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figurati :up:
sull' USD tagli così oramai sono all'ordinarietà :eek:
sentivo ieri su CLASS CNBC che x investire in questi bond, dei privati creano una società ad HOC dove fanno confluire il capitale.
E' l'unica soluzione, a meno che non si abbia un portafoglio "monstre"

Società ad HOC.
Un mio amico mi dice sempre:
le società migliori sono quelle con numero soci dispari e minori di tre .....

Non è male come idea.

io propenderei per fare una sicav, magari appoggiandosi a una società già esistente se è conveniente. Ci sono già Sicav su Hy ma farne una per noi sarebbe gratificante per chi è abituato a maneggiare da solo i risparmi. Chi vuole partecipare al comitato di gestione può farlo e prendersi la vacanza quando crede visto che altri proseguono l'attività, ovviamente i contatti tutti su internet.
Si avrebbero risultati migliori potendo spaziare su tutte le emissioni e garantendo la diversificazione.
Apriamo un thread per vedere la fattibilità? chissà che per il prossimo meeting arriviamo a una proposta concreta da suggellare a tavola.
Mi pare che come volumi siamo a posto, basta solo convincere qualche pazzerellone ad apprezzare la diversificazione.
Xella prices its 7Y secured notes at 8%

“Hold” XELLA 8% 06/18 at 100 or a Z-spread of 517 bps
Xella yesterday priced its 7Y bonds at 8%, which we regard as fair. We view Xella as “High Risk” on the LARA scale and like the company’s strong cash flow generation capabilities, with positive free cash flow throughout the cycle. Additionally, its different product lines are well diversified in our view. Nevertheless, its regional diversification is limited and the building materials business is highly cyclical and capital intensive. We see accelerated acquisition activities as a main risk factor. We believe that the security package of the notes is rather weak, however, like the fact that there are only limited priority liabilities ranking ahead of the new notes, which in principal rank pari passu with its term loan. For a full discussion of Xella and its new notes please refer to our New Issue Assessment published on Wednesday.
New bond issue: Pemex sells USD 1250m in 2041 bonds with 6.50% coupon

Pemex (Mexico) on May 25, 2011 placed USD 1250m in bonds with a 6.50% coupon, maturing in 2041. The bond was priced at 99.282% to yield 6.555%. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, RBS arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Pemex, 2041
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 1 250 000 000
End of placement: May 25 2011
Issue price: 99.282
Yield at Pricing: 6.555%
Coupon: 6.50%
Settlement Date: Jun 2011
Maturity date: 2041
Issue Managers: Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, RBS
Outstanding issues:
5 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 3 550 000 000
8 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 12 962 438 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth GBP 350 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth CHF 500 000 000
New bond issue: VTB sells SGD 300m in 2014 bonds with 3.40% coupon

VTB (Russia) on May 26, 2011 placed SGD 300m in bonds with a 3.40% coupon, maturing in 2014.The deal was done via SPV VTB Capital S.A.. The bond was priced at 100% to yield 3.4%. VTB Capital, OCBC Bank arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: VTB, 2014, SGD
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: SGD, 250000
Amount: 300 000 000
End of placement: May 26 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 3.4%
Coupon: 3.40%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Jun 06 2011
Maturity date: Jun 06 2014
Issue Managers: VTB Capital, OCBC Bank
Trading floor: SGX
Issuer profile:
VTB is a recognized leader of the national financial industry having gained a sustained competitive edge in all segments of the banking market. As of December 31, 2007 according to IFRS (consolidated), its shareholders equity totaled US$ 16.5 billion, enabling VTB to meet the Basle capital adequacy requirements with a safe margin. The assets of the Bank as of December 31, 2007 amounted up to US$ 92.6 billion.
The “Banker” magazine has ranked VTB the 116th among the world’s 1000 largest banks by capital.
Presently, the Government of the Russian Federation is the major shareholder of VTB, with its share accounting for 77.5%. In May 2007 during the IPO newly issued shares, representing 22.5% of VTB’s enlarged share capital, were allocated among Russian and international investors. The aggregate amount of funds raised approximated US$ 8 billion, making the VTB’s IPO the world’s largest public offering in 2007. It also proved to be most public in the history of the Russian stock market, since more than 120 thousand Russians have become VTB shareholders during the IPO.
As a result of the IPO, market capitalization of VTB, whose shares are now traded on the MICEX and RTS, as well as on the London Stock Exchange in the form of Global Depository Receipts, has exceeded US$ 35.5 billion. VTB authorized capital is presently RUR 67.2 billion./12.05.08

