Nuove_emissioni, collocamenti Nuove Emissioni (9 lettori)


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New bond issue: European Investment Bank (EIB) sells RUR 750m in 2019 bonds with 7.50% coupon

European Investment Bank (EIB) (Luxembourg) on June 28, 2012 placed RUR 750m in bonds with a 7.50% coupon, maturing in 2019. The bond was priced at 97.60%.


Issuer, issue number: European Investment Bank (EIB), 2019-2, RUB
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: RUR, 50000
Amount: 750 000 000
ISIN: XS0801408435
End of placement: Jun 28 2012
Issue price: 97.6
Coupon: 7.50%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Jul 16 2012
Maturity date: Jul 16 2019
Trading floor: Luxembourg S.E.
Issuer profile:
The task of the European Investment Bank, the European Union's financing institution, is to contribute towards the integration, balanced development and economic and social cohesion of the Member Countries. To this end, it raises on the markets substantial volumes of funds which it directs on the most favourable terms towards financing capital projects according with the objectives of the Union. Outside the Union the EIB implements the financial components of agreements concluded under European development aid and cooperation policies

Outstanding issues:
10 issue(s) outstanding worth RUR 34 110 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth PLN 490 000 000


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Nordea Bank issued benchmark bond (dual tranche) with maturities of 5 and 10 years
The Nordea Bank issued a EUR benchmark bond with maturities of 5,25 and 10 years (dual tranche). Expect a spread of 105 bp over mid swap for the 5.25-year tranche and 135-140 bp for the 10-year tranche. The transaction is supported by Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Natixis and Nordea Markets. of the transaction:

Issuer: Nordea Bank AB
Rating: Aa3, AA, AA-
size: Senior unsecured
volume: each benchmark
coupon: n.bek .
Guidance: Mid swap +105 bp and +135 bp to 140
Running time: 10/05/2017 and 05/07/2022
Settlement: 05/07/2012
Listing: London Stock Exchange
denominations: € 1000, € 100 000 minimum order
Bookruner: Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Natixis, Nordea Markets and


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Peach Property Group (Germany) GmbH has placed 10.3 million € million € 50 million of planned
Peach Property Group (Germany) GmbH on 30 June 2012 until the end of the subscription period for their loan with a term 30th June 2016 and a coupon rate of 6.6% pa, a drawing in volume of EUR 10.3 million (CHF 12.4 million) is reached. Subscribed by institutional investors and funds. The proceeds of the loan are used for the future growth of the Peach Property Group in the German market. The focus of the development of existing properties are used to smooth earnings volatility of real estate development and financing of existing and new projects. The bond of the recognized Creditreform Rating AG, the investment-grade rating of BBB-and get in the Entry Standard of the German Stock Exchange (ISIN: DE000A1KQ8K4; WKN: A1KQ8K). Dr. Thomas Wolfensberger, CEO of Peach Property Group, commented: "Despite the current difficult European capital market environment, we have been able to attract new investors and funds for the business model of the Peach Property Group and the drawing of the bond additional growth for the company to


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Swiss Re's EUR-issued subordinated bond with a maturity of 30 years
Guidance: about 7% coupon, volume 500 million €
The Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd. issued the Cloverie Public Limited Company a subordinated bond with a maturity of 30 years. Expect a coupon of 7%. From 1 September 2022 the interest rate is based on the 6-month Euribor. The transaction is supported by Barclays Capital, BofA Merrill Lynch, Citigroup Global Markets, HSBC and JP Morgan.

the key data Traksation:

Issuer: Cloverie Public Limited Company (Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.)
Issuer Rating: A1, AA-
Erwart. Emission rating: A3, A
Format: subordinated
Currency: EUR
Volume: 500 million € (will not be increased)
Settlement: 09/07/2012
Run time: 09/01/2042
First Call Date: 01/09/2022
Guidance: about 7% pa until 01/09/2022, then the interest rate based on 6-month Euribor
Listing: Irish Stock Exchange Global Exchange Market
Denomination: € 1000, € 100 000 minimum order
Bookrunners: Barclays Capital, BofA Merrill Lynch, Citigroup Global Markets, HSBC and JP


Forumer storico
Ciao Gion, oggi Generali ha annunciato qualcosa in merito alla nuova emissione di cui si parlò qui tempo addietro, domani pare sia il giorno dell'emissione, copio incollo quello che è uscito sul fol:

