NicOx.... in attesa di..... (34 lettori)


Forumer storico
La molecola è la nostra come avete detto voi....è un'ulteriore utilizzo ed enttrano in fase II............Essendo molecole targate B+L , Nicox non interviene nei comunicati ma è B+L a fare comunicati quando vuole ( non è quotata e pertanto non ha alcun obbligo verso i mercati ma solo verso azionisti privati).



come vedi e' un coro generale anche in francia.e questo e'uno tra i piu' benevoli nei riguardi di quell' consumo di cassa e' di 9 milioni al mese,in pratica gettati nel cesso.un apparato elefantiaco che brucia solo cassa e non da alcun risultato.entro meta'anno prossimo adc inevitabile.e vedrai come sempre aspetteranno prima il rinnovo del mandato all'incapace e poi lo annunceranno.non basta quelli che bruciano ogni mese,ne hanno gettati 10 dalla finestra con l'operazione ALTACOR

Per la precisione in Altacor abbiamo investito solo 2,4 milioni di euro e non 10 milioni come dici tu. Senza parlare del consumo di cassa dove confondi un anno con un mese. Stai più attento a quello che scrivi, altrimenti perdi tutta la tua credibilità.


per rimanere su ophtho-società
  • NON quotate
  • ..con sede in California
  • ..con molecole con fase III completata
ulteriore "passo indietro" su un datato post => QUESTO


1000 Marina Boulevard
Suite 250
Brisbane, CA 94005

con questo questo trial

..e avente come soci fondi investimento, fra i quali c'é (anche) la francese SOFINNOVA (se non ricordo male artefice a suo tempo dell'approdo in Francia di NicOx) :cool:

Sempre interessanti i tuoi post; chissà che qualche volta riuscirai ad indovinarci.

magolibero la sà gira..
Sempre interessanti i tuoi post; chissà che qualche volta riuscirai ad indovinarci.

..puoi anche magari chiederlo a MG come é il clima in questa stagione ad Alameda e/o a Brisbane..
quale argomento di conversazione é più "neutrale" non quello di parlare del tempo ?

..poi le eventuali ulteriore congetture..ognuno si farebbe le sue
Ultima modifica:


..puoi anche magari chiederlo a MG come é il clima in questa stagione ad Alameda e/o a Brisbane..
quale argomento di conversazione é più "neutrale" non quello di parlare del tempo ?

..poi le eventuali ulteriore congetture..ognuno si farebbe le sue

Non voglio approfittare della cortesia di Garufi; in questi giorni abbiamo già avuto alcuni scambi di e-mail e quindi non mi va di insistere; se Viralic ha ancora un bonus potrebbe fare lui la domanda.


SOLO is a device for the insertion of advanced materials IntraOcular Lenses (IOLs) licensed exclusively by
Altacor from Ophthalmopharma in July 2011. Worldwide IOL sales were expected to reach $2.35 billion in
(3). STAAR Surgical (STAAR), a U.S. company specializing in lenses for ophthalmic surgery, was recently
granted non-exclusive worldwide rights for the commercialisation of SOLO. STAAR currently expects to apply
for a CE mark later this year in Europe. A U.S. filing is also planned at a later stage.

Secondo me Altacor potrebbe darci ancora delle soddisfazioni e il nostro investimento rivelarsi redditizio.


Under the agreement, NicOx will pay license and option fees to RPS® as well as royalties
and potential additional milestone payments.
NicOx will also pay half of the development costs for the two development--‐stage products,
subject to an agreed budget.

Non facciamo più ricerca al nostro interno, ma sovvenzioniamo quella altrui. I due prodotti di Rapid Pathogen Screening dovrebbero essere già in fase III, quindi avremo da affrontare l'approvazione di FDA ed EMA.



Forumer storico
eccellente analisi che ritengo perfettamente aderente alla attuale situazione in cui verte cox:
Posté par manu6464 ( Vino y tapas ) · boursomarquer · ignorer On parle d'analyses, alors un tel

Auj. à 10:36 en biseau, un autre en tête d'épaule, mais faut savoir bien se concentrer sur le contexte actuel.
En effet, nous assistons là à une révolution attentisme du débogage à tremplin frétillant. Ce qui nous laisse penser qu'une rotation inversée à tête d'aiguille réchauffée se dessine. Et alors là on pourra voir apparaitre le marteau à bomber les pares brises se former, qui laissera la place ensuite à un canon sous pression près à éjaculationner un débit tel que le cours sera incontrôlablement incontrôlable.

