brute force

E mi sa che sei tu che non leggi. Questo è scritto nel primo post.
At the 2008 Black Hat conference, hackers Mark Dowd and Alex Sotirov demonstrated the new methods to get around ASLR and DEB by using Java, ActiveX controls and .NET objects to load arbitrary content into Web browsers.

Le "protezioni" di windows sono già bucate dal 2008. Aspetta che vadano in the wild e rido ancora di più.

purtroppo stai dicendo molte corbellerie che nn c'entrano nulla adesso

si potrebbe bypassare solo il se abbinato ad ASLR nn si bypassa nulla per exploitare su Buffer overflow

quel POC dimostrativo e' su windows ma nn ci vuole niente e scrivere del codice exploit anche su piattaforma Linux & Osx.. quando viene a bucarsi uno standard

leggi cosa c'e' scritto in inglese nel mio quote

poi per me puoi andare avanti fino a stasera a ridere che io nn rido :D
ah ok sei un troll
d'ora in avanti ti ignoro :ciao:
si dice una cosa e poi se ne dice un'altra?

ok dai, aspettiamo che DEP +ASLR venga bucato allora in the wild (tu sarai il primo ad infomarci) ...+ che Microsoft non voglia mai aggiornare i software vettore ActiveX & .Net ..e Java VM la sua Java

sappi che se viene bucato uno standard sotto Win viene bucato sotto anche Linux ..lo standard

Gia' iniziato i procedimenti per virtualizzare xp in Ubuntu. ;)

E ho addestrato i cani ad abbaiare se sentono qualcosa di strano nel

modem...:D :D :D

mi raccomando usa virtualbox e una volta installato XP fatti una copia della installazione fatta così se in qualche modo xp si sp-u-t-t-ana puoi ripristinare la copia originale in 5 minuti
Metatarso ho trovato un altro articolo che ne parla

ma poi il tuo articolo non parlava che hanno trovato il modo di bucare il DEP su WIndows

This week is really bad for security in particular. First we have a crack for RSA coming up, next, the Ubisoft DRM gets cracked in a day and now, DEP meets its fate.

The protection feature in windows which allowed applications to run only in their own memory space has recently been cracked. The feature known as DEP was added to the Windows OS back in XP.

DEP is explained by Wikipedia as,

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a security feature included in modern Microsoft Windows operating systems that is intended to prevent an application or service from executing code from a non-executable memory region. This helps prevent certain exploits that store code via a buffer overflow, for example.

Berend-Jan Wever, a Google security software engineer has recently achieved this feat through a buffer overflow attack. A malicious piece of code is executed to take control of a certain part of the memory which then acts as the bot area to run malware codes. The exact nature of the exploit has been explained by Weaver and he has also remarked that it is a matter of days before a cracker takes advantage of this, now that he has laid out the complete process to the attack.

Weaver writes,

I am releasing this because I feel it helps explain why ASLR+DEP are not a mitigation to put a lot of faith in, especially on x86 platforms. 32-bits does not provide sufficient address space to randomize memory to the point where guessing addresses becomes impractical, considering heap spraying can allow an attacker to allocate memory across a considerable chunk of the address space and in a highly predictable location.

This means all 32 bit operating systems and hardwares are insecure! I tend to use Linux more than Windows. Even while connecting to the Internet, Linux works amazingly faster than Windows. And about security, Windows is not even in the league of Linux.
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