NicOx.... in attesa di..... (16 lettori)


Forumer storico
Intanto Orexigen sale del 30% grazie al no della rivale.....che il nuovo partner di Orexigen sia più pesante in FDA rispetto al partner di Arena ????
Saranno anche seghe mentali ma oramai ci si può aspettare di tutto......come disse già in precedenza un alto dirigente di Nicox: "la FDA è pazza !!!"

doctor NO

NO nel DNA

Pare che il locaserin sia pericoloso non tanto per l'uomo ma per i ratti....infatti non farebbe venire il cancro all'uomo ma ai protezione animale ringrazia !!!
P.S Amo gli animali e sono contro per principio alla vivisezione e agli esperimenti pseudo scientifici sugli animali...questa ne è una prova lampante della loro inutilità !!!

ma allora diciamo al sindaco di Roma di contattare ARNA visto che la città è sommersa dalle pantegane:D

doctor NO

NO nel DNA
e vai

Comunque per me alla nicox gia' sapevano da tempo del fallimento delle molecole merck e hanno tenuto nascosta la news.questo spieGa il perche' dell'ak senza fredell'anno scorso.prevedevano tutti questi insuccessi e quindi hanno chiesto i soldi prima altrimenti ora nessuno li dava.sono stati molto furbi visto che ora con la cassa almeno un altro paio di anni possono sopravviVere alle spalle degli azionisti ai quali hanno dato solo una grossa fregatura.ORA DICONO CHE SI RICOMINCIA DA CAPO CON UN NUOVO METODO.E ALLORA IN 10 ANNI CHE HANNO FATTO?HANNO CONTINUATO SU UNA STRADA CHE SAPEVANO SBAGLIAT MA HANNO CONTINUATO AD ILLUDERE GLI AZIONISTI CON FRASI MIRABOLANTI PARLANDO DI RISULTATI STRAORDIBARI QUANDO INVECE SAPEVANO CHE NON ERA COSI' VISTO CHE MERCK ORA GLI HA DETTO DI TENATRE ALTRI METODI?INSOMMA CI HANNO PERSO PER IL CULO ALLAGRANDE GARUFI E ora e' finito il gioco.ora non hammo piu' credibilita' anche se merck continua ad appoggiarli ma senza rischaire niente.per tipo di appoggio.come dire fate la prova a vostre spese e se va ok,se va male vela prendete in quel posto,COMPLIMENTIO GARUFI.COME ILLUSIONISTA SEI MEGLIO DI HUDINY

tu proprio continui imperterrito:down::down: ma non hai ancora capito che è una questione di lobbies e politica. Stanno bocciando tutto. Qualcosa non quadra:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: probabilmente il piano B di nicox è la nuova strategia con Merck:D:D se non hai voglia di aspettare comprati Arna vedrai che oggi le paghi come delle penny stock:lol::lol:

doctor NO

NO nel DNA
1) "The clinical programme evaluating several NO-donating antihypertensive candidates from the original agreement in healthy volunteers and mild to moderate hypertensive patients has now been completed and none of the compounds tested will be further advanced in development."

2) "The research collaboration with Merck has been very fruitful"

sacrement fruitful ...

NicOx, Merck amend license pact, to develop new NO donating drugs
Friday, September 17, 2010 13:00 IST

NicOx S.A. announced that it has agreed with its partner Merck, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, to expand the scope of their worldwide license agreement, originally executed in 2006. This decision follows the discovery of a new approach to nitric oxide (NO) donation during the course of the joint research programme.

This approach may be used to develop new classes of NO-donating new molecular entities (NMEs), designed to offer a different mechanism for controlling the delivery of NO while retaining the potential therapeutic benefits. Additional information will not be disclosed for reasons of commercial confidentiality.

The clinical programme evaluating several NO-donating antihypertensive candidates from the original agreement in healthy volunteers and mild to moderate hypertensive patients has now been completed and none of the compounds tested will be further advanced in development.

NicOx has developed a world-leading position in the therapeutic application of NO-donating compounds. NO is an endogenous cell-signalling molecule of basic importance in physiology and there is significant evidence that certain diseases are related to a deficiency in the production of nitric oxide. This new approach with Merck continues to build on the concept of a slow release of NO with a sustained pharmacological effect at tissue level.

Under the revised agreement, Merck has the right to develop NMEs using this new approach in certain cardiovascular indications. NicOx will have the right to develop product candidates in other indications. NicOx and Merck will pay development milestones and royalties to the other partner on products emerging from their respective research programmes. NicOx and Merck have agreed that no further announcements on the compounds developed by Merck under the collaboration are anticipated unless and until a drug-candidate advances into phase 2 clinical studies.

