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Bollore issued bonds with a maturity of 5 years
Guidance: Mid Swap +250 to 260 bp
The French group Bollore I issued a corporate bond with a maturity of 5 years and a volume of 300 million €. Were mandated as bookrunner CA CIB, CM CIC, ING and Natixis. Await another Sread 250-260 basis points over mid swap. Bollore has no rating.

Of the transaction:

Issuer: Bollore
Ratings: No rating
Volume: 300 million €
Coupon: n.bek.
Guidance: Mid Swap +250 to 260 bp
Duration: 5 years
Listing: Paris
Denomination: 100,000 €
Bookrunner: CA CIB, CM CIC, ING and Natixis
Internet: :::: Le groupe Bolloré ::::
Bonds Check: AVW reason - investment should pay off
The DHS Basic AG, a 100% subsidiary of the Entry Standard listed AVW Immobilien AG, issued a corporate bond in the amount of up to € 50.83 million. The subscription period is interest free up to 31 pieces May 2011. The extensively collateralized bond has a coupon of 6.1% (plus indexation). In particular, the extensive collateral makes the bonds attractive to investors.

The DHS Basic AG was founded by the Entry Standard listed AVW Immobilien AG in December 2010 and equipped with a Grundkaptal of 1 million €. The company is to acquire the funds from the bond issue has a portfolio of retail and investment properties. These are:

- A shopping center in Hamburg, East Village (market value: 5.5 million €)
- The Plaza Center in Bad Oldesloe (market value: 10.8 million €)
- A SB store and beverage market in Ratzeburg (market value: 7.3 million €)
- The shopping center "Mediterraneo" (Have part of the worlds) in Bremerhaven (market value: 27.2 million euros)

The objects to be acquired under their respective state placement of bonded debt, in that order. You are currently fully owned company in the near environment of the DHS group. There is a low vacancy rate of 6% in the object Mediterraneo. During the term of the loan portfolio level run 36.2% of the leases. Which relates exclusively to the Mediterraneo in Bremerhaven, which is a retail complex with about 50 tenants. Here, however, there is a chance to realize more is leased at rents.

The purchase prices are about 90% of the experts by Prof. Dr. Ing Armin Ohler established market value, so that 10% of the available funds from the bond of the Issuer at leisure.

The bond
The bond is worth a total of 50.83 million €. This value is calculated as the sum of the valuation report of four objects. The AVW AG is a basic requirement for subscription by a group of investors to anchor the major shareholder of AVW Immobilien AG, Frank Albrecht, amounting to 25% of the floated bond volume but not more than before to 12.5 million euros. In this case, explain the anchor investors that their interest rate and repayment claims have an individual subordinated to the claims of other creditors of the bond.

The Issuer has a right to terminate on two dates: 11/30/2013 and 30/11/2014 at 103% to 102% in the event that such objects are sold.

At the time of repayment of the loan must be made in full placement at least € 38.33 million on new refinancing / sale of properties. This corresponds on the basis of current market values ​​of a LTV ratio of 75.4%.

Securing the loan
The loan is secured as follows for the investor:

- Collateral on ranking real property in the amount of approx. 45.7 million euros. This amount represents the purchase price of the objects from the environment of the DHS group.
- Assignment of rental income to the trustee.
- Guarantee protection for coupon and principal of the parent company AVW Immobilien AG.

- Extensive collateral
- Indexing provides protection against inflation
- Rental income to show interest obligations.
- Anchor investors around the major shareholder of AVW Immobilien AG have agreed to a drawing of 25% of the volume (up to 12.5 million euros).
- Anchor investors are to outside investors in the secondary.
- Attractive coupon

- Low equity company works almost exclusively with debt (the bond).
- The most interesting object (Havenwelten) is finally obtained.

The DH group has the structure of the bond many advantages. It can hold as the objects in their own portfolio and benefit from their development, without being invested with significant equity. In addition, the Company reserves property sales. The quality of the emission is due to be installed collateral benefit of the Noteholders significantly influenced by these collateral instruments. In assessing the security issue are the property and the quality assurance mechanisms underlying the center.

Overall, convinced the security concept. The investment by the major shareholders in the bond and the fact that major shareholders are to outside investors in subordinated convinced. Another positive factor is the indexation payment and repayment rates well above 100% in case of early termination to see through the issuer. And one thing is important: the rental income exceeds the interest payments of the bond. Therefore, an investment should pay off in the bond.

