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Exclusive: wind turbine developer eno energy emitted corporate bond market was in the middle of Dusseldorf Stock Exchange
IKB accompanies the transaction
Eno energy GmbH, Rostock, emits the corporate bond market was in the middle of Dusseldorf Stock Exchange. The transaction is accompanied by IKB. This report financial circles over Founded in 1999, company is in project development and construction as well as in wind turbine manufacturing, operations management and in service / maintenance work.

The 75 staff employed eno energy and generated 2010 sales of 51.3 million euros (2008: 68.4 million euros, 2009: EUR 24.2 million). EBITDA was EUR 3.7 million last year (2008: 3.5 million €, 2009: EUR 5.1 million).

The fluctuations in 2009 and 2010 moved the company in a corporate presentation as follows: "In 2009, the so-called share deals with the DIF for six wind farm companies (tender I) made and generated with this increased margin, the euro but not value added relevant (up to 8 million ) were. The projects that are based on these shops were built in 2008. "

The Company has an equity ratio of 23%. Total Debt / EBITDA is 5.4.
New bond issue: Vedanta sells USD 750m in 2016 bonds with 6.750% coupon

Vedanta (India) on May 26, 2011 placed USD 750m in bonds with a 6.750% coupon, maturing in 2016. The bond was priced at 100.0% to yield 6.75%. Barclays Capital, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, RBS, Standard Chartered arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Vedanta, 2016
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 750 000 000
End of placement: May 26 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 6.75%
Coupon: 6.750%
Settlement Date: Jun 07 2011
Maturity date: Jun 07 2016
Issue Managers: Barclays Capital, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, RBS, Standard Chartered
Trading floor: SGX
Issuer profile:
Vedanta is a diversified FTSE 100 metals and mining company, and India’s largest non-ferrous metals and mining company based on revenues. Its business is principally located in India, it also has assets and operations in Zambia and Australia. It is primarily engaged in copper, zinc, aluminium and iron ore businesses, and is also developing a commercial power generation business.

Outstanding issues:
2 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 1 650 000 000
New bond issue: Vedanta sells USD 900m in 2021 bonds with 8.250% coupon

Vedanta (India) on May 26, 2011 placed USD 900m in bonds with a 8.250% coupon, maturing in 2021. The bond was priced at 100% to yield 8.25%. Barclays Capital, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, RBS, Standard Chartered arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Vedanta, 2021
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 900 000 000
End of placement: May 26 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 8.25%
Coupon: 8.250%
Settlement Date: Jun 07 2011
Maturity date: Jun 07 2021
Issue Managers: Barclays Capital, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, RBS, Standard Chartered
Trading floor: SGX
Issuer profile:
Vedanta is a diversified FTSE 100 metals and mining company, and India’s largest non-ferrous metals and mining company based on revenues. Its business is principally located in India, it also has assets and operations in Zambia and Australia. It is primarily engaged in copper, zinc, aluminium and iron ore businesses, and is also developing a commercial power generation business.

Outstanding issues:
2 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 1 650 000 000
Aggiornamento settimanale Remes.

Le schede del 27 maggio non sono presenti perchè non presenti anche sul sito Remes. Vediamo se poi le aggiungono.

Che fine ha fatto Giontra?


Ultima modifica:

grazie NIK mi mancavano gli ISIN, titoli interessanti per il piccolo spread bid/ask se vero, per il resto ...... originali per il taglio, .... adattissimi x diversificare i portafogli dei billionaire, ... aspettiamo ansiosi emissioni con tagli da 500k

su Plus di ieri parla dei bond Chrysler con piccolo errore sul tasso del 10 anni indicato nel testo giustamente 8,25% e poi però al 8,5 % nel riepilogo, non ho capito perchè riservati a istituzionali americani, forse non si possono acquistare in Europa? comunque tagli da 200.000 $ sono pesanti.

Si parla anche dei nuovi bond Jaguar Lst e $, qualcuno ha Isin e tagli?
Banco Popolare oggetto di SWAP

New bond issue: Uruguay sells JPY 40000m in 2021 bonds with 1.640% coupon

Uruguay on May 27, 2011 placed JPY 40000m in bonds with a 1.640% coupon, maturing in 2021. Daiwa Capital Markets, Nomura Securities arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Uruguay, 2021, JPY
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: JPY, 100000
Amount: 40 000 000 000
End of placement: May 27 2011
Coupon: 1.640%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Jun 2011
Maturity date: Jun 2021
Issue Managers: Daiwa Capital Markets, Nomura Securities
Cbonds pages:

Issuer profile:
Uruguay is a country located in the southeastern part of South America.
Area – 176 215 (90th).
Population – 3,5 mln. (132th)
The capital is Montevideo.
Official language – Spanish.
Local currency – Uruguayan peso (UYU).
Government – Presidential republic.

Outstanding issues:
14 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 6 006 855 000
4 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 711 462 000
4 issue(s) outstanding worth UYU 48 279 248 361
1 issue(s) outstanding worth CLP 1 470 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth JPY 70 000 000 000

Issuer's rating:
Moody's Investors Service Ba1/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr) 08.12.2010
Standard & Poor's BB/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 06.09.2010
Fitch Ratings BB/Positive Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 27.07.2010
German Credit Bank issued mortgage Öffenltichen
Term 3 Years, volume 500 million €
The German Credit Bank Öffenltichen emits a mortgage with a term of 3 years and a volume of 500 million €. The transaction is accompanied by BayernLB, Commerzbank, DZ Bank and UniCredit. Details on the amount of the coupon are not yet known.

Of the transaction:

Issuer: German Credit Bank
Rating: Aaa (Moody's)
Format: Public Pfandbrief
Coupon: fixed, n.bek.
Duration: 3 years (until 06.10.2014)
Settlement: 06/10/2011
Denomination: 100,000 €
Listing: Munich
Bookrunner: BayernLB, Commerzbank, DZ Bank and UniCredit
Norske Skog enters into refinancing arrangement with banks and also announces a private placement bond issue of EUR 300 mn
“Hold” the 7% NSINO 06/17 EUR notes at Z-spread of 760 bps
Following the announcement of an asset disposal in Brazil on Thursday, Norske Skog confirmed on Friday that it has signed a 3-year bank facility for EUR 140 mn with DnB NOR, SEB, Nordea and Citibank. Additionally, the company announced a private bond offering of up to EUR 300 mn in senior unsecured notes. The current covenants in Norske Skog’s bank financing will be in place until the existing facility of EUR 400 mn is cancelled and repaid. This facility is due to be repaid in 2012. This aside, Norske has c. NOK 1.7 bn in bonds (mainly its USD bonds) due by the end of 2011 and is currently looking at various options, including asset sales and securitisation to refinance the debt. While we view this development as a clear positive given the need to secure further financing rather quickly and the continued uncertainty surrounding the much needed consolidation, we continue to maintain a “neutral” stance on its 06/17 EUR bonds. We have a “High Risk” assessment on the LARA scale.

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