Mangio la melamarcia .................

anche questi sono 7.

The Human Body.

There are seven openings in the head – two eyes, two ears and two nostrils, equally divided, three on each side. From this we get our Law of Three and know the reason why the change comes after two and in the third period. The seventh opening in the head is the mouth and everything goes down. Study your seven-year periods and see how your markets go down and make tops and bottoms.
W.D. Gann 1931.
boh , qualcosa c'e' dietro a questo 7 :)
mi piace pero' pensarlo come la perfezione :)

ma infatti , hanno studiato tutto di proposito come buon auspicio
anche - fondata nel 2006 quotata nel 2013 7 anni

tutti gli eventi relativi ai mercati sono decisi in questo modo, e studiando la numerologia sacra con riferimenti biblici si scoprono a priori

ma c'è una cosa che prima o poi li spiazza, e sono le date naturali,che ad un certo punto li costringono a far giustizia- e anche queste si possono sapere;)

ora chiedo scusa a treno :(
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The Human Body.

There are seven openings in the head – two eyes, two ears and two nostrils, equally divided, three on each side. From this we get our Law of Three and know the reason why the change comes after two and in the third period. The seventh opening in the head is the mouth and everything goes down. Study your seven-year periods and see how your markets go down and make tops and bottoms.
W.D. Gann 1931.
quindi partiamo dal 6/3/2009 x avere i 7 anni?
The Human Body.

There are seven openings in the head – two eyes, two ears and two nostrils, equally divided, three on each side. From this we get our Law of Three and know the reason why the change comes after two and in the third period. The seventh opening in the head is the mouth and everything goes down. Study your seven-year periods and see how your markets go down and make tops and bottoms.
W.D. Gann 1931.

sarò sempre grata a quest'uomo per avermi indirizzata verso il Sommo

grazie celeron
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