Key data for the DHS basic bond
Issuer: DHS Basic AG
Guarantor: AVW Immobilien AG
Coupon: 6.1% (plus indexation)
Bond rating: BBB-
Issue volume: 50.83 million €
Duration: 4.5 years
Segment: free trade Hamburg
Institutional Sales: Donner & Reuschel
Internet: AVW Grund AG - Disclaimer: AVW GRUND AG
Euro Hypo emitted Jumbo mortgage Pfandbrief
Duration 3 years
The Euro Hypo issued shortly a jumbo mortgage Pfandbrief with a term of 3 years. The transaction is Commerzbank, DZ Bank, HSBC and Natixis accompanied. The mortgage has the following ratings: Aaa, AAA, AAA. Further details are not currently known.
Russia prints RUR50bn Eurobond tap

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation printed a 7.85% 2018s RUB50bn Eurobond Tap on May 19 bringing the total issue amount to RUR90bn. VTB Capital, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JP Morgan, and Renaissance Capital acted as joint bookrunners on the deal. The 144a / Reg S notes were prices at 104.515%. The issue rated Baa1/BBB+/BBB (Local currency ratings)is due March 10, 2018. The settlement is scheduled for May 26, 2011. The Eurobond is listed on the LSE and has the following codes:

Restricted Global Bond:
CUSIP: 783064AN8
ISIN: US783064AN80
Common Code: 059570897

Unrestricted Global Bond:
ISIN: XS0564087541
Common Code: 056408754

Issuer, issue number: Russia, 2018-2, RUR
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: RUR, 5000000
Amount: 40 000 000 000
ISIN: XS0564087541
End of placement: Feb 24 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 7.85%
Coupon: 7.850%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Mar 10 2011
Maturity date: Mar 10 2018
Issue Managers: Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JP Morgan, Renaissance Capital, VTB Capital
Trading floor: London S.E.
Outstanding issues:
5 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 32 684 574 656
69 issue(s) outstanding worth RUR 3 153 097 504 000

Issuer's rating:
Moody's Investors Service Baa1/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr) 12.12.2008
Moody's Investors Service Baa1/Stable Int. Scale (loc. curr.) 12.12.2008
Standard & Poor's BBB/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 21.12.2009
Standard & Poor's BBB+/Stable Int. Scale (loc. curr.) 21.12.2009
Standard & Poor's ruAAA National Scale (Russia) 21.12.2009
Fitch Ratings BBB/Positive Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 08.09.2010
Fitch Ratings BBB/Positive Int.l Scale (local curr.) 08.09.2010
Fitch Ratings AAA(rus) National Scale (Russia) 02.07.2008
New bond issue: Lebanon sells USD 650m in 2019 bonds with 6.0% coupon

Lebanon on May 18, 2011 placed USD 650m in bonds with a 6.0% coupon, maturing in 2019. The bond was priced at 100.0%. Fransabank, Byblos, HSBC arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Lebanon, 2019
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 1000
Amount: 650 000 000
ISIN: XS0629509943
End of placement: May 18 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 6%
Coupon: 6.0%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: May 20 2011
Maturity date: May 20 2019
Issue Managers: Byblos Bank, Fransabank, HSBC
Issuer profile:
Lebanon is a country in Western Asia, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.
Area – 10 452 (166th).
Population – 4,2 mln. (124th)
The capital is Beirut.
Official languages– Arabic, French.
Local currency – Lebanese pound (LBP).
Government – Parliamentary republic.

Outstanding issues:
25 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 19 326 081 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 535 639 000

Issuer's rating:
Moody's Investors Service B1/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr) 13.04.2010
Standard & Poor's B/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 18.01.2011
Fitch Ratings B/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 31.03.2010
New bond issue: Lebanon sells USD 350m Tap to its 2022 bonds with 6.1% coupon

Lebanon on May 18, 2011 placed USD 350m tap to its bonds with a 6.10% coupon, maturing in 2022. The tap was priced at 6.475% yield. Fransabank, Byblos, HSBC arranged the deal. The amount outstanding now totals USD 840m.

Issuer, issue number: Lebanon, 2022
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 1000
Amount: 840 000 000
ISIN: XS0559237796
Start of placement: Nov 09 2010
End of placement: May 18 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 6.1%
Coupon: 6.10%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Nov 12 2010
Maturity date: Oct 04 2022
Issue Managers: Bank of Beirut, Credit Suisse
Trading floor: Luxembourg S.E.
Issuer profile:
Lebanon is a country in Western Asia, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.
Area – 10 452 (166th).
Population – 4,2 mln. (124th)
The capital is Beirut.
Official languages– Arabic, French.
Local currency – Lebanese pound (LBP).
Government – Parliamentary republic.

