Forumer storico
Ineos, terzo gruppo petrolchimico mondiale, ha ottenuto oggi dagli obbligazionisti il consenso a rifinanziare una porzione significativa del debito senior con le banche attraverso l'emissione di un bond da circa 1 mld. L'operazione finanziaria, una volta conclusa, collocherà Ineos in una posizione più forte e competitiva sul mercato. Probabile anche un aumento del rating da parte delle agenzie e preludio alla prossima quotazione in borsa.
Questa manovra segue di pochi giorni quella appena formalizzata di spostamento della sede legale da Londra in Svizzera con in preciso scopo di far risparmiare al colosso chimico britannico oltre 400 mln di euro in tasse.
Published on April 19th 2010
INEOS Group Limited receives lender consent to make a significant prepayment of its Senior Debt through the issuance of new senior secured notes.
INEOS Group Limited is pleased to announce that it has received the consent of its lenders, supporting plans to re-finance a significant proportion of its senior term loan debt. The company has now received acceptance from more than 90% of its lenders, necessary to agree the change. The agreed consent permits a replacement financing in the form of senior secured notes and term loans with maturity of at least 5 years, expected to total around €1 billion.
INEOS has weathered the current recession well. Full year HC EBITDA for 2009 was €1,222m compared to €594m in 2008. It met budget for the full year 2009 and is trading well ahead of its business plan in the early months of 2010. The transaction, when completed, will place the Group in a stronger position as trading improves and is the next step in the company’s plan to improve liquidity and reduce risk. Lenders will benefit from a repayment at par of a significant amount of the existing senior term loan exposure, as well as a remaining exposure to an improved credit and reduced re-financing risk in the near-term.
uscito oggi da ineos 2016 con upside in 8 mesi di oltre 50% per qualche altra avventura.