Outstanding issues:
9 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 7 738 300 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 1 500 000 000
6 issue(s) outstanding worth RUR 80 000 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth CHF 1 150 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth SGD 700 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth CNY 1 000 000 000

Issuer's rating:
Moody's Investors Service Baa1/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr) 20.08.2010
Moody's Investors Service Baa1/Stable Int. Scale (loc. curr.) 20.08.2010
Standard & Poor's BBB/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 05.10.2010
Standard & Poor's BBB/Stable Int. Scale (loc. curr.) 05.10.2010
Standard & Poor's ruAAA National Scale (Russia) 05.10.2010
Fitch Ratings BBB/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 08.04.2011
Fitch Ratings BBB/Stable Int.l Scale (local curr.) 08.04.2011
Fitch Ratings AAA(rus)/Stable National Scale (Russia) 08.04.2011
National Rating Agency AAA National scale (Russia) 01.07.2007
New bond issue: Russian Agricultural Bank sells USD 800m in 2021 bonds with 6.00% coupon

Russian Agricultural Bank (Russia) on May 26, 2011 placed USD 800m in bonds with a 6.00% coupon, maturing in 2021.The deal was done via SPV RSHB Capital S.A. . The bond was priced at 100% to yield 6%. Barclays Capital, JP Morgan, VTB Capital arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Russian Agricultural Bank, 2021 (LPN)
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 800 000 000
ISIN: XS0632887997
End of placement: May 26 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 6%
Coupon: 6.00%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Jun 03 2011
Maturity date: Jun 03 2021
Issue Managers: Barclays Capital, JP Morgan, VTB Capital
Trading floor: Irish S.E.
Issuer profile:
OJSC Russian Agricultural Bank is a state-owned bank established in 2000 to provide execution of Russian Government’s financial policy in the Russian agricultural industry. The Bank was registered with the CBR on June 13, 2000 under the registration number 3349. 100% of the Bank’s shares are held by the Russian Fund of Federal Property. The Bank is licensed by the CBR to perform all types of banking operations.

Outstanding issues:
7 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 6 000 000 000
15 issue(s) outstanding worth RUR 147 000 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth CHF 150 000 000

Issuer's rating:
Moody's Investors Service Baa1/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr) 21.01.2011
Moody's Investors Service Baa1/Stable Int. Scale (loc. curr.) 24.02.2009
Fitch Ratings BBB/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 10.09.2010
Fitch Ratings AAA(rus)/Stable National Scale (Russia) 10.09.2010
Fitch Ratings BBB/Stable Int.l Scale (local curr.) 10.09.2010
Moody's Interfax Rating Agency National Scale (Russia) 21.01.2011
New bond issue: OGX sells USD 2563m in 2018 bonds with 8.50% coupon

OGX (Brazil) on May 26, 2011 placed USD 2563m in bonds with a 8.50% coupon, maturing in 2018. The bond was priced at 100.0%. JP Morgan, HSBC, Credit Suisse, Itau arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: OGX, 2018
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 2 563 000 000
End of placement: May 26 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 8.5%
Coupon: 8.50%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Jun 03 2011
Maturity date: Jun 01 2018
Issue Managers: JP Morgan, HSBC, Credit Suisse, Itau
Issuer profile:
OGX Petróleo e Gás is focused on oil and natural gas exploration and production and is conducting the largest private sector exploratory campaign in Brazil. OGX has a diversified, high-potential portfolio, comprised of 29 exploratory blocks in the Campos, Santos, Espírito Santo, Pará-Maranhão and Parnaíba basins, in Brazil, and 5 exploratory blocks in Colombia, in Middle Magdalena Valley, in Lower Magdalena Valley and in Cesar-Ranchería basins. The total extension area is of approximately 7,000 km² in sea and approximately 34,000 km² in land, with 21,500 km² in Brazil and 12,500 km² in Colombia. OGX relies on an experienced management team and holds a solid cash position, with approximately US$2.5 billion to fund its E&P investments and new opportunities. In June 2008, the company went public raising R$6.7 billion, the largest amount ever raised in a Brazilian primary IPO at the moment. Since 2007, when the company was formed, it has invested more than R$ 5.3 billion in E&P in Brazil. This amount includes the R$ 1.5 billion paid as subscription bonus for the ANP (National Agency for Oil, Natural Gas and Bio-fuels) auction held in 2007 and some R$ 3.8 billion for the exploratory campaign begun in August 2009. OGX is a member of the EBX Group, an industrial group founded and under the leadership of Brazilian entrepreneur Eike F. Batista, who has a proven track record in developing new ventures in the natural resources and infrastructure sectors.

