[Reuters] EURO BONDS-Gala, Lanxess, Berlin, FMS, Strabag, Rabobank
[LXSG.DE RABO.UL] LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - Here are details on syndicated
issues in the European market on Monday:
UPDATE: Berlin fixed as EUR750m at MS+14; books over EUR800m
LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - Final terms out for the Berlin seven
year LSA with a size of EUR750m, up from initial EUR500m+
starting point, after books reached over EUR800m as at 11:10
London time ahead of closing at 11:30 London time/12:30 CET. The
final spread of mid swaps plus 14bp (from initial "area" talk)
was set earlier this morning. Pricing via leads BayernLB, DZ
Banka and Unicredit, is expected later today. Aa1/NR/AAA rated.
UPDATE: Lanxess EUR500m 7yr final spread MS+105bp
LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - German chemicals company Lanxess,
rated Baa2/BBB, has set the final spread for its EUR500m (no
grow) seven-year issue through Citigroup, Credit Suisse, JP
Morgan and UniCredit at mid swaps plus 105bp, the tight end of
revised mid-swaps +105-110bp talk, having been refined from the
initial whisper at +110-115bp.
UPDATE: FMS Wertmanagement likely next week or the one after
LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - FMS Wertmanagement, rated Aaa/AAA/AAA
and benefiting from a loss compensation obligation of the
Financial Market Stabilisation Fund of the Federal Republic of
Germany (SoFFin), which last week mandated Barclays Capital,
Citi, Deutsche Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland to lead manage
its inaugural Euro benchmark issue, has issued guidance to
investors that the issue is most likely to be launched in the
weeks commencing either 23 May or 6 June. Leads said this
morning that this week is being spent focusing on investor
education and working to get investors to get their credit lines.
The issue will have a medium term maturity.
UPDATE: Berlin books EUR600m+, tbp MS+14
LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - Books for Berlin's EUR500m+ 7yr are
well over EUR600m and remain open, with final guidance now set
at mid-swaps +14 from +14 area talk. Pricing later via BayernLB,
DZ and Unicredit.
MANDATE: STRABAG names leads for EUR150m min 7yr
LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - STRABAG, rated NR/BBB-, has mandated
Erste Group, Raiffeisen Bank and UniCredit Austria to lead its
forthcoming EUR150m minimum 7-year issue targeted at retail
investors. This week's business expected.
UPDATE: Lanxess EUR500m 7yr revised to MS+105-110
LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - Guidance on the forthcoming no grow
EUR500m 7yr for Lanxess, rated Baa2/BBB, was refined to swaps
+105-110bp from +110-115bp shortly before the books closed a
short time ago. Today's business via Citigroup, Credit Suisse,
JP Morgan and UniCredit.
MANDATE: Rabobank names leads for GBP 30yr benchmark
LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - Rabobank has mandated Barclays and
RBC CM to lead its forthcoming GBP 30-year benchmark issue. The
books are open at guidance of 100bp area over the UKT 4.75% 2038
Gilt, with pricing expected later today.
MANDATE: QBE Insurance names leads for Tier 2 financing
LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - QBE Insurance Group Limited has
mandated Barclays Capital and JP Morgan as joint bookrunners for
a Tier 2 debt financing transaction. Launch and pricing are
expected in due course, subject to market conditions.
MANDATE: Gala Coral 2-part GBP650m HY bond
LONDON, May 16 (IFR) - UK gaming group Gala Coral has
announced details of its anticipated two-part high-yield bond
issue, which is part of a broader GBP1.55bn refinancing of its
existing debt. The bond will consist of a GBP250m seven-year
senior secured bond, callable after three years, and an
eight-year GBP400m senior bond callable after four years. Credit
Suisse and Barclays are the global co-ordinators, while Goldman
Sachs, Morgan Stanley , Deutsche Bank and HSBC are bookrunners.
The company will kick-start the roadshow at a lunchtime meeting
today in London.
IFR London: +44 207 542 2687
Keywords: BOND ISSUES/