Ennio Ongini, vice president research at NicOx, commented: “The research collaboration with Merck has been very fruitful, and it is as a result of the excellent scientific interaction that this new approach to NO donation was discovered. Novel molecules using this approach offer an exciting new alternative route to exploit the biological properties of NO which can potentially be used in a wide range of therapeutic areas.”

Under the revised agreement, each company will be responsible for funding their own research and development costs. NicOx and Merck do not have the option to co-promote any NMEs from the other partner resulting from this expanded license.

NicOx is a pharmaceutical company focused on the research, development and future commercialization of drug candidates. NicOx is applying its proprietary nitric oxide-donating R&D platform to develop an internal portfolio of New Molecular Entities (NME) for the potential treatment of inflammatory, cardiometabolic and ophthalmological diseases.


Forumer storico
1) "The clinical programme evaluating several NO-donating antihypertensive candidates from the original agreement in healthy volunteers and mild to moderate hypertensive patients has now been completed and none of the compounds tested will be further advanced in development."

2) "The research collaboration with Merck has been very fruitful"

sacrement fruitful ...

NicOx, Merck amend license pact, to develop new NO donating drugs
Friday, September 17, 2010 13:00 IST

NicOx S.A. announced that it has agreed with its partner Merck, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, to expand the scope of their worldwide license agreement, originally executed in 2006. This decision follows the discovery of a new approach to nitric oxide (NO) donation during the course of the joint research programme.

This approach may be used to develop new classes of NO-donating new molecular entities (NMEs), designed to offer a different mechanism for controlling the delivery of NO while retaining the potential therapeutic benefits. Additional information will not be disclosed for reasons of commercial confidentiality.

The clinical programme evaluating several NO-donating antihypertensive candidates from the original agreement in healthy volunteers and mild to moderate hypertensive patients has now been completed and none of the compounds tested will be further advanced in development.

NicOx has developed a world-leading position in the therapeutic application of NO-donating compounds. NO is an endogenous cell-signalling molecule of basic importance in physiology and there is significant evidence that certain diseases are related to a deficiency in the production of nitric oxide. This new approach with Merck continues to build on the concept of a slow release of NO with a sustained pharmacological effect at tissue level.

Under the revised agreement, Merck has the right to develop NMEs using this new approach in certain cardiovascular indications. NicOx will have the right to develop product candidates in other indications. NicOx and Merck will pay development milestones and royalties to the other partner on products emerging from their respective research programmes. NicOx and Merck have agreed that no further announcements on the compounds developed by Merck under the collaboration are anticipated unless and until a drug-candidate advances into phase 2 clinical studies.

Ennio Ongini, vice president research at NicOx, commented: “The research collaboration with Merck has been very fruitful, and it is as a result of the excellent scientific interaction that this new approach to NO donation was discovered. Novel molecules using this approach offer an exciting new alternative route to exploit the biological properties of NO which can potentially be used in a wide range of therapeutic areas.”

Under the revised agreement, each company will be responsible for funding their own research and development costs. NicOx and Merck do not have the option to co-promote any NMEs from the other partner resulting from this expanded license.

NicOx is a pharmaceutical company focused on the research, development and future commercialization of drug candidates. NicOx is applying its proprietary nitric oxide-donating R&D platform to develop an internal portfolio of New Molecular Entities (NME) for the potential treatment of inflammatory, cardiometabolic and ophthalmological diseases.

Purtroppo però il mercato sembra penalizzare molto l'accordo, perchè di fatto lascia spazio all'interpretazione del tipo "si riparte tutto da capo" e per chi si attendeva una fase 2 imminente con Merck, evidentemente questa è una notizia che rimanda per l'ennesima volta una aspettativa che al momento è disattesa.


Forumer storico
Tutto molto bello....certo.....peccato che al momento manca ciò che il mercato chiede....i MONEY !!!!.........e si perchè quelli fra un pò finiscono, e un altro AK Nicox non può andare a chiederlo al mercato.....sapete già quale sarà la risposta !!!


Forumer storico
se ho ben capito, ma non ne sono sicuro e vi chiederei conferma, si sono divisi due aree di ricerca con Merck che si pappa il cardiovascolare e COX continua con Napro, ed eventuali royalties derivanti dallo sviluppo si dividono 50/50, mentre per i costi di ricerca ognuno per se. Prima cosa : non ho mai visto un accordo dove ci si dividono i ricavi ma non i costi ; in linea di massima, non partecipando ai costi, ognuno vira al risparmio ed aspetta che l’altro ha fatto tombola.

E’ male chiedersi chi si è preso lo sviluppo con potentiale?

Merck ha soldi e passaporto US, mentre COX no passaporto US e si azzarda a chiedere ancora soldi va diritta in default.

Forse che Merck ha scippato il futuro prodotto piu’ ricco e il 50% delle royalties sul Napro 2 in cambio del sostegno a far entrare in US il napro prima che COX anneghi?

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