Ceci n'est qu'une analyse parmi tant d'autres et ne reflète en aucun cas un cas d'espèce gargarisant à haleine euphorisante.



Forumer storico
by simis

SOLO is a device for the insertion of advanced materials IntraOcular Lenses (IOLs) licensed exclusively by
Altacor from Ophthalmopharma in July 2011. Worldwide IOL sales were expected to reach $2.35 billion in
(3). STAAR Surgical (STAAR), a U.S. company specializing in lenses for ophthalmic surgery, was recently
granted non-exclusive worldwide rights for the commercialisation of SOLO. STAAR currently expects to apply
for a CE mark later this year in Europe. A U.S. filing is also planned at a later stage.

Secondo me Altacor potrebbe darci ancora delle soddisfazioni e il nostro investimento rivelarsi redditizio.

Altacor supports National Eye Health Week with consumer campaign and diagnostic kit

Eye health check-ups aren't just for people who need glasses. That was the theme of a series of local radio interviews organised by Altacor, specialist ophthalmic products company, in support of National Eye Health Week.
Lens optician Nick Atkins from PTR Consultants, discussed the breadth of health conditions that can be picked up by a check-up, including diabetes and high blood pressure. They have been broadcast on local and community radio stations across the country.

Nick also talked about Dry Eye, a condition that although extremely common is often disregarded, which can lead to mild and in some cases severe problems with one or both eyes.

He commented that, "The characteristic symptom of 'dry eye' is scratchy or itchy feeling eyes that look red rimmed and may be watery. This makes the condition difficult to recognise and GPs may mistake it as a being the result of an eye infection or hay fever. So I would always recommend that an optometrist should be first port of call rather than the doctor."

He continued, "Often people will suffer in silence from dry eye. We have probably all had a long day in the office or behind the wheel of the car and experienced uncomfortable eyes at the end of it. Modern environments such as air-conditioned offices, less fruit and vegetable intake and long hours staring at a computer screen all contribute to problems with the tear film.

Gareth Thomas of Altacor says: "Lubrication of the eye is very sophisticated. The eye is bathed in a film of tears every time you blink. This film has a watery inside contained by an oily outside layer to reduce evaporation, and a lubricant on the innermost layer nearest the eyeball. These delicate layers can easily be disrupted.

"Many people report that their eyes tire easily and feel dry when looking at a computer or television screen. This is because you blink less when concentrating and this gives more time for the film of tears, that lubricate the eye to evaporate, creating dry spots on the corneal surface. But the problem is easily remedied."

Dry eye is easy to treat and now easier to diagnose. Aylesbury optician Mr Vaja of Nu-Sight Opticians was one of the first opticians to participate in a trial by Altacor and No7, the contact lenses manufacturer. It included the use of a special diagnostic kit to help identify dry eye. Mr Vaja has now developed a strong diagnostic procedure, which gives him confidence to identify symptoms of dry eye.

Mr Vaja explains, "Before participating in the trial I used to offer some non-specific eye drops to soothe the irritation. Now having used the diagnostic kit I am more confident in understanding the cause of the problem and have seen the benefits of eye drops and lubricants that are specifically designed to target the different parts of the tear layer to treat dry eye.

Tony Hodgson from No7 Contact Lenses, has been analysing feedback from the trial and said that many of the opticians, like Mr Vaja, have since gone on to set up dry eye clinics themselves following their experiences with the kit. He says: "Often opticians don't realise that a problem with the tear layer may make a patient's eyes uncomfortable and instead offer replacement lenses. However using Clinitas Soothe or Hydrate may be sufficient to solve the problem."

Nick continues. "The public don't think to use dry eye drops and may be wary of them, but they can help repair the surface of the eye and provide prolonged relief. With the advice of an optometrist, we should perhaps all use these more routinely in our modern day lives, for example a drop at morning and a drop at night."

Opticians wanting to try the dry eye diagnostic kit themselves should contact [email protected]. A video showing one optician's experience is available on

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