Subject: €€€ New Generali 30-NC-10 announcement €€€

Issuer: Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.
Financial strength: A (S&P)/A1 (Moody’s)/BBB+ (Fitch)
Expected Issue Rtg: [BBB+ (S&P)/A3 (Moody’s)/BBB- (Fitch)]
Securities offered: Dated Senior Subordinated Securities
Subordination: Subordinated, ranking junior to all present
unsubordinated securities and senior to any existing
dated deeply subordinated and hybrid obligations
Issue Amount: EUR benchmark
Settlement Date: [ ]-Jul-2012
Scheduled Maturity: [ ]-Jul-2042
First Call Date: [ ]-Jul-2022
Coupon: [ ]% Fixed annually until First Call Date,
thereafter 3mE+[ ] (including 100bps step-up)
Listing: Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Governing Law: English law
Denominations: €100k + €100k
Documentation: EUR 7 billion EMTN Programme
Use of proceeds: Re-financing of certain existing subordinated notes
and in particular ASSGEN 6.9 2022 nc 2012
Joint Lead Managers: Barclays, Citi, HSBC, JP Morgan, Mediobanca (Global
coordinator), Morgan Stanley, UniCredit

Conditions to Scheduled Maturity:Redemption subject to no regulatory
intervention and regulatory approval if required as
more fully described in the documentation
Optional Redemption: On First Call Date and each subsequent interest
payment date thereafter at Par. In case of tax
reasons (at Par on any Interest Payment Date), Rating
Event (at any time at par) or Regulatory Event (at
any time with make whole) Mandatory suspension of redemption: Yes (subject to mandatory suspension event,
breach of solvency margin, insufficiency of own funds
as more fully described in the documentation)
Optional Deferral Yes (subject to no distribution and no redemption/
repurchase on junior and parity securities or a
partial distribution on parity securities during the
look back period, save for any mandatory distribution
or redemption or below par redemption or repurchase
as more fully described in the documentation), cash
Mandatory Deferral Yes (on regulatory intervention and no dividend
declared after regulatory intervention as more fully
described in the documentation), cash cumulative

per l'emittente è un test fondamentale, xchè in caso di mancata call (che sembra scongiurata se l'emissione si completasse) avrebbe poi enormi problemi
a tornare sul mercato delle LT2 nei prossimi anni (secondo quanto affermato da alcuni analisti)
Ultima modifica:


Super Moderator
Ciao Gion, oggi Generali ha annunciato qualcosa in merito alla nuova emissione di cui si parlò qui tempo addietro, domani pare sia il giorno dell'emissione, copio incollo quello che è uscito sul fol:

Subject: €€€ New Generali 30-NC-10 announcement €€€

Issuer: Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.
Financial strength: A (S&P)/A1 (Moody’s)/BBB+ (Fitch)
Expected Issue Rtg: [BBB+ (S&P)/A3 (Moody’s)/BBB- (Fitch)]
Securities offered: Dated Senior Subordinated Securities
Subordination: Subordinated, ranking junior to all present
unsubordinated securities and senior to any existing
dated deeply subordinated and hybrid obligations
Issue Amount: EUR benchmark
Settlement Date: [ ]-Jul-2012
Scheduled Maturity: [ ]-Jul-2042
First Call Date: [ ]-Jul-2022
Coupon: [ ]% Fixed annually until First Call Date,
thereafter 3mE+[ ] (including 100bps step-up)
Listing: Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Governing Law: English law
Denominations: €100k + €100k
Documentation: EUR 7 billion EMTN Programme
Use of proceeds: Re-financing of certain existing subordinated notes
and in particular ASSGEN 6.9 2022 nc 2012
Joint Lead Managers: Barclays, Citi, HSBC, JP Morgan, Mediobanca (Global
coordinator), Morgan Stanley, UniCredit

Conditions to Scheduled Maturity:Redemption subject to no regulatory
intervention and regulatory approval if required as
more fully described in the documentation
Optional Redemption: On First Call Date and each subsequent interest
payment date thereafter at Par. In case of tax
reasons (at Par on any Interest Payment Date), Rating
Event (at any time at par) or Regulatory Event (at
any time with make whole) Mandatory suspension of redemption: Yes (subject to mandatory suspension event,
breach of solvency margin, insufficiency of own funds
as more fully described in the documentation)
Optional Deferral Yes (subject to no distribution and no redemption/
repurchase on junior and parity securities or a
partial distribution on parity securities during the
look back period, save for any mandatory distribution
or redemption or below par redemption or repurchase
as more fully described in the documentation), cash
Mandatory Deferral Yes (on regulatory intervention and no dividend
declared after regulatory intervention as more fully
described in the documentation), cash cumulative

per l'emittente è un test fondamentale, xchè in caso di mancata call (che sembra scongiurata se l'emissione si completasse) avrebbe poi enormi problemi
a tornare sul mercato delle LT2 nei prossimi anni (secondo quanto affermato da alcuni analisti)

Tienici aggiornati :up:


Forumer storico
Ma che problemi ci sono su Generali?

devono emettere subito nuovo bond per poter esercitare call sul bond 2022 il 20.7 (call subordinata a rifinanziamento).
Il problema è che hanno perso tempo ad aprile quando gli spread erano più favorevoli. Ora dovranno farlo - per non subire un enorme danno reputazionale - in fretta e a costi più elevati.

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