NicOx.... in attesa di..... (35 lettori)


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Davvero incredibile quello scritto da Zacks; mai vista una cosa simile; sarebbe da denunciare.

ma cosa vuoi denunciare,non c'e' niente di penalmente rilevante.poi pensare che zacks lo abbia fatto per far entrare i suoi clienti a prezzi piu' bassi e' titolo gia' scendeva di se e quindi il loro report non ha creato nessun crollo.quelli non ci pensano minimamente a far investire su nicox.non servono i loro report a farlo scendere.bastano ben altre considerazioni.


Forumer storico
Non vale la pena dire ciò che si pensa, di fronte a fatti reiterati ed inconfutabili. :specchio:

Ma si sa tra fuffe, spifferi gelati e vocine distorte ... alla fine l'opera di convincimento diventa sempre più ardua ... :eeh:


Forumer storico
Prospettive paventate molto incerte ... e diluizioni certe per mantenere una masnada di produttori di fuffa ...

A me dopo quasi 20 anni non sembra un gran traguardo specialmente quando fino ad oggi il mercato non sembra aver suscitato significativo interesse per un'azienda che sembra non saper più come raccontarla ...


Forumer storico
Prospettive paventate molto incerte ... e diluizioni certe per mantenere una masnada di produttori di fuffa ...

A me dopo quasi 20 anni non sembra un gran traguardo specialmente quando fino ad oggi il mercato non sembra aver suscitato significativo interesse per un'azienda che sembra non saper più come raccontarla ...

la realta' e' bello e' che il pallonaro se la prende con il mercato che ,dice lui,non apprezza il valore di nicox.e dove sarebbe?la sua tecnologia in pratica e' ormai fallita con il naprox e non ha altro su cui puntare?l'unica mossa che hanno fatto e' stato un adc prima del fallimento del naprox che gli e' servito solo per salvare le poltrone reinventandosi in un settore (l'oftalmico) che non e' loro in nessun modo.QUINDI NON VEDO PERCHE' IL MERCATO E LE CASE TIPO ZACKS NE DOVREBBERO ESALTARE LE POSSIBILITA'.VANNO SEMPRE AVENTI ALLUNGANDO LE TEMPISTICHE SU TUTTO,LE MEZZE NEWS SE LE GIOCANO AD ARTE ALLUNGANONE I TEMPI SOLO PER MANTENERE LO STATUS QUO E BASTA.E QUINDI E' CHIARO CHE LA QUOTAZIONE SCENDE IN MODO NATURALE E NON DI CERTO PERCHE' ZACKS NON PARLA DEL VESNEO.IL VESNEO E' UNA SCOMMESSA,LA REALTA' ORA E' BEN ALTRO,CIOE' POCO O NIENTE.


Forumer storico
Prospettive paventate molto incerte ... e diluizioni certe per mantenere una masnada di produttori di fuffa ...

A me dopo quasi 20 anni non sembra un gran traguardo specialmente quando fino ad oggi il mercato non sembra aver suscitato significativo interesse per un'azienda che sembra non saper più come raccontarla ...

certo si arrampicano sugli specchi.ora vedrai aspettano la prossima assemblea,fanno uscire o paventare uan news positiva per far rieleggere il board e poi si torna nel letargo fino anno prossimo.ormai li si conosce troppo bene.sono un libro aperto.


Intanto la ricerca scientifica va avanti

Promising preclinical data on new compounds for glaucoma presented at ARVO by Nicox