Outstanding issues:
25 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 19 326 081 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 535 639 000

Issuer's rating:
Moody's Investors Service B1/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr) 13.04.2010
Standard & Poor's B/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 18.01.2011
Fitch Ratings B/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 31.03.2010
New bond issue: CEZ sells EUR 500m in 2016 bonds with 3.625% coupon

CEZ (Czech Republic) on May 18, 2011 placed EUR 500m in bonds with a 3.625% coupon, maturing in 2016. The bond was priced at 99.475%. BNP Paribas, Banca IMI, Erste Group, HSBC, Unicredit arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: CEZ, 2016, EUR
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: EUR, 100000
Amount: 500 000 000
ISIN: XS0630397213
End of placement: May 18 2011
Issue price: 99.475
Coupon: 3.625%
Coupon frequency: 1 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: May 27 2011
Maturity date: May 27 2016
Issue Managers: BNP Paribas, Banca IMI, Erste Group, HSBC, Unicredit
Issuer profile:
CEZ is the leader in power markets of Central and Southeastern Europe

Outstanding issues:
7 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 3 370 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth JPY 11 500 000 000
New bond issue: Islamic Development Bank sells USD 750m in 2016 bonds with 2.350% coupon

Islamic Development Bank (Saudi Arabia) on May 18, 2011 placed USD 750m in bonds with a 2.350% coupon, maturing in 2016. The bond was priced at 100.0% to yield 2.350%. BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Standard Chartered arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Islamic Development Bank, 2016
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 1000
Amount: 750 000 000
ISIN: XS0628646480
End of placement: May 18 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 2.35%
Coupon: 2.350%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: May 25 2011
Maturity date: May 25 2016
Issue Managers: BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Standard Chartered
Issuer profile:
Islamic Development Bank (also known as IsDB), is a multilateral development financing institution located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The present membership of the Bank consists of 56 countries. The basic condition for membership is that the prospective member country should be a member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), pay its contribution to the capital of the Bank and be willing to accept such terms and conditions as may be decided upon by the IsDB Board of Governors.

Outstanding issues:
2 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 1 250 000 000

Vedi però gli islamici, danno possibilità ai fedeli poveri di acquistare i bond :)
New bond issue: Sharjah Islamic Bank sells USD 400m in 2016 bonds with 4.715% coupon

Sharjah Islamic Bank (United Arab Emirates) on May 18, 2011 placed USD 400m in bonds with a 4.715% coupon, maturing in 2016.The deal was done via SPV SIB Sukuk Company II Limited. The bond was priced at 100.0% to yield 4.715%. HSBC, Standard Chartered arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Sharjah Islamic Bank, 2016
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 400 000 000
End of placement: May 18 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 4.715%
Coupon: 4.715%
Settlement Date: May 27 2011
Maturity date: May 27 2016
Issue Managers: HSBC, Standard Chartered
Trading floor: London S.E.
Issuer profile:
Sharjah Islamic Bank, formerly National Bank of Sharjah, is a publicly listed Islamic bank headquartered in the emirate of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. The bank was established in 1975 and in 2004 converted into a fully Shariah compliant bank. It is also engaged in real estate business through its ASAS Real Estate sibsidiary.

Outstanding issues:
1 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 400 000 000

Questi misa che devono esse più fondamentalisti :)
New bond issue: ICICI Bank sells USD 1000m in 2016 bonds with 4.750% coupon

ICICI Bank (India) on May 19, 2011 placed USD 1000m in bonds with a 4.750% coupon, maturing in 2016. The deal was done via SPV ICICI Bank Dubai. The bond was priced at 99.665% to yield 4.82%. Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, RBS arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: ICICI Bank, 2016-2
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 1 000 000 000
ISIN: US45112FAB22
End of placement: May 19 2011
Issue price: 99.665
Yield at Pricing: 4.82%
Coupon: 4.750%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: May 25 2011
Maturity date: Nov 25 2016
Issue Managers: Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, RBS
Issuer profile:
ICICI Bank is India's second-largest bank with total assets of about Rs. 2,513.89 bn (US$ 56.3 bn) at March 31, 2006 and profit after tax of Rs. 25.40 bn (US$ 569 mn) for the year ended March 31, 2006 (Rs. 20.05 bn (US$ 449 mn) for the year ended March 31, 2005). ICICI Bank has a network of 741 branches (including 48 extension counters) and over 3300 ATMs in India and presence in 30 International locations. ICICI Bank offers a wide range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and through its specialised subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management. ICICI Bank set up its international banking group in fiscal 2002 to cater to the cross border needs of clients and leverage on its domestic banking strengths to offer products internationally. ICICI Bank currently has subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Russia and Canada, branches in Singapore, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and Dubai International Finance Centre and representative offices in the United States, United Arab Emirates, China, South Africa and Bangladesh. Our UK subsidiary has established a branch in Belgium. ICICI Bank is the most valuable bank in India in terms of market capitalisation.

Outstanding issues:
6 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 3 600 000 000

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