Sig. Ernesto
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CDS | CDS-5A BANCA MPS | Credit default swap | spread de taux obligataire
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MARKET TALK: B.Mps, nuove azioni a 17,4 euro (Equita)
MILANO (MF-DJ)--Focus su B.Mps, sempre sospesa dalle negoziazioni. La Vigilanza Bce "ha chiesto un aumento di capitale da 8,8 mld euro, superiore ai precedenti 5 mld, probabilmente per arrivare a un livello target di total capital ratio senza i subordinati e per assorbire il venir meno del contributo di Atlante. Il CET1 dovrebbe attestarsi al 13-14%, ma resta da chiarire cosa succede alle coperture e ai crediti 'forborne'", sottolinea Equita Sim. "Il Ceo di Mps Morelli ha dichiarato che la banca dovra' presentare alla Bce un nuovo piano di ristrutturazione. Il piano precedente che prevedeva lo spin-off integrale degli Npl non e' quindi piu' di attualita'. Infine, nel decreto del Governo per l`intervento in Mps e' chiarito che: il valore attribuito alle azioni Mps in sede di conversione dei Tier1 e Tier2 sara' lo stesso di quello utilizzato per l`aumento di capitale del Governo e non c`e' quindi un prezzo privilegiato a favore dello Stato; lo swap tra equity e bond senior per i detentori di subordinati upper Tier2 2018 retail riguardera' tutti gli obbligazionisti (anche coloro che hanno acquistato successivamente) con l`esclusione di quelli acquistati da controparti qualificate o clienti professionali", prosegue Equita. "La complessita' delle operazioni e del processo (nuovo piano industriale, ok della Bce) implicano che bond e azioni rimarranno sospesi dalle quotazioni per alcune settimane, almeno fino a marzo" secondo alcune fonti di stampa; "in base a calcoli preliminari, inserendo un aumento da 8,8 mld, secondo noi le nuove azioni saranno emesse a un prezzo di 17,4 euro e il numero di azioni della banca salira' da 29 mln a 527 mln", conclude Equita. Rating hold, prezzo obiettivo a 28 euro.
Lu, io me lo auguro per nun me sbajo...
Leggi con me:
State support can create moral hazard and undermine market discipline. To reduce moral hazard, aid should only be granted on terms which involve adequate burden-sharing by existing investors.
Adequate burden-sharing will normally entail, after losses are first absorbed by equity, contributions by hybrid capital holders and subordinated debt holders. Hybrid capital and subordinated debt holders must contribute to reducing the capital shortfall to the maximum extent. Such contributions can take the form of either a conversion into Common Equity Tier 1 (16) or a write-down of the principal of the instruments. In any case, cash outflows from the beneficiary to the holders of such securities must be prevented to the extent legally possible.
The Commission will not require contribution from senior debt holders (in particular from insured deposits, uninsured deposits, bonds and all other senior debt) as a mandatory component of burden-sharing under State aid rules whether by conversion into capital or by write-down of the instruments.
Where the capital ratio of the bank that has the identified capital shortfall remains above the EU regulatory minimum, the bank should normally be able to restore the capital position on its own, in particular through capital raising measures as set out in point 35. If there are no other possibilities, including any other supervisory action such as early intervention measures or other remedial actions to overcome the shortfall as confirmed by the competent supervisory or resolution authority, then subordinated debt must be converted into equity, in principle before State aid is granted.
In cases where the bank no longer meets the minimum regulatory capital requirements, subordinated debt must be converted or written down, in principle before State aid is granted. State aid must not be granted before equity, hybrid capital and subordinated debt have fully contributed to offset any losses.
An exception to the requirements in points 43 and 44 can be made where implementing such measures would endanger financial stability or lead to disproportionate results. This exception could cover cases where the aid amount to be received is small in comparison to the bank's risk weighted assets and the capital shortfall has been reduced significantly in particular through capital raising measures as set out in point 35. Disproportionate results or a risk to financial stability could also be addressed by reconsidering the sequencing of measures to address the capital shortfall.
In the context of implementing points 43 and 44, the ‘no creditor worse off principle’ (17) should be adhered to. Thus, subordinated creditors should not receive less in economic terms than what their instrument would have been worth if no State aid were to be granted.
E' tutto scritto.. EUR-Lex - 52013XC0730(01) - EN - EUR-Lex
Vi faccio una domanda:
ipotizziamo che MpS scenda sotto i requisiti patrimoniali minimi prima dell'approvazione da parte della BCE...mentre si "discute"..
Qualcuno sa cosa accade?
Se tra 15 gg. la banca va sotto di asset liquidi per coprire i deflussi, che accade?
Chi mi risponde?