11 May 2015

Novel nitric oxide donors NCX 667 and NCX 470 effective in lowering IOP

Sophia Antipolis, France.
Nicox S.A. (Euronext Paris: FR0000074130, COX), the international ophthalmic company, today announced that promising preclinical results from two novel nitric oxide-donors, NCX 667 and NCX 470, were presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2015 Annual Meeting, held from May 3 to May 7, 2015, in Denver, Colorado.
NCX 667 belongs to a new class of “next-generation” nitric oxide (NO)-donors which are designed to enable optimization of nitric oxide dosing. The ARVO 2015 poster by Bastia et al.1 presented promising new results obtained with NCX 667 in two preclinical models of ocular hypertension and glaucoma. In both models, NCX 667 appeared well-tolerated and effective in reducing intra-ocular pressure (IOP). The importance of the NCX 667 data has been recognized with the selection of the abstract by the ARVO Annual Meeting Program Committee as a ‘Hot Topic’, representing the newest and most innovative research being conducted.
NCX 470 is a novel nitric oxide-donating bimatoprost. Bimatoprost, marketed under the brand name Lumigan®2, is a well-established product in the class of prostaglandin analogs, the leading class of IOP-lowering drugs. The ARVO 2015 presentation by Impagnatiello et al.3 featured promising results from NCX 470 observed in three different preclinical models of ocular hypertension and glaucoma. In all three models, NCX 470 appeared well-tolerated and more effective than equimolar bimatoprost in reducing IOP. Notably, in a preclinical model in which prostaglandin analogs are known to be inactive, NCX 470 lowered IOP suggesting that its nitric oxide-donating moiety produces an IOP-lowering effect.
Dr. Michael Bergamini, Chief Scientific Officer and Executive Vice President at Nicox, commented: “Nicox has an excellent track record of research into nitric oxide donors in ophthalmology, including Vesneo™, which, through our partner Bausch + Lomb, has shown positive phase 3 efficacy results in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Our scientists are now working on other potential next-generation compounds for glaucoma, with two sets of encouraging results announced last week at the ARVO Annual Meeting, the world-leading research conference in ophthalmology. We are particularly encouraged that results from NCX 667 were selected as a ‘Hot Topic’, a distinction which was awarded to a small number of abstracts.”
Several members from Nicox’s leadership team attended the ARVO meeting, including Michele Garufi, Chief Executive Officer, and Michael Bergamini, Chief Scientific Officer, together with the presentation authors.
Nicox has developed a leading position in the therapeutic application of nitric oxide-donating compounds. Nicox’s research platform is focused on ocular diseases where nitric oxide has been shown to play an important role, including glaucoma and retinal diseases such as Diabetic Macular Edema (DME).


Non mi ricordo nemmeno più quando sia stato che Nicox abbia annunciato notizie su nuove molecole. Da tempo immemore non c'erano novità dal campo scientifico.
Chissà se Bausch + Lomb - Valeant, si prenderà in carico anche lo sviluppo di tali molecole ?
Sarebbe un bel colpaccio, accidenti.


Forumer storico
Promising preclinical data on new compounds for glaucoma presented at ARVO by Nicox

11 May 2015

Novel nitric oxide donors NCX 667 and NCX 470 effective in lowering IOP

Sophia Antipolis, France.
Nicox S.A. (Euronext Paris: FR0000074130, COX), the international ophthalmic company, today announced that promising preclinical results from two novel nitric oxide-donors, NCX 667 and NCX 470, were presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2015 Annual Meeting, held from May 3 to May 7, 2015, in Denver, Colorado.
NCX 667 belongs to a new class of “next-generation” nitric oxide (NO)-donors which are designed to enable optimization of nitric oxide dosing. The ARVO 2015 poster by Bastia et al.1 presented promising new results obtained with NCX 667 in two preclinical models of ocular hypertension and glaucoma. In both models, NCX 667 appeared well-tolerated and effective in reducing intra-ocular pressure (IOP). The importance of the NCX 667 data has been recognized with the selection of the abstract by the ARVO Annual Meeting Program Committee as a ‘Hot Topic’, representing the newest and most innovative research being conducted.
NCX 470 is a novel nitric oxide-donating bimatoprost. Bimatoprost, marketed under the brand name Lumigan®2, is a well-established product in the class of prostaglandin analogs, the leading class of IOP-lowering drugs. The ARVO 2015 presentation by Impagnatiello et al.3 featured promising results from NCX 470 observed in three different preclinical models of ocular hypertension and glaucoma. In all three models, NCX 470 appeared well-tolerated and more effective than equimolar bimatoprost in reducing IOP. Notably, in a preclinical model in which prostaglandin analogs are known to be inactive, NCX 470 lowered IOP suggesting that its nitric oxide-donating moiety produces an IOP-lowering effect.
Dr. Michael Bergamini, Chief Scientific Officer and Executive Vice President at Nicox, commented: “Nicox has an excellent track record of research into nitric oxide donors in ophthalmology, including Vesneo™, which, through our partner Bausch + Lomb, has shown positive phase 3 efficacy results in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Our scientists are now working on other potential next-generation compounds for glaucoma, with two sets of encouraging results announced last week at the ARVO Annual Meeting, the world-leading research conference in ophthalmology. We are particularly encouraged that results from NCX 667 were selected as a ‘Hot Topic’, a distinction which was awarded to a small number of abstracts.”
Several members from Nicox’s leadership team attended the ARVO meeting, including Michele Garufi, Chief Executive Officer, and Michael Bergamini, Chief Scientific Officer, together with the presentation authors.
Nicox has developed a leading position in the therapeutic application of nitric oxide-donating compounds. Nicox’s research platform is focused on ocular diseases where nitric oxide has been shown to play an important role, including glaucoma and retinal diseases such as Diabetic Macular Edema (DME).

difatti si vede come il mercato ha approvato NICOX + 10 CHE TITOLO.

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