Outstanding issues:
1 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 2 563 000 000
New bond issue: TAM sells USD 500m in 2021 bonds with 8.375% coupon

TAM (Brazil) on May 26, 2011 placed USD 500m in bonds with a 8.375% coupon, maturing in 2021. The bond was priced at 99.169% to yield 8.5%. BTG Pactual, Santander, Banco do Brazil arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: TAM, 2021
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 500 000 000
End of placement: May 26 2011
Issue price: 99.169
Yield at Pricing: 8.5%
Coupon: 8.375%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Jun 03 2011
Maturity date: Jun 03 2021
Issue Managers: BTG Pactual, Santander, Banco do Brazil
Issuer profile:
TAM Airlines is Brazil's flag carrier. The Southern Hemisphere's busiest airline (in terms of passengers enplaned and flights operated). Headquartered in the Jardim Aeroporto area of Campo Belo, São Paulo City. TAM operates scheduled services from São Paulo to destinations within Brazil, as well as international flights to Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, the United States, Portugal, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy and Germany. The company is traded on the São Paulo Exchange and New York Stock Exchange as "TAM S.A." As of May 2009 TAM is the leading airline in the domestic market in terms of market share, with a 49.2% participation, followed by GOL with a 38.7% market share.

Outstanding issues:
2 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 800 000 000
New bond issue: Banco Santander Brasil sells USD 200m Tap to its 2016 bonds with 4.250% coupon

Banco Santander Brasil on May 26, 2011 placed USD 200m tap to its bonds with a 4.250% coupon, maturing in 2016. The tap was priced at 100.266 to yield 4.185%. Barclays Capital, HSBC, Santander arranged the deal. The amount outstanding now totals USD 850m.

Issuer, issue number: Banco Santander Brasil, 2016
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 850 000 000
ISIN: US05966UAH77
End of placement: Jan 10 2011
Issue price: 99.262
Yield at Pricing: 4.416%
Coupon: 4.250%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Jan 14 2011
Maturity date: Jan 14 2016
Issue Managers: Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Santander
Issuer profile:
Banco Santander Brasil is a subsidiary of Banco Santander in Brazil, its largest division in Latin America and one of the world's most important, accounting for 20% of the total profit of the group. The bank was founded in 1982 in São Paulo, where their headquarters is located. Formerly Banco Santander Banespa, the bank provides a range of consumer and commercial financial services through some 2,000 branches, primarily in Brazil's southern and southeastern regions, with a major presence in the states of São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. Santander Brasil also offers wholesale banking to large corporations. Additional services include asset management, private banking, and insurance. Spain's Banco Santander controls the company, which listed approximately 15% of its shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a 2009 IPO.

Outstanding issues:
4 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 2 600 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth CHF 150 000 000
New bond issue: HSBC Bank Middle East sells USD 500m in 2016 bonds with 3.575% coupon

HSBC Bank Middle East (Dubai) on May 26, 2011 placed USD 500m in bonds with a 3.575% coupon, maturing in 2016. The bond was priced at 100%. HSBC arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: HSBC Bank Middle East, 2016
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 500 000 000
End of placement: May 26 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 3.575%
Coupon: 3.575%
Settlement Date: Jun 2011
Maturity date: 2016
Issue Managers: HSBC
Outstanding issues:
1 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 500 000 000
New bond issue: Emirates NBD sells USD 332.5m in 2018 bonds with 3M Libor + 1.50% coupon

Emirates NBD (United Arab Emirates) on May 26, 2011 placed USD 332.5m in bonds with a 3M Libor + 1.50% coupon, maturing in 2018. The bond was priced at 100.0%. HSBC, UBS arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Emirates NBD, 2018 (FRN)
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 332 454 000
ISIN: XS0632908314
End of placement: May 26 2011
Issue price: 100
Coupon: 3M Libor + 1.50%
Coupon frequency: 4 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: May 31 2011
Maturity date: May 31 2018
Issue Managers: HSBC, UBS
Issuer profile:
Emirates NBD, the leading banking group in the region, was formed on 16th of October 2007 after the merger between Emirates Bank International (EBI) and the National Bank of Dubai (NBD).
The Group has operations in the UAE, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Kingdom and Jersey (Channel Islands), and representative offices in India, Iran and Singapore.

Outstanding issues:
1 issue(s) outstanding worth AED 440 000 000
4 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 15 721 162 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth JPY 19 